CNBC tonight- Marijuana Inc.


Well-Known Member
nope a documentary on marijuana on cnbc it wason tonight and again at 1am est its about money and weed gotta be good.


Well-Known Member
wow i didnt kno somebody made a thread already lol. i seen a little bit of it but im watching it again right now

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
the show was trash...same old shit...feds talking about how horrible it is that we are using nutes and hurting the environment, when in reality,everything we use is fucking the environment...the choppers they use to eradicate pollute more probably, so they need to stop using that lame ass reason, AND THEN, they admit they're losing the weed war:clap:cogratufuckinlations...they sound like retards that cannot connect the dots, simple dots, they NEED TO JUST STOP TRYING lol everything they say that is bad about growing weed(house robberies etc), is caused by it being illegal and enforced by the feds and thats people doing that shit, just like they say people kill poeple not like wasting money...working so hard to completely destory a plant that used to grow naturally and now STILL work just as hard to destory our gardens. anyway now im done ranting, the show was the same old shit. oh yeah and by the way...if my garden worth and grand or two gets raided, IM GONNA GO OUT BLASTING THE FEDS WITH A CANNON!! L M F A O silly government


Active Member
i saw that. it was very informative and such, but kind of cheesy as i suspected considering it wasn't written or produced by stoners =) they did a good job though


New Member
You know what really burns my ass. They were showing nutes on CNBC last night and talking about it "harming the environment". Where I live the farmers put lime on their soybean fields in the spring before they plant. The harshness of the lime burns the skin on the inside of my nose, takes half the damn summer to heal. Why aren't they on the news for harming the environment?

Is there a single industry that doesn't harm the environment in one way or another?


Well-Known Member
i watched it last night... that reporter lady was kinda hot lol.

i had no idea you could go to school to learn how to grow!


New Member
Oh yes, I've known about that school for a few years now. I want to go if they ever get some med laws in my anal state.

Did you see those plants at the beginning, those babies were like 10 feet tall?


New Member
I know, it made me wonder it that is how tall his plants are.

I'd like to just be able to grow one of those in my yard. Hell 2 pounds from one plant, that'd last me for a year.