• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What's the biggest mistake Bush made?


Well-Known Member
Why is GB responsible for 911 when ALL the planning and setup took place on Clintons watch. Only the excecution of the plan was on GBs watch. He had just took office a few months before and was busy CHANGING EVERYTHING and not paying attention!!! Then BOOOM its in his lap infront of a class full of kids.
No doubt one of the many crimes that were buried around 911. And this was Bush's biggest mistake......slacking on his pelvic floor exercises.:-P


New Member
Originally Posted by ViRedd
Quite the contrary, bradley. I'm talking about the patriot who stood atop the pile of rubble holding the bullhorn with his arm around that fireman and speaking to the gathering of firemen, policemen and other first responders after the towers came down. Do you remember what Bush said?: "I can hear you loud and clear, and I guarantee you, the folks who brought these buildings down will be hearing from you too!"

Ask Al-queda how many members of their organization they have buried.

And by the way, the Geneva Convention doesn't address non-uniformed fighters who hide under the skirts of women.

And ... please list the parts of the Constitution that have been erased on Bush's watch. While you're at it, please include the parts of the Constitution being ignored in the Socialist's march toward their beloved Marxist Utopia.

Thanks ...


What I don't understand is how people can have (mostly) the same goals, a free, stable, just, and prosperous America but agree on so little. How does torture of prisoners factor into this? I know Dick Cheney is splitting hairs about the definition of "torture" but it is generally agreed upon that waterboarding meets inclusion criteria. We are just coming off 8 years of what can truthfully be characterized as a period where elected officials at the executive level (Bush/Cheney/cronies) systematically exploited our constitution and legal structure in a massive power grab. Does anyone actually think this has been a good thing? Sure ok you prefer Bush to Obama or your a "conservative" but do you really feel like Bush took our country in the right direction? How is legislation that comes as thinly veiled biblical directives designed to appeal to religious conservatives (stem cell funding ban, amendment barring gay marriage) at the expense of the constitutional freedoms of others or outright disregard of constitutional limits on governmental powers (patriot act) consistent with making our country a better place? I myself feel like I have been disregarded as a citizen time and again. With the coming of an Obama Presidency I am hopeful I will be represented in our government for the first time in years. While I do not embrace abortion, gay marriage, or even marijuana consumption I recognize these as freedoms provided by our constitution and ceasing attempts to infringe on these rights could restore some of our national dignity. How did we get to this place where it is ok to regulate these behaviours? Conservatives preach small government as a core value, I want you people to walk the walk and get your fucking god-given social directives off my back and stop trying to enact them into law. When that happens I will vote for the fiscal conservative candidate but until that time I will choose the personal freedoms endorsed by Democrats any day of the week.
^^^ Now THAT is one excellent post, Bradly. :)

No, I don't think Bush OVERALL led the country in the right direction. He couldn't find his veto pen to save his ass. He is an advocate of amnesty for people who have entered the country illegally and his administration has increased the power of the executive branch. All of that is a given.

One thing you cannot deny, Bradly ... there have been no terrorist attacks on our soil since 9-11 under Bush's watch. I credit the Patriot Act's requirement of coordinating our various law enforcement agencies and their much improved communication between agencies. Also, credit should be given to the surveillance of phone calls from foreigners coming into the country from suspected terrorists and their supporters.

As far as Water Boarding ... I think its been used three times, maybe four. information given up, as a result, has saved many lives. No one has died and received any long term disabilities from water boarding. You may think water boarding is torture, I don't. Crushing a man's balls with vice grips is torture.


As far as stem cell research ... yes, no one in government should use their religion as an excuse to prevent the passing of laws. But, Bush didn't say that stem cell research couldn't take place in the private sector. All he said was, he wasn't going to sign legislation requiring TAXPAYER money to be used for the research. Stem cells are taken from human embryos. To tens of millions of Americans, those embryos are human life. Why should folks who believe in life have their rights violated by government edict by forcing them to pay, through their taxes, for the killing of human life? If stem cell research is a viable thing ... let the private sector fund it. By the same token, the pro-life people can lobby to get a law passed to prevent it.

One thing to consider is that Congress has approved every act passed, every dollar spent and every form of detention. There is a lot of blame, if you want to assign blame, to go around for BOTH parties.



Well-Known Member
^^^ Now THAT is one excellent post, Bradly. :)

No, I don't think Bush OVERALL led the country in the right direction. He couldn't find his veto pen to save his ass. He is an advocate of amnesty for people who have entered the country illegally and his administration has increased the power of the executive branch. All of that is a given.

One thing you cannot deny, Bradly ... there have been no terrorist attacks on our soil since 9-11 under Bush's watch. I credit the Patriot Act's requirement of coordinating our various law enforcement agencies and their much improved communication between agencies. Also, credit should be given to the surveillance of phone calls from foreigners coming into the country from suspected terrorists and their supporters.

As far as Water Boarding ... I think its been used three times, maybe four. information given up, as a result, has saved many lives. No one has died and received any long term disabilities from water boarding. You may think water boarding is torture, I don't. Crushing a man's balls with vice grips is torture.


As far as stem cell research ... yes, no one in government should use their religion as an excuse to prevent the passing of laws. But, Bush didn't say that stem cell research couldn't take place in the private sector. All he said was, he wasn't going to sign legislation requiring TAXPAYER money to be used for the research. Stem cells are taken from human embryos. To tens of millions of Americans, those embryos are human life. Why should folks who believe in life have their rights violated by government edict by forcing them to pay, through their taxes, for the killing of human life? If stem cell research is a viable thing ... let the private sector fund it. By the same token, the pro-life people can lobby to get a law passed to prevent it.

One thing to consider is that Congress has approved every act passed, every dollar spent and every form of detention. There is a lot of blame, if you want to assign blame, to go around for BOTH parties.

Good points. I am forced to pay for the ongoing marijuana consumer witch hunt against my wishes but that seems to be of little consequence...


Well-Known Member
Another Bush mistake: Abstinence only sex ed; http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,480605,00.html
Seems funding for this is going to get the axe as it has been studied and shown to be an ineffective approach. Here is great quote from the referenced FOXnews article:
"And even if federal funding is halted, some states — such as Georgia — are determined to keep abstinence programs going on their own, ensuring that this front in the culture wars will remain active."
I didn't realize this is a culture war. I guess when you are on the wrong side of science as the Republican bible thumpers so often are you need to invent some sort of defense. This approach is also manifest with the whole "Liberal Media" bullshit republicans are always spouting off about.


New Member
abstinence only education does not work. It's best to treat teens as if they are people and educate them about sex and protection. With the teen pregnancy rate and things like AIDS out there I can't believe we aren't teaching them about it now.

It's like some policies of the US want to live in the dark ages or something.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahehehehohoho, the lolipop song has arrived, take us back. How about bring us out into the light and all those right wing pukes that hide behind their high paid attorneys? What about that? Hahahahehehehohoho, "and the truth shall set you free".
Blah...blah...blah...more verbal diarrhea from the uninformed..I've made up my mind..and yours..How does it feel the be right, in your mund at least, all the time?


Well-Known Member
Who you talkin' bout' Willis? The decider...aka Bush? Sure does sound like it to me.
Well lets look at his choices..Hiary who says "we'll have to take things away from you for your own good.. Obama and Clinton both supposedly support the 2nd Amendment, " but with sensible gun laws" What's that mean? There are already 20,000 of them on the books .Why the need for more. Their concept of "gun control" is for them to control ALL the guns. as in they'll have them , and no one else will. They both subscribe to the Brady bunch, and Rebecca Peters, and George Soros,,All those folks want to take guns outof civilian hand because A) why do civs need guns for as LEO does such a marvelous job of protecting us.
B0 civs can't be trusted with guns, except their private security.
C) the Constitution DOES NOT gaurantee "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."But only a state Militia.
Interesting..Here is the dictionary Definition: a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.
That is what the Socialists fear..that when dawn finally dawns on marble heads we'll do again what we did before the Revolution fight!!!
Research history..many of the programs of progress the Socialist are touting are the same as Hiltler in the 30's..The cover of the bookloks good, but the content is poisonous..


Well-Known Member
Well lets look at his choices..Hiary who says "we'll have to take things away from you for your own good.. Obama and Clinton both supposedly support the 2nd Amendment, " but with sensible gun laws" What's that mean? There are already 20,000 of them on the books .Why the need for more. Their concept of "gun control" is for them to control ALL the guns. as in they'll have them , and no one else will. They both subscribe to the Brady bunch, and Rebecca Peters, and George Soros,,All those folks want to take guns outof civilian hand because A) why do civs need guns for as LEO does such a marvelous job of protecting us.
B0 civs can't be trusted with guns, except their private security.
C) the Constitution DOES NOT gaurantee "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."But only a state Militia.
Interesting..Here is the dictionary Definition: a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.
That is what the Socialists fear..that when dawn finally dawns on marble heads we'll do again what we did before the Revolution fight!!!
Research history..many of the programs of progress the Socialist are touting are the same as Hiltler in the 30's..The cover of the bookloks good, but the content is poisonous..
Or the same as FDRs, which are in fact the same programs that the Fascists were pushing.

But FDR's a socialist :: cough :: just like the Fascists were... Just they were slightly separate. One didn't believe that it was necessary for the people that were given control of all the capital to be organs of the state, and the other did.

One coin, two sides, not a lot of difference between them.


Well-Known Member
One thing you cannot deny, Bradly ... there have been no terrorist attacks on our soil since 9-11 under Bush's watch. I credit the Patriot Act's requirement of coordinating our various law enforcement agencies and their much improved communication between agencies. Also, credit should be given to the surveillance of phone calls from foreigners coming into the country from suspected terrorists and their supporters.

I'm happy to hear you aren't a republican, at first I thought you were...
But on this subject bush has really done nothing other than to set policies so ridiculous we have become exactly like the communist countries we have always fought against. Supposedly one of the reasons we went into Iraq was to stop torture. What do we do, we go there and torture people and it's front page news. All that does is undermine our future security more than it does gain any benefit. Now we are seen worldwide as terrorists, invaders, mass murderers and opressers.

In effect, we are creating way more terrorists than we are stopping.

People say but it wasn't REALLY torture, it was mild stuff, pictures of them nude etc... No, several in custody DIED from their torture, and that proves the severity was not simply what you were led to believe.

Bush claims he was on top of this issue 24/6 (takes sunday off), but then he's asked if we were ever even close to catching Bin Laden... And you know his answer was a very honest "I don't know" in a very casual voice that showed it was unimportant to him. Not hiding anything, just didn't know. Translated that means I haven't done shit about that issue or even kept up to date on things, so basically he fucked off and the only things he did were utter failures.

We can thank him for making our future less secure.


New Member
Or the same as FDRs, which are in fact the same programs that the Fascists were pushing.

But FDR's a socialist :: cough :: just like the Fascists were... Just they were slightly separate. One didn't believe that it was necessary for the people that were given control of all the capital to be organs of the state, and the other did.

One coin, two sides, not a lot of difference between them.
Does it really make a difference if I'm being economically ass raped by the left hand or the right? :lol: Stock tip.... ass cream.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I dunno man, I think the Keys are living on borrowed time. With the rate of glacial melt, I think they're going to end up as the new Atlantis........


New Member
hahah....don't fall for that water table blarney Miss! All of the weight of that sea ice has already been displaced.... get a glass of water and put a cube in it and mark the glass..... :lol: You'll see...


out. :blsmoke:

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
i should have guessed but shocked at how many democractic welfare dicks are in here bush made many mistakes. the biggest being donald rumsfield his a dush. bush did what he thought was right for the contry and were safer for it. by taking the fight to the terrorist of the world he took away the emboldening power of osama and 911. now our goverment as a whole is just a bunch of well educated criminals with goverment power. ive been enjoying watching obama back pedal on so many issues reality is a bitch. this goverment needs people like us to take control and run for local offices and really change what we all complain about, there is no regular american in the big gov and it needs to change now. and dam all the giveaways u have to work for the american dream not think its a right just because u live here. i wouldnt say im a republican just realist and reality not always pretty.


New Member
hahah....don't fall for that water table blarney Miss! All of the weight of that sea ice has already been displaced.... get a glass of water and put a cube in it and mark the glass..... :lol: You'll see...


out. :blsmoke:
I have seen you say some dumbass shit jax, but this is the dumbest....ice cube...lol....lol......whew


New Member
hahah....don't fall for that water table blarney Miss! All of the weight of that sea ice has already been displaced.... get a glass of water and put a cube in it and mark the glass..... :lol: You'll see...


out. :blsmoke:
Let me try and explain this, although I doubt it will sink in, get it "Sink". It's not the sea Ice but the land based glacial Ice that is being unleashed by the dissapearing sea ice, Now take an Ice cube, mark the glass, and drop it in, get the picture? 180 and out.


New Member
It's more like if you took the glass and filled it, then tried to fill it some more, overflow......... I'm glad I'm far, far away from any oceans.........


Well-Known Member
Let me try and explain this, although I doubt it will sink in, get it "Sink". It's not the sea Ice but the land based glacial Ice that is being unleashed by the dissapearing sea ice, Now take an Ice cube, mark the glass, and drop it in, get the picture? 180 and out.
He asked a legitimate question, no need to be condescending just because you don't agree with him on politics.

CrackerJax, as snotty as his response was, Med is correct. Floating ice (i.e. icebergs) that melts does not raise the level of the ocean - you're right, the water has already been displaced.

However, environmentalists do not talk about sea levels rising due to icebergs melting. They talk about sea levels rising when ice sheets and glaciers melt - these are masses of ice that are on land (e.g. Canadian/Russian arctic, Greenland & Antarctic ice sheets) hence no water is displaced... yet!

For example, Antarctica, the continent (i.e. land mass) is about 14 mill sq km. and is more or less covered in ice. The average thickness of this ice is 2 km. That's 28 million cubic kilometres of ice that is NOT floating or about 25 million cubic kilometres of water that, if it melts, will enter the oceans.