hey..a deringer killed lincoln..... a grenade would help you take hostages i guess.Well it wasn't a glock. I figured that would be pushing it. But still a Deringer is fucking funny.....and a hand grenade...wtf do you need a grenade in prison for.
Ever seen Jackass? I think it was Johnny Noxville or one of those retards who put an incandescent lightbulb up his ass, some Hotwheels, and a few other weird things, they would hoop them then go get x-rays and be like "how did that get in there?"COuld you fit a grenade in your ass?
To party?either way it goes a statement is a statement! the point is to fight for your fucking right
Or maybe you need to smoke some more? Hereweird thread. the discussion has turned to kiestering things.....
weird thread. the discussion has turned to kiestering things.....
if you're doing it as a statement than good luck buddy, you are a crusader for all of us! but really, don't let the seeds sprout in to your ass. if I get sent to some sort of weird penal colony like devil's island i think it will work. not like riker's island tho.
10 years just for weed damn. just put it in ur butt. but bring enough to last.
i'm a fecalfeliac lol. uh how do you think you get stuff in jail dude? people put phones in their butt all the time... weird but true... a dude got caught in jail with a glock in his ass!
ha ha......... the butterfly effect perhaps?????? in all seriousness.... somebody was smokin pot in the jail i was chillin in.. i asked where he got it and he said you dont want to know. i hit it anyway.............. got me high..
ha ha......... the butterfly effect perhaps?????? in all seriousness.... somebody was smokin pot in the jail i was chillin in.. i asked where he got it and he said you dont want to know. i hit it anyway.............. got me high..