

Active Member
oh my fucking god :wall: no:wall: no :wall: no:wall: :cry: :cuss::cuss:

Ok just as i was about to take some pictures and start to show my op to this nice community :cry:, The bloody fucking pigs busted me :mad: for 5 plants.

But get this they where i mean (ARE) crook cops. Like you all know how they will ask if you have any dry weed stashed around well i obviously told them no.

Well here's the catch i had about half a bag of wet bud folded in paper lol in my cupboard, they must have found it when i was outside cause its GONE :shock: they did not take my bong or any of my personal tins (was in same cupboard).

oh and they turned a blind eye to all of my nutrients.

Anyway it was the most weirdest busts i've seen and im screwed and won't be growing for a while(if ever) i spent over 2k on my setup im so sad ill miss coming not on this site :sad:

i may end up starting again in a few years or something but til then bye everyone :peace: good luck to all.


Well-Known Member
why end it??
have they even charged you for it??
cause if they havent why stop just grow one for now keep it safe
and see if they come back.. if they dont your pretty much in the clear


Well-Known Member
what were your charges and what tipped them off...are you in states? canada there not allowed to take the equipment or nutes or anything...they take pictures for evidence...a friend of mine got busted years ago and he had over 14 000 invested in everything and they didnt take any of the equipment...his girlfriend sold it all bailed him out with the money payed for a lawyer and than ended up paying fines and getting 2 years you canada


Active Member
I will have a court summons in about 2 - 3 months so who knows what will happen.

Im from australia so.... its illegal i assume ill just get a big ass fine and a criminal record (I hope sooooo bad its not jail time), i have no idea how they knew like everything was stealth has stealth can be.

Btw they now charge you for all the hydro equipment Lights,carbon,ballasts,tents everything. they even cut the cords and left the plugs, ripped up the tent.


Well-Known Member
come to CANADA!!!
we just get our plants taken away usually if its over 2 plants
and if you have more its not really a huge deal pay a fine and your free :D


Well-Known Member
Gay. Did you sell also? I am intrigued at how they would find about the grow if you are only one who knows?

Or if none of your friends or customers got caught also?