Opinion Wanted - Vertical Grow System


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For the same money you could have a multi room set up and stage your grows to harvest as often as you would like. Thats the only thing I dont like about these systems such as this one grow at a time. Its all about what your after.


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What do you think it could produce in 8 weeks then? Im going to growing 4 mother plants and keeping them in veg to take clones for the system. That should be enough for clones, do you think there will actual be enough space in there for 224 plants???


Well-Known Member
HELL NO... there is no way you could fit even 50 fully grown plants in the room you have. Maybe there is something I am not seeing though.


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This is exactly how I feel????? What am I missing? How can you fit any more than 20 plants in a space no bigger than 125cm in diameter and 129cm high? Anybody...


Well-Known Member
Have you already ordered this chamber?

I am sorry to say, but i have a feeling this is a scam of some sort. I never trust companies or people that lie about what their product can do.


Active Member
I have not yet ordered the unit thankfully. I doupt that this is a scam for the simple reason the the ebay seller has loads of feedback + accepts CC and is willing to let me collect and pay cash. However I do smell bull shit with regards to the amount it can hold. Has anyone got any recommendations on what I should purchase? I need a nice large crop from the least amount of space.


Well-Known Member
is it possible to build your own grow room? for less than 150.00 dollars you can build a room using sheetrock, etc. thats what i did. then you can spend the big bucks on stuff that matters like lights and co2, etc.


Well-Known Member
Hell, you do not even need sheet rock. I built my room from what is called Panda Film, I bought it at the hydro store. It is 6 mil visqueen that is pure white on one side, and black on the other side. In the corner of you basement or where ever, cover the walls and windows with it, in that corner, then staple the Panda film to the ceiling, make sure to use something to go under the staples so they do not tear out. I used bussiness cards. Then put in one of those self adhesive Zippers for your entry. I also used a heavy fiber tarp to cover the floor. My room is 4'X10', you can make it as big as you want this way. Fast and easy.


Well-Known Member
Its not a scam at all, the machines really can hold that many plants, althought not full size plants, to utilize the machine you would have to grow from clone and flower straight away to keep the plant size down.

Someone has actually tried to make something similar and it shows how it could work.

The difference is with these prebuilt machines is that you would grow in rockwool cubes and there are shelves on the inside that are angled towards a vertical lamp setup.

It is easier to see how it works by looking at the ultimate system with regards to this, the florada vertical grow system.

Photo material


Active Member
would be fairly easy to make your own I expect + using a system like this would also keep electric bill down. So what your saying nongreenthumb is you could produce 224 half size plants??? How much bud do you expect is could produce?


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm, Half? :)

I doubt even that. I do not like the system, it seems that the plants below would cover the plants right above them from light. I must not be seeing something here. It seems, that is would only be good for very, very, short plants


Active Member
so if not with this bit of kit what shall I go with? I have approx £1000 - $2000 to spend on the grow. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
That system i showed you would grow 400 1ft high plants to harvest. You could actually hope to achieve an half to an oz per plant.


Well-Known Member
400 1ft plants? thats a huge amount of plants, if your running a 800 watt HPS how are you going to have enough lumens to give them enough light each so they grow?