

Well-Known Member
since you have just started flowering dont cut anything just take the top and bend it down and tye it so its horizantl than all the nodes will shoot up ther own big cola DO NOT CUT ANYTHING it will shock your plant and set back flowering up t 2 weeks

just put a string around the stem like a few inches down and slowly pull it down when you think its gonna break stop you can always goo back and bend some more in a few days so until you get a feel for bending maybe just do a little a day spread out over a week


Elite Rolling Society
See that pic under my signature. See those 13 upward growing stems?

That was a helluva bushy plant. I FORCED it by pruning and topping early, as a baby at 2, 3 and 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
See that pic under my signature. See those 13 upward growing stems?

That was a helluva bushy plant. I FORCED it by pruning and topping early, as a baby at 2, 3 and 4 weeks.
good for him to try next time i feel any trimming should be done at least 1 week b4 flowering as to not cause any stress. so next grow maybe he could try that but since he is in flower cuting tops is no way to grow buds next run though would be wise to take the advice and top erly....agree????


Active Member
How about trimming the bottom scraggly buds? I have a couple weeks to harvest (on week 9) and I'm worried that the tops are not big enough and I've got shit down low that is not gonna do anything, would trimming them down there at this stage hurt more than help? (I know about lollipopping and will do that next time!)



Elite Rolling Society
NEVER TRIM, TOP OR PRUNE any plant in Flowering cycle. The removal of healthy leaves is bad, it makes the plant go into shock. I TOp and PRUNE at 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and never more. IF they are yellowing and dying, that is differnet, but never prune or trim a healthy leaf in FLOWERING . NEVER.


Well-Known Member
How about trimming the bottom scraggly buds? I have a couple weeks to harvest (on week 9) and I'm worried that the tops are not big enough and I've got shit down low that is not gonna do anything, would trimming them down there at this stage hurt more than help? (I know about lollipopping and will do that next time!)

just use that stuff to make hash or butter

NEVER TRIM, TOP OR PRUNE any plant in Flowering cycle. The removal of healthy leaves is bad, it makes the plant go into shock. I TOp and PRUNE at 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and never more. IF they are yellowing and dying, that is differnet, but never prune or trim a healthy leaf in FLOWERING . NEVER.
so than yess you agree


Elite Rolling Society
good for him to try next time i feel any trimming should be done at least 1 week b4 flowering as to not cause any stress. so next grow maybe he could try that but since he is in flower cuting tops is no way to grow buds next run though would be wise to take the advice and top erly....agree????

I agree. You're right!


Well-Known Member
good for him to try next time i feel any trimming should be done at least 1 week b4 flowering as to not cause any stress. so next grow maybe he could try that but since he is in flower cutting tops is no way to grow buds. next run though would be wise to take the advice and top early....agree????
Agree. And also note what Roseman stated. He did his trimming and topping WHEN IN VEG.


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::clap: thank you, i needed that now i can sleep tonight knowing you agree............
I agree. You're right!

you can take a clone and do what you say just cut it at an angle immediatly dip it in water than rooting powder and back in the water use something dark so the roots dnt see too much light, ther are many ways to do it you could leave it in the water or put it in soil or peat plugs or rapid rooters or rockwool o well you get the idea read the gro faq use search thers plenty of info already out ther good luck