Will this set up work in a tent, check out the pic!


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,
I just bought a Secret Jardin 120. It measures 3'11" x" 3'11"x 6'7". I saw this pic of someone elses set up and wanted to see if you think it will work.

As you can see the can filter is connected on the top, then vented to the cool tube (which in my case it is a reflector with vents. then vented outside to the fan.

I was wondering if this would work well. Also I was wondering where I could hang the fan, it would most likely have to be in the ceiling or I can have it on the ground.

Let me know what you think.


fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah that will work, what i do for a fan in my tent is hang one of those window fans on strings from the roof


Well-Known Member
Well, since that picture seems to be of the inside of a grow tent, with all of the equipment hanging in it...

then I would say Yes, all of that equipment will work in a grow tent.

Have you got your tent already?


Well-Known Member
My tent should be here in a few days, I am just tyring to decide what set up to use.
Well, I'm trying to decide on a tent myself right now too, and I'm leaning towards the DR120.
So keep us updated on how it goes. You should be able to set it up anyway you want,
but the set up in the picture there looks perfect.