New To The Site

drugs bunny

Active Member
Just wanted to say hey to everyone in the rollitup community. Its my first time on the site and my first time growing :-P So far so good, Ive gotten alot of info from here already and can't wait to expand my knowledge and experience and not be a "stranger" anymore. Anyway it's nice to meet everyone, and uh this pic is a representation of my growing cherry being popped.

-drugs bunny:leaf:


drugs bunny

Active Member
from seed to now 11 weeks. I just recently added more light, seeing that my plant looked kinda anorexic compared to others on here


Well-Known Member
from seed to now 11 weeks. I just recently added more light, seeing that my plant looked kinda anorexic compared to others on here
Uhuh.... she looks like she needs it. Got a nice stature, but a little thin and stretchy. What light are you growing under now, and what would you like to go to?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.
Just wanted to say hey to everyone in the rollitup community. Its my first time on the site and my first time growing :-P So far so good, Ive gotten alot of info from here already and can't wait to expand my knowledge and experience and not be a "stranger" anymore. Anyway it's nice to meet everyone, and uh this pic is a representation of my growing cherry being popped.

-drugs bunny:leaf:

drugs bunny

Active Member
Uhuh.... she looks like she needs it. Got a nice stature, but a little thin and stretchy. What light are you growing under now, and what would you like to go to?
before the light was just on top but now i kinda surrounded her with them. i have 3 cfls and two little bulbs in lamps i found around my house :/ i can already see a differnce in just a couple days. should i amp it up and get some more?


Well-Known Member
Well, you want to get the most light you can afford. If money is an issue, you may not be able to go to a HID lamp (like a 250, 400 or 1000 watt HPS and the like). If that's the case, one thing I would do is replace the "two little bulbs.." you found around the house with more CFL's. Normal household incandescent lighting is nearly worthless for plants, and expensive to run.