Robert Melamede discovers cure for cancer!


Active Member
Robert Melamede has discovered the cure for cancer. And wouldn't you know, it's simply a highly concentrated form of cannabis, in the composition of an oil.

He has developed a method to create an oil that cannot only be taken orally, but can also be applied to the skin to treat cancerous tissues. His methods heal in days to weeks, and are leaps and bounds ahead of anything pharmecutical companies offer.

Here is a link to watch the video:

I have also submitted this to Digg; if you would like to digg it yourself here is the link:

Thank you for your time,


Well-Known Member
yeah ive seen that one. Not only does it kill the cancer cells, but it leaves the normal cells uneffected. Ive read it works on all sorts of cancer too, brain, breast, prostate, skin. This all works because of the endocannabaniods our bodies naturally produce. These cannabanoids kill free radical cells, preventing cancer and a host of other diseases. This same endocannabanoid system exists in almost every species on earth ecept 2 i think. Hydras and something else. This plant was put on this earth for us to use to regulate our bodies natural biochemistry.

Ill smoke to that


Active Member
Nay. A lot more than pretty cool. This will change the lives of every American infected with cancer, and the families that have to deal with it.

This is Nobel-Prize worthy.
I just finished watching the vid and you are right, it could be amazing for helping tons of people... but a lot of it sounded like there wasn't sufficient proof about it. Very cool none the less.:weed:


Active Member
no bullshit?

how come it hasnt been used on all cancer patients?
My guess is that there isn't "sufficient enough" evidence or proof for it to be used on medical patients, plus it doesn't help that most governments are skeptical about MJ in general.


New Member
Great video, thanks for sharing.

Why does the government supress information information like this?

Eating cannabis seeds is supposed to lower cholestrol, yet instead of something so easy and free is illegal even though 1/3 of the population of the US is paying for Lipitor.

I wonder if hemp oil can be extracted from the woody parts of the plant, like the stems? (nope, leaves and flowers only) I think I'm going to make my own.


Active Member
no bullshit?

how come it hasnt been used on all cancer patients?

If Pharm companies cannot make a million dollars from every cancer patient with their half-baked "cures," and instead give them a plant that will make everything better, they lose out on a LOT of money.

Please spread either the youtube link or the digg link or both to another forum and continue to spread the word. The only way we can change the government policies regarding the use and distribution of cannabis is to spread the word to as many places possible.

I have and am going to continue to dedicate my life to the cause of legalization of this regulatory plant.

I still have a job, but I use my personal laptop at work to continue the cause. I have been disowned by many friends as they do not realize how important of an issue this is.

The more and more non-biased research that arises, the more and more we are rediscovering the true medicinal properties of this panacea.


Active Member
Great video, thanks for sharing.

Why does the government supress information information like this?

Eating cannabis seeds is supposed to lower cholestrol, yet instead of something so easy and free is illegal even though 1/3 of the population of the US is paying for Lipitor.

I wonder if hemp oil can be extracted from the woody parts of the plant, like the stems?
Because the government turns a blind eye to anything Marijuana related... no matter how helpful it can be. Shame really.


Active Member
Great video, thanks for sharing.

Why does the government supress information information like this?

Eating cannabis seeds is supposed to lower cholestrol, yet instead of something so easy and free is illegal even though 1/3 of the population of the US is paying for Lipitor.

I wonder if hemp oil can be extracted from the woody parts of the plant, like the stems?
The higher the THC/cannabinoid content, the more effective the treatment will be. So I assume the most potent cannabis, or the cannabis with the proper amount of OTHER cannabinoids besides THC, would be most effective.


Well-Known Member
because something that is all natural cannot be fda approved as a drug because it has no chemicals in it. In order for pharmaceutical companies to benefit from it they have to add chemicals before they can manufacture and sell it as a drug. Anything with no chemicals is considered holistic. So why dont they just make oil for everyone with butane or some shit. Then they can say they use chemicals for the process.... but then again the butane boils off and your left with nothing.

Imagine cannabis drugs cure everything, now imagine all the scientists trying to make new chemicals that apply to a certain disease. Now take all those smart people looking for the impossible and put them doing something important. Take all the cops wasting their time busting people for weed, put them doing something important. The list goes on


Active Member
because something that is all natural cannot be fda approved as a drug because it has no chemicals in it. In order for pharmaceutical companies to benefit from it they have to add chemicals before they can manufacture and sell it as a drug. Anything with no chemicals is considered holistic. So why dont they just make oil for everyone with butane or some shit. Then they can say they use chemicals for the process.... but then again the butane boils off and your left with nothing.

Imagine cannabis drugs cure everything, now imagine all the scientists trying to make new chemicals that apply to a certain disease. Now take all those smart people looking for the impossible and put them doing something important. Take all the cops wasting their time busting people for weed, put them doing something important. The list goes on
Exactly. Legalizing cannabis can do so much for mankind, but the capitalistic government and big pharm is doing everything they can do keep it illegal.

Imagine the police protecting the public instead of vehemently searching for cannabis users, all the while knowing they are non violent, therefore an easy arrest target.

Quotas for police tickets/arrest should be eliminated, IMO.


Active Member
Wow this is incredible ... I mean if you got money you are basically immune to any disease , fair to say?


Active Member
Wow this is incredible ... I mean if you got money you are basically immune to any disease , fair to say?

This isn't even a money issue.

Anyone can make this if they have the very cheap and widely available cannabis plant. The problem is the corrupt pharmeceutical companies working hand-in-hand with the government to keep this panacea plant illegal.