My first grow! Seeds in a closet


Active Member
Well I'm on week 2 of my first grow but heres where I'm up to.

Closet of doom

I was in B&Q and saw a great plastic toolshed thingy, on sale for £30. Snapped it up and went to work :)

Painted it matt white inside and drilled some holes in top for my lighting contraption. I have a 125w daylight fluorescent going in there and I plan on getting a warm white when its time.

The closet was pretty "gappy" since it was made for tools, so I got some draught excluder and lined the doors with it. Should help when I'm not allowed any light in there as well.

As for ventilation, I don't currently have any. My room is not very warm living in England, but the light seems to keep my closet at a good temperature. If I get a 120mm fan blowing in there would it badly effect my grow?

I'm using soil I bought from my local headshop with a neutral PH and about 3 weeks worth of nutrients already in it. The seeds were some cheap things since its my first grow and I'm experimenting, "Nirvana special" they were called.

The plants- end of week 1

Looked in my closet and theres life :D! I'm watering them around every 3 days since they don't seem too thirsty right now. No nutes yet until I get to the 2 1/2 week stage where my soil will start to lose its goodness.

Week 2

They're really taking off now, its so exciting! The soil had dipped a bit leaving a long stalk going up to the first set of leaves, so I added a bit more to cover it up a bit. Looks much better now.

If anyone has any input I'd appreciate it a lot! Any help is more than welcome.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
IDK if this needs to be said but stay away from items that produce heat like ballasts or high temp bulbs issues....rob


Active Member
Closet ventilation (new!)
Today I added one intake fan at the bottom of the closet blowing on the plants and an outtake fan at the top of the closet.

One thing I have noticed is that because the fan is blowing directly on my fluorescent, it has dimmed. I'm sure it will sort itself out when it gets out of the airstream as I raise it, but will it be ok for now?

Also, I have noticed that on one of my plants the very bottom leaf has turned a much lighter shade of green than all the others, nearly yellow, and has a brown spot on it. What has caused this? Should I be concerned?

As usual, and help is much appreciated, I hope to absorb as much information from you guys as possible :D


Active Member
Quick update- it could be my imagination but I'm sure there has been a growth surge since I put some ventilation in there. Woke up and my plants are really starting to come up. But, is it just me or are they looking a little yellow?

But one of my plants is really starting to concern me. The bottom two leaves on one of them loooks as if they are all but dead, yet the plant itself seems ok. Is this normal?



Active Member
Coming to the end of week 2 now. I'm going to start with the nutes at end of week 3. I got some organic stuff called bio-grow by biobizz, NPK of 8-2-6.

Heres how they are looking:

They are looking a lot better now they have dried out a little, I overwatered them before.


Active Member
Week 3
After overwatering before I left them to dry out before watering again. I watered them yesterday, 800ml between the 3 of them. Here they are now:

I also decided to use some nutrients. I put in 1ml of this stuff to the 800ml of water:

So what do you guys think? Can you see anything wrong with my plants so far or anything I'm doing wrong? Any help appreciated.