Cali's Rotating ladies.


Well-Known Member
I dont mind, I appreciate all ur advice!!! Of course u can play with lil goat maybe Ill bring her with me :D.. shes an african pygmy goat so shes gonna stay small.

i'll stop telling you what to do now. :)

can i play with the goat?


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice Cali, love the little goat. Is it a pygmy? My brother used to have pet goats. Had two regular size ones, then later got 3 pygmies. I like the pygmies more, easier to control then the big guys! Are you having its horns stunted?


Well-Known Member
Yep shes a lil pygmy prolly going be about 19" tall but a lil porker. I heard dehorning hurts em so Im going to leave em.

Lookin nice Cali, love the little goat. Is it a pygmy? My brother used to have pet goats. Had two regular size ones, then later got 3 pygmies. I like the pygmies more, easier to control then the big guys! Are you having its horns stunted?


Well-Known Member
I imagine it hurts them when they do it, they kinda burn the horn buttons so they stop growing. I don't think it hurts them for a long term period of time though. I don't know how much experiance you've had with goats, but they like to rub there heads on everything. Does a ton of damage.


Well-Known Member
ha ha SICC a cat lol most ppl are like so wot kinda dog is that when they see it.

Ya I had a lil bottle baby boy for a couple years I had him since he was like 2 days old and some ASSHOLE stole him outta my yard a few months ago, so I stillhave pens and all the necessities for a goat around. that pic below was the lil boy I had, took him hicking, camping eveywhere. was jus like a dog that ate paper lol.

I imagine it hurts them when they do it, they kinda burn the horn buttons so they stop growing. I don't think it hurts them for a long term period of time though. I don't know how much experiance you've had with goats, but they like to rub there heads on everything. Does a ton of damage.



Well-Known Member
We all missed ya, or I know I did. I<3 you style, Your willing to drop the $$ and give your babies what they want. I had an issue with my clones flowering. I guess tye 6 dual 2 ft t8's I have arnt cutting it. It sucks trying to grow when you go out of town. I work out of town every other week and my babies use to hate it untill my baby sitter learned how to take care of them properly.


Well-Known Member
hey bleezy thanks for checking in! ya Im totally in to my girls :D if you can make it try the T5's wish i never got rid of mine now... but eh.. and as far as leaving town goes I have alot of free time and wont be going anywhere for awhile... maybe a weekend to cali to visit :)

HEY FDD are these green enough for you! :) I pumped em full of N and they are looking nice now. only one issues i went out there today and noticed I forgot to water :( lol so one BB is a lil wilted but Im sure she will be fine in a couple hours now. I finally dropped them down a bit from the lights as they were getting a lil crisp, I think I may have over nuted one with all the excitment of N there a lil bit of yellowing tips.

I also have taken a preliminary batch of clones so to say, only about 8 as the selection was limited a few days ago. pics of those will b up later.

We all missed ya, or I know I did. I<3 you style, Your willing to drop the $$ and give your babies what they want. I had an issue with my clones flowering. I guess tye 6 dual 2 ft t8's I have arnt cutting it. It sucks trying to grow when you go out of town. I work out of town every other week and my babies use to hate it untill my baby sitter learned how to take care of them properly.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Sicc, all except the wilty one lol... Ya I just checked the clones and it looks like the BB have already started to root I took those on the 19th! so all is moving along quickly.

[quote="SICC";1965593]Lookin good Cali,

They really came bac! nice and green :weed:

good luck :D[/quote]


Well-Known Member
They are lookin real good Cali. That one is super bushy. I'm glad to say I finally got my plants started, I've got 5 power skunks, and 2 purple powers right now, waiting on some afghan kush.


Well-Known Member
now i went back and read your post, ........

yes, you ever so slightly burnt them with N. you now know their limits. perfect. :clap: