Can you make a male plant turn female somehow?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
what you do in the privacy of your bedroom is entirely up to you..
growing has been in my family for generations. we have a 10'x20' room dedicated to breeding males.
alot of the people here DO understand the basics on how to grow and are actually quite knowledgable if you read around and have any questions to be asked. but if you want to stick around and poke fun, i suggest you leave.
We are all here to share knowledge and to learn. We are stoners, but we are not stupid. Glad to see that this guy has never heard of research and therefore believes none of us have. You claim to know how to turn males into bud. We dont believe you.


Well-Known Member
i know right?
c'mon, dude asked us what male plants can be used here you go:

male plants can be used as a source of keeping your current line alive by way of seed in case your crop gets wiped out. you can store your male pollen in sacks in the freezer to save when you wish to breed a current female, or cross breed with a female of a different strain. you do this by pulling the male plant away from the room and putting a plastic bag or paper, over some of the pollen sacks. then shake it, clip the branch off and throw it in the freezer.

many people dont really care what the male turns out like, some people like to cross them anyways and somehow discover some kind of new and awesome super plant with abnormal genetics.

its always a fun project. i like to keep male pollen because i start new mothers from seed every year (not clones). its a good way to keep the heritage of your plant alive. other than that, you can add some parts of the male plant to produce tiny bits of hash (if thrown in the bag with female shake).


Well-Known Member
Ive heard from a few BAD sources that if you pinch off the nut sacks on a male plant, right from the start, it will turn into a hemaophrodite.

This does not sound too plausible to me, but Im throwing it out there because Ive heard of hermaphrodite plants before. What are they, and how are they made? Can anyone tell me??

how would you like your nut sack pinched off?:spew:


Well-Known Member
Ive heard from a few BAD sources that if you pinch off the nut sacks on a male plant, right from the start, it will turn into a hemaophrodite.

This does not sound too plausible to me, but Im throwing it out there because Ive heard of hermaphrodite plants before. What are they, and how are they made? Can anyone tell me??
Jumping right to the end - hope this helps - Creating Feminized Seeds - Has Anyone Tried Rodelization?


Well-Known Member
growing has been in my family for generations. we have a 10'x20' room dedicated to breeding males.
alot of the people here DO understand the basics on how to grow and are actually quite knowledgable if you read around and have any questions to be asked. but if you want to stick around and poke fun, i suggest you leave.
i think i would like to poke fun....... so why the hell would you veg a plant 5-6 ft tall unless its outdoor????? maybe if you have your lights setup vertically and have a huge rom with several vertical 1000w lights but that would be a commercial grow op not for the personal grow or medical user


Well-Known Member
i think i would like to poke fun....... so why the hell would you veg a plant 5-6 ft tall unless its outdoor????? maybe if you have your lights setup vertically and have a huge rom with several vertical 1000w lights but that would be a commercial grow op not for the personal grow or medical user
I think its almost impossible for most strains to reach 5 feet in veg, unless its a heavy sativa. That would mean over 10 feet in flower. This guys a dipshit


Well-Known Member
I think its almost impossible for most strains to reach 5 feet in veg, unless its a heavy sativa. That would mean over 10 feet in flower. This guys a dipshit
oh you can veg em that tall no problem if you wanna veg for 6 months but i can turn out 3 harvests totaling like 24 oz in a 3x3 room in that time
if i have pounds of smoke from my males and it sells better and gets u higher then the females, what do you call that??? lol research? u obviously havnt done enough experiments with ur plants "everyone can listen to some shitbrick and throw away ur males" i havnt even told u guys the other two things u should do with ur males but ill keep all the money to myself just cuz idk anything hahahaha:hump:
None of you obviously have ever tried. and when told of something u have never heard U try to tell everyone its wrong keep ur fuckin mouth shut and id rather share pictures and details with someone threw email like i said my methods arnt for public display "beleive what u want to beleive people" anyone whos said anything like i dont know what im saying you'll never know and u can keep growing ur BaMMer call it fire all u want come up to washington and find out what real fire is:clap:


Well-Known Member
None of you obviously have ever tried. and when told of something u have never heard U try to tell everyone its wrong keep ur fuckin mouth shut and id rather share pictures and details with someone threw email like i said my methods arnt for public display "beleive what u want to beleive people" anyone whos said anything like i dont know what im saying you'll never know and u can keep growing ur BaMMer call it fire all u want come up to washington and find out what real fire is:clap:
explain it than im sure we are all willing to listen
you guys arnt getting my POINT i DONT WANT EVERYONE HERE TO KNOW im looking for something more like apprentices, and those who didnt doubt me i will give my email or even my myspace the others can smoke the shitter

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i almost tuned a male plant it took 1/2 pound of rhinestone and a richard simmons video on a loop it got real fim looking but no buds


Well-Known Member
you guys arnt getting my POINT i DONT WANT EVERYONE HERE TO KNOW im looking for something more like apprentices, and those who didnt doubt me i will give my email or even my myspace the others can smoke the shitter
you got super secret that no1 knows about? you acting like your better than every1 else is kinda annoying. either share your "secret" or please be quiet about it.