sarahs 1st journal!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it works!Guys are like stray cats.feed 'em, and they start hanging around!;)
so about my cute i saw him today...he brought me some ak-47 :D lol and i surprised him with some brownies...from the batch i made the other first attempt at cannabutter...they turned out really well...he said that no one has ever made him brownies lol yea very aware that one of the ways to a mans heart is thru his so was that a good idea do u guys think? to bring him some yummy pot brownies?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you might be in there . now invite him over when you dont need weed . just have him over to get high and watch a movie, then jump his bones!!!!! bhahaha jk have fun keep it cool !

lol he dresses like ur average stoner...jeans and t shirts. his car is always clean when he comes to see me...the first week he dropped off to me his car was a its been clean since. but we like the same bands and he always has music on...he tries to show off in the car tho...if hes driving around with me in the car...he tries to drive like a friggin stunt driver...hehe hes actually not a bad driver to be honest...he also ALWAYS agrees with me about stuff. like...i'll say something and he'll be like "oh yea i know, me too" i think its funny. hes so adorable...hehe


Well-Known Member
i dunno...he hasnt gotten back to me yet...hes probably in a temporary coma :weed::hump: lol
HAHAHAHA niiiice

Just have not see ya in a while thats all.:-P

I wish I had a nice pot growing chick that baked me pot brownies. Just grab him and kiss him Sarah he will get the point, guys are easy . . . :peace:
oh well hello there!! =)
yes i totally second that... just tell him you like him.

lol he dresses like ur average stoner...jeans and t shirts. his car is always clean when he comes to see me...the first week he dropped off to me his car was a its been clean since. but we like the same bands and he always has music on...he tries to show off in the car tho...if hes driving around with me in the car...he tries to drive like a friggin stunt driver...hehe hes actually not a bad driver to be honest...he also ALWAYS agrees with me about stuff. like...i'll say something and he'll be like "oh yea i know, me too" i think its funny. hes so adorable...hehe
awee thats so cute.... i miss that warm fuzzzy feelin when you with someone new :cry:
dude totally lay one on him!!!


Well-Known Member
mmm i just mixed some of my home grown that i chopped yesterday in a bowl with some ak 47. not bad :) not bad at all. my stuff is very indica dom and the ak is very sativa dom. it makes for an interesting smoke. i like it :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So sarah, how much would you say your light raised your temps?I'm curious by how many degrees.My grow room is cold at night.


Well-Known Member
haha. have fun.

how is vaping fresh weed? I've never had the opportunity to
try it.

Doesnt it suck?! Seriously like my ex doesnt even smoke and like she gave me hella fuckin shit for bein a stoner, and shes even tried a vape. Its not fair haha. oh well someday


Well-Known Member
So sarah, how much would you say your light raised your temps?I'm curious by how many degrees.My grow room is cold at night.
not temps dont go past 80...and i think its in the low 70's at night...maybe high 60's but im not 100% positive