Ultimate Sea of Green


Active Member
hello, i'm considering growing indoors and i hear this sog technique works pretty well. i'm looking for the best way to go about it so please post! details! i will be using CFL's. aslo, a couple questions:

- approx. how many lummens do i need for each plant?
- about how much does each plant yield using this technique?



Well-Known Member
theres a LOT of variables in that question man for instance.......how many lumens perplant is not what you are looking for....you are looking per square foot and that would be at lowest....3000 persqft. now the question is how many square feet of space do you have available. then you ask how many plants you want to put in each square foot. And for your yield question......that depends on how many plants you have/what strain/your environmental conditions/how long you veg them for. theres many factors man you best bet would be to just read read read and when you have a specific question you can get a more specific answer......

im sorry if this doesn't help i am just trying to show you a glimpse of the thought process in putting a grow together.


New Member
lots of variables. don't go expecting a bumper harvest with a few cfl's. if you're going to use them get a bunch. consider a HPS light for flowering... it's better than cfl's for flower but not veg, although the HPS is well suited for both. i think a 400 watt HPS gives off a few more thousand lumens than the 400 MH. just think ahead...


Well-Known Member
Not only what Panhead said, the thread also has a great deal of information that you can apply to various methods of growing. Even though Al would claim he can't help "outside" his area, his lessons have a wide range of uses.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
i think its safe to say that the ultimate sea of green is not achievable with strictly CFL's. unless you plan on using a hundred bulbs