My neighbor might become deputy sheriff!


Active Member
Yesterday, I found out that my neighbor might become the new deputy sheriff. I think that I'm fine to go ahead with my indoor setup, but wanted to know what you guy would do in this situation.


Well-Known Member
depends on the state......If i lived in Arizona, FUCK THAT i would be gone before that dude knew i left......but in oregon or something i wouldn't really worry about it


Well-Known Member
Dude, where I'm from we all mind our own business. I have been living in the same community for three years, and i cant say i know one persons name. I hope to keep it that way.
That is defiantly a judgment call.
I wouldn't give him a reason to come knocking that's for sure.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Dude, where I'm from we all mind our own business. I have been living in the same community for three years, and i cant say i know one persons name. I hope to keep it that way.
That is defiantly a judgment call.
I wouldn't give him a reason to come knocking that's for sure.

Good Luck!
*LOL* I've been here for...ever or almost..Known cops through the years..Gotten high in front of some.. Talk with them frequently..Invite them into my home...not a chance!!


Active Member
Dude, where I'm from we all mind our own business. I have been living in the same community for three years, and i cant say i know one persons name. I hope to keep it that way.
That is defiantly a judgment call.
I wouldn't give him a reason to come knocking that's for sure.

Good Luck!
My neighborhood is pretty much like that. I do know her name, but she has never been in my house, and should have no knowledge of me being a pothead. I will continue to grow inside, but am hesitant to plant outside this year.


Well-Known Member
if i were you i wouldn't start a crop outdoors with that bitch next door......what better way to get elected as deputy sheriff? "i even bust my neighbors growing pot" sounds like a sweet campaign slogan i wouldn't want to make true haha


Well-Known Member
:oDude, fuck him will get you put in jail around here.
I would say be careful, very careful, trash, odor, pots, general grow room anything behind closed doors.:bigjoint: you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
if your in cali why dont you just get a card? im under the impression its quite easy.

and a good grow op shoud be able to go down right next to the cop shop and not be noticed, otherwise your slipping.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if you grow outside it will show disrespect making her look bad keep it inside and know you've got less chance of getting ripped of with dep sheriff next door


Active Member
Oh yeah..try to schedule your soil delivery(the truck load) when she's not home!*lol*
lmao... I'll be sure of that.

if your in cali why dont you just get a card? im under the impression its quite easy.

and a good grow op shoud be able to go down right next to the cop shop and not be noticed, otherwise your slipping.
Cards are moderately easy to get here, but I don't want my name in a database.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got six on one side and half a dozen on the other.

get labeled but legal or up the ante for gettin busted.

but i still stand by my previous statement - a properly run grow op could run next to the police station un-noticed.


Well-Known Member
if you're in cali you're probably fine. I MAKE NO GUARANTEES! lol but.... if you control your odor you should be fine. keep the grow minimal to reduce odor. and if its your first setup then definitely start small since you might still need to learn about odor control.