My SOG mission. Various strains. Ongoing journal.



hello london man,all the best for 09.that is a great jungle you have got yourself there,gotta be worth the wait though.
way to stick it to the man

mr west

Well-Known Member
Bad news Londoners internet has gone down and hes probly not gonna be bout for a while, I spoke to him via text earlier lol. Poor bloke, I couldnt cope with out the internet lol. Yeah I think hes got a 600w in that flower room cg :)


New Member
Well that sucks, tell Londoner I said 'ello when you talk to him next.

I haven't been to London all week and was just stopping in because Illinois is a drag. :mrgreen:

mr west

Well-Known Member
ok quick update as ive spoken to mr londoner lol, he's had a mare with T-Mobiles mobile internet dongle thingy and he is getting fiber optic virgin cable fitted on the 27th then i guess he''ll be back with bells on lol.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
ok quick update as ive spoken to mr londoner lol, he's had a mare with T-Mobiles mobile internet dongle thingy and he is getting fiber optic virgin cable fitted on the 27th then i guess he''ll be back with bells on lol.

Roll on the 27th!
Good choice :mrgreen:
20meg connection


Well-Known Member
Im back guys but for how long i dunno, its funny how when i go down the shop and kick up a stink it suddenly starts to work isnt it lol

Anyway thought id do an update while i can, as Mr West says im getting proper fibre optic broadband installed on tuesday so there will be no more of this shit lol

Thanks Mr West for explaining the situation and holding the fort here in my absence ;-)

Ok so here we are at day 53, 7wks + 4days of flower of an estimated 13-14wks, 90 odd days of bloom, im now on an 11on/13off light regimine, and iv sorted the deficiency, but it seems in doing so iv gone a wee bit heavy on the food and caused a bit of leaf/tip burn, so iv backed off the feed strength a little and hopefully now they'l be happy with the strength theyre at.

Light off..............

Light on................

And three of them out of the room..............


mr west

Well-Known Member
Freeaky leaf bud things, maybe its london water that does it lol, them hazes look like they have put on wieght since i saw em mate, u must be doing somink right lol. Gota be something ur doing to make the plant need or want more budsites lol, bio possibilty??


Well-Known Member
Freeaky leaf bud things, maybe its london water that does it lol, them hazes look like they have put on wieght since i saw em mate, u must be doing somink right lol. Gota be something ur doing to make the plant need or want more budsites lol, bio possibilty??
Plants love bio ferts over synthetics any day mate, but yea your right they are really startin to put on weight, im noticing a difference everyday now.

Top markes to the man from london, looking very nice sir.
Cheers Welsh mate ;-)

Ok well seeing as the pics of the buds growing out of the leaf stems didnt show ( ithink i edited them out by mistake, oops
lol) here they are again........


