Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
I can't start our weedeater, my girl arms just can't pull that baby they way it likes it. I can do the mower though. I have to weed eat when hubby is home for him to get it going.


Well-Known Member
you can struggle here. and i have a fire going.with that type of experience he should be able to find a job ANYWHERE.

you c
"can afford me whole street", you should buy it ad rent it to everyone here. :-P

yeah my house feel into a gaping crack right after it burnt to the ground. fuck if it doesn't happen every year.

and all these bullet holes in my front window are letting in a draft.

you were all joking, i hope.

so i ask again, why, in general, do people chose to live in such extreme conditions? it is a choice. i see a lot of excuses. only one person came close to actually touching on a reason.

this is an honest question. i'm not trying to rub anything in. i have always wondered this. :weed:

To each his/her own my friend .. there is good and bad everywhere .. Is the only reason you live there is to grow weed ?

I live here because this is where my ROOTS are . all my friends and family are here ,(on the east coast) why would I wanna pick up and leave and head out west and start over and be ALONE ...

Kinda like you would feel if you live on the east coast and your whole life is out west ,,,


Well-Known Member
It wasn't that bad in the beginning, but as of late the extremes are getting a bit severe... the 2 week cold spell this year is a record..... The Winnipeg -50 temps were what you'd see in the far north.. but are migrating south...... bummer...!


New Member
I agree Vette, we grew up here, most everyone we know is here. Our relatives are here. Our son is grown and living his own life and he is here, I know I wouldn't want to move away from him.

I've tossed out the idea of moving, but nobody wants to move away, maybe just to a different place in the country with more privacy and less neighbors.


Well-Known Member
this is an honest question. i'm not trying to rub anything in. i have always wondered this. :weed:
ive always lived here, never lived anywhere else. even tho i dont like it... im used to it. i know these streets, i know these people. i live a couple blocks away from the house i grew up in.

that.. and i cant afford to move right now. ive been out of work for a couple months, there are basically NO JOBS available here. welfare wont give me medicare even tho i NEED IT, i cant get unemployment checks. i have to find a new way to make money everyday.. times are hard for me.

how are things for people that have to work in california? are there plenty of jobs available? i really would like to know :idea:


Well-Known Member
I agree Vette, we grew up here, most everyone we know is here. Our relatives are here. Our son is grown and living his own life and he is here, I know I wouldn't want to move away from him.

I've tossed out the idea of moving, but nobody wants to move away, maybe just to a different place in the country with more privacy and less neighbors.

I think the best part of living where we do is because of the privacy we have .. Everything around us is farms .


Well-Known Member
who said anything about moving to cali. you all are taking this wrong. defensive much? i'm outta here.

it was a simple question. :roll:
not really defensive.. i answered a question you had from my point of view..

and i had a serious question about california, you do live in cali dont you?


Well-Known Member
who said anything about moving to cali. you all are taking this wrong. defensive much? i'm outta here.

it was a simple question. :roll:

You did ,, You said you can struggle here .. Here to you is Cali ..

No harm I know your a nice guy with a big heart,, Its great that Cali is there ,, cause without it ,We would not have Cali weed here on the east coast .. Smoke a bowl, Go fishing .. enjoy life .


Well-Known Member
He is nice and lied:) we do not like that stuff.
no i think if this type of stuff got to him he would be out already.
he once claimed an air conditioner could not be put into a window and i was like whatever, had the job done in a few min. This was like the first time he realized i never allow myself to think i cant do something. We have made alot of adjustments cause i hate to be babied and helped unless i ask for it


New Member
Is he grouchy today? He's got the best weed and the best weather, he should the the happiest person on here.

I'm happy and it's fucking cold and snowy here and I'm stuck smoking seedy schwag, but it could always be worse.........


Well-Known Member
i meant the human population in general. you all make it personal. stoner love what?

"why do humans in general chose to live under such extreme condition?"

comprehend anyone?

wake-n-bake what? more wake and less bake maybe?



Well-Known Member
i meant the human population in general. you all make it personal. stoner love what?

"why do humans in general chose to live under such extreme condition?"

comprehend anyone?

wake-n-bake what? more wake and less bake maybe?

vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Is he grouchy today? He's got the best weed and the best weather, he should the the happiest person on here.

I'm happy and it's fucking cold and snowy here and I'm stuck smoking seedy schwag, but it could always be worse.........
it was such a simple question. thrown out there to start an interesting conversation. now i feel i have to defend myself. :roll: or at least explain everything. this isn't fun.


New Member
I answered, I choose to live here because my family is here, my friends are here, my husbands job is here, our house is here. It's hard to just walk away from everything to go to a place where you know nobody and have no job and no place to live.