New Member
Let me try and explain this, although I doubt it will sink in, get it "Sink". It's not the sea Ice but the land based glacial Ice that is being unleashed by the dissapearing sea ice, Now take an Ice cube, mark the glass, and drop it in, get the picture? 180 and out.
Gosh I hate to keep pounding you but.....
Is sea ice falling off glaciers at an increased rate? You bet your boots it is!!! I can see you starting to salivate..... OMG... what's CrackerJax up to now?

The real answer is not that sea ice is falling at an advanced rate but to WHY it is falling........
it's not falling because it is melting..... DOH!!!
As the Glaciers GAIN pack ice (it is gaining fast) the middle of the glaciers THICKEN and it is this which creates the unstable shelves at the perimeter. Not Global Warming......... DOH!!
I won't even bother blowing carbon away for yah.... I can though... just ask me later.