2 x 150w hps 53 days flower w/pics *BAGSEED*


Well-Known Member
First grow hempy style 3 gallon pots w/techna flora nutes, perlite, & bagseed. Light is 2x150w hps. Here are a few pics....they're really starting to put some noticeabe "girth" now. Nute burned a tad even @ 50% dosage...newbie mistake I won't repeat twice. Just wonder how these flowers look to the RIU pros. I posted these in the 150w thread but I thought i'd start my own & keep future updates in here for organization.



Well-Known Member
First thing tonight i'll take some new pics when lights come on. I'll give ya the outline of my setup here though:

2 x 4 gallon buckets w/hempy hole 2" up on the side
1 x 3 gallon trash can w/hempy hole 2" up on the side

2 x 150w HPS e-conolights remote ballasted w/ $0.99 extension cords

Reflector is 2 x Large baking pans. 1 lamp in each pan
Fan is a 197 CFM "mixvent" (basically an inline fan) S&P td-125 which draws fresh air into the dresser & blows across both bulbs.

Nutes are techna flora's recipe for success. I'm only using @ 50% strength & rarely do I use all of the products....really seems to burn the shit out of them so i'm just using the bloom, boost, & sugar daddy which works out well.

Cab is an old dresser that sits in a hidden closet. I hollowed it 'er out & it houses the lamps, fan, & bitches.

Unfortunately I haven't finished the cab due to lazieness & there is currently no door on the front of it so all of the heat just dissipates out the front....not exactly a sophisiticated exhaust system for now but hey it works. The plan was to cooltube these 2 150's but the damn candle shade I got isn't long enough for both lamps so i've decided to just go for the gusto & get the euro reflector 6" model off of htgsupply for about $100. I plan to mount both 150's in there (macgyuver style) & the td-125 will separately air cool the lamps from the cab (once the door is up!). On top I have the exhaust port for the cab to breathe w/a zen style DIY carbon filter out of a cone-style air filter (auto store). There will be a $30 6" duct fan sitting on top of that exhaust hole which will be sucking the stale air out through the carbon filter & drawing new air in through the passive intakes. Germed in paper towels & then moved into 1" rw cubes in humidome then to 16 oz party cups & bog transfered to their final home. Nothing but distilled water for these girls also. Stay tuned for pics of the setup!


Well-Known Member
Sorry the the lack of update last night but i'll have the setup pics 2night. That sugar daddy smells something terrible but the buds are hardening up & showing more density. Leaves are curling under so they've been burned a bit but the budsites look terrific...no sign of dead calyxes or anything like that. Next watering which I think will be tonight (drinking much more rapidly now) they will get just ph'd distilled water to dissipate some of the residual salts that may be buit up. I don't believe a flush is necessary b/c the burning isn't that extensive. My smallest bitch has the most dense buds & she is the one that is reacting more to the overnute situation but all in all I think we're looking good. I think the most important lesson I learned from this is with nutrients, LESS IS MORE! I think next time i'll only use a 3 part nute regimen & only give micro nutrients once/month or as needed b/c I used WAY too many products this time. God only knows how high my ppm was back when I was using 6 products in 1 gallon of water (ugly just to hear isn't it?)...anyways, pics tonight!


Well-Known Member
As promised, pictures of my "unfinished' dresser cab complete w/$1 baking pan reflectors!

Here's a top-down pictures showing how I have the baking pans setup

Here's a picture showing my lil humidifier & exterior of the dresser

Another bigger picture of "the setup"

In this upside down picture, you'll set I have my 6" duct fan air cooling my 2 150w ballasts w/ a towel underneath to decrease the vibration noise it was giving off & of course my power strip. Ambient temp stays about 80-83. I'm hoping to pull 2 1/2 to 3 off here. Got about 10 days to go....the one on the right (smallest one) will most likely get chopped before the other 2. Seems to have matured quicker.


Well-Known Member
Can you take a picture with the hps's off and some white light on? I think you have a serious issue with a nutrient deficiency even though some of your plants you describe as having nute burn and leaves curling under. Those spots of necrosis, dead leaf material all over, are not good.

But your grow overall is nice and the nugs are going to be sweet, good job overall you just need to figure out what micronutrient deficiency you have or maybe the ph has been off or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Can you take a picture with the hps's off and some white light on? I think you have a serious issue with a nutrient deficiency even though some of your plants you describe as having nute burn and leaves curling under. Those spots of necrosis, dead leaf material all over, are not good.

But your grow overall is nice and the nugs are going to be sweet, good job overall you just need to figure out what micronutrient deficiency you have or maybe the ph has been off or something like that.
Yes it seems I have a phantom problem here that I haven't been able to identify. My hunch is overnute b/c i'm using that darn recipe for success from techna flora & like a dolt I used every damn product in there for 3 or 4 feedings in a row and burned 'em pretty good. After that, I found out that you're supposed to do a feed, water, water, feed type of regimen....yeah, I didn't do that either untill just about 4 weeks into flower so my newbie hunch is thinking it's the nutes. I was using awesome blossoms, sugar daddy, thrive alive b1-red, b.c. bloom, & b.c. boost, & cal-mag....scary isn't it? Now i'm only using the b.c. bloom, b.c. boost, & sugar daddy @ 50% strength. I do a feed, water (w/sugar daddy), water (w/sugar daddy), feed now. My batteries are charging on my cam now so i'll have some pics with the daylight cfl in the morning....that daylight spectrum really shows a lot more than that orange hps.
BTW, water is store bought distilled. Thanks for stopping in bro!


Well-Known Member
i've decided to just go for the gusto & get the euro reflector 6" model off of htgsupply for about $100. I plan to mount both 150's in there (macgyuver style)
I have a Euro 6" for my 400w, and I like it. I have mounted mine to the top of the box which gives me more height (mine is only 4' high also :wall:) and keeps more heat out. I like your idea for mounting both 150's in there as my 400 is a tad too much (9,166 lumens/sqft), at least directly below the bulb @ ~10".

I was using awesome blossoms, sugar daddy, thrive alive b1-red, b.c. bloom, & b.c. boost, & cal-mag....scary isn't it? Now i'm only using the b.c. bloom, b.c. boost, & sugar daddy @ 50% strength. I do a feed, water (w/sugar daddy), water (w/sugar daddy), feed now.
I have started using a Botanicare (grow and bloom are I think the power series, liquid karma, blast off, sweet, cal-mag and Blue Mountain Organics SPT, all at basically 1/2 strength. I switched from Fox Farm mid grow after my buddy trading me samples for cuttings. So I can not say from my own experience (only last 3 weeks) but my buddy's garden is very nice. Very thick stalks and tight bushy growth in coco/perlite and 1000w.

The product claims you can not burn your plants with it and recomends using EVERY watering. My buddy does this and has for some time. His plants show no deficiencies or stress. The coco holds so much air, he can keep the top of the soil constantly moist and with the help of mychrozae(sp) has a mesh of tiny roots all over the top of the coco. He likes to add a little nute solution twice a day, about a pint each in 2 or 2.5 gal of medium in 3 gal grow bags.

I have not fully switched to coco yet so I do not water daily, but I have started to use every watering (nervous as hell after the 1st gro/nute burn)

I am not recommending this to anyone yet...I am trying it as I trust my friend and his 15 years of experience, but things look pretty good.

Good luck on your upcoming harvest, it looks like your nugs will not suffer from the burn, looks nice!



Well-Known Member
As promised picture updates with the daylight cfl to show some more detail:


Obviously you an see the extensive nute burn / potential nute lookout. I will be doing a huge flush tomorrow to remedy this problem as i'd like to get 2 more heavy doses of sugar daddy in before I chop 'em & no more nutes till choppy.
By then they should recover & be more vigogours bud production....hoping at least. Comments definitely welcome & I am using ONLY distilled & ph'd water. Typically once I add the dosage of sugar daddy, no ph adjustment required. Right on 6. Any advice is welcomed...this is the final hour & I don't wanna fuck anything up.


Well-Known Member
Here are the new pics w/ a daylight cfl which shows a bit more clarity.

You can really see the nute burn that made my leaves crunchy brown but the smaller leaves all close to the budsites are fine. Next time i'll tone it down a bit on the nutes....twas a learning experience this time but i'm still confident i'll pull at least 2 1/2 - 3 off these.


Well-Known Member
Man after looking at those they do look kinda cruddy.....i assure you the pictures don't do them justice. Just wait untill they get chopped & manicured :)


Well-Known Member
3 days ago I heavily watered w/distilled water ph'd @ 6.0 & tonight I will repeat the same to hopefully wash away the residual salts that seem to be causing some burning of the leaves. 1 plant seems to have stagnated / slowed growth....I think this one is having a nute lockout of some kind b/c the fan leaves look really bad so I think i'm going to run 3 gallons of distilled water through her tonight ph'd at 6.0 & hope for the best. In 3 days i'll do a 50% feeding w/ bloom, boost, & sugar daddy so I can hopefully squeeze in 2 solid feedings before I begin a week long flush. It takes me 6 days to get 2 feedings in. My 2 other girls are doing excellent...buds thickening up & leaves generally look healthy with the exception of the slight curling under. I may have had the lights a bit too close but i'll post some more updated pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
I have a Euro 6" for my 400w, and I like it. I have mounted mine to the top of the box which gives me more height (mine is only 4' high also :wall:) and keeps more heat out. I like your idea for mounting both 150's in there as my 400 is a tad too much (9,166 lumens/sqft), at least directly below the bulb @ ~10".

I have started using a Botanicare (grow and bloom are I think the power series, liquid karma, blast off, sweet, cal-mag and Blue Mountain Organics SPT, all at basically 1/2 strength. I switched from Fox Farm mid grow after my buddy trading me samples for cuttings. So I can not say from my own experience (only last 3 weeks) but my buddy's garden is very nice. Very thick stalks and tight bushy growth in coco/perlite and 1000w.

The product claims you can not burn your plants with it and recomends using EVERY watering. My buddy does this and has for some time. His plants show no deficiencies or stress. The coco holds so much air, he can keep the top of the soil constantly moist and with the help of mychrozae(sp) has a mesh of tiny roots all over the top of the coco. He likes to add a little nute solution twice a day, about a pint each in 2 or 2.5 gal of medium in 3 gal grow bags.

I have not fully switched to coco yet so I do not water daily, but I have started to use every watering (nervous as hell after the 1st gro/nute burn)

I am not recommending this to anyone yet...I am trying it as I trust my friend and his 15 years of experience, but things look pretty good.

Good luck on your upcoming harvest, it looks like your nugs will not suffer from the burn, looks nice!

What kind of fan do you have cooling your 400? I'm really hoping i'll be able to control the heat with the 6" euro hood & my s&p td-125 (197cfm) blowing through it. I fed all 3 girls only distilled water w/sugar daddy 2 feeds in a row which took about 6 days (once every 3 days) so i'm hoping that washed away any residual salts that may have been causing issues. Today about 2 hours b4 lights out, I gave all 3 their final nute dose which is 6tsp sugar daddy & 1/2 tsp cal-mag per gallon. Each plant takes about a half gallon except my smaller 1....she only takes about a quarter gallon. The stuff smells absolutely putrid so i'm hoping it's doing something beneficial. Per techna flora's directions, they'll get 1 more of these doses (as long as they respond well), then they'll get 1-2 waterings of plain 'ol distilled water (if I can stand waiting that long). The buds on my smallest plant are rock hard...when you squeeze, they don't give at all. Waiting on my trich scope from ebay which is taking forever from hong kong...shoulda just gone to fucking radioshack but what do ya do eh. My 2nd largest plant I think has some root issues which is my fault. I was in a hurry to transplant way back when & in a frenzy I forgot to stock up on perlite so instead of 100% perlite or even 75% perlite / 25% vermiculite.....I did something like 40% perlite / 60% vermiculite. I'm sure you can imagine why i'm suspecting a root problem. My 1st watering I realized the error of my ways when I added about a gallon of nuted water & nothing came out my hempy hole....fucking vermiculite clogged up my rootzone & wouldn't allow any drainage. I basically had to dig my finger in the hole while pouring jugs of distilled water through the top as the vermiculite streamed out.....the more vermiculite that came out, the more perlite I added to the top. Obviously this wasn't a very good fix but at least i'll still get some nuggies off 'er....coulda been nothing if I had done nothing. I'll chalk that up to a good learning experience....NEVER SKIMP ON YOUR BABIES! My 3rd largest girl is exceeding my expectations....almost no signs of any nute burn with healthy & vigorous bud growth....i've still got new hairs growing allover the nodes. It just seems like it's never going to stop so I may let her go another 4 or 5 days after the 2 smaller ones. Next time I will go 100% perlite & ditch the vermiculite. I'm in & out of my cab 20 times a day so the water retention quality of vermiculite really doesn't matter to me. I think the negatives of throwing off ph & holding too much moisture are dealbreakers. Tonight i'll post some more nuggie pics w/my daylight cfl so you can see the colas more clearly. Some of the pics I posted i'm rather embarassed by....they really do not do the girls justice (don't we all say that?) so i'd like to post some better quality shots later to give my fellow micro-growers a bit of enthusiasm :)


Well-Known Member
wel i dont know what ur doing with those nutes but i use that same line of nutrients and i use full strength doses i just follow that feeding shedule that came with the nutes and i havent really had any problems and i fun a dwc system and a bunch of soil plants and also a hempy bucket just follow those instrutions and u should be fine just some advise for ur next grow if ur gonna stick with those same nutes hope that helps other than the burning the buds look pretty good .......widow87


Well-Known Member
wel i dont know what ur doing with those nutes but i use that same line of nutrients and i use full strength doses i just follow that feeding shedule that came with the nutes and i havent really had any problems and i fun a dwc system and a bunch of soil plants and also a hempy bucket just follow those instrutions and u should be fine just some advise for ur next grow if ur gonna stick with those same nutes hope that helps other than the burning the buds look pretty good .......widow87
Thanks for stopping by. I think the nute problem is my reckless feeding schedule throughout the more I think about it. It says feed, water, water, feed and I definitely was not following that schedule. Newbie mistake (more is better, right?) overfeeding when I should have been just watering. I'd say over the course of the whole grow i've followed the feed schedule maybe 1/3 of the time. Didn't have any problems untill I started using all the products in the bloom stage at full strength but again, I wasn't following the schedule. It's amazing though, no matter how many times you get the advice ,"just keep it simple and follow the directions" people like me still manage to goof up :)

On dwc, do you just keep topping the res w/ ph'd water for like a week then reload w/nuted water or how's that feed schedule work?