Ongoing problem with thrips, should I use a dunk?


Active Member
I've been battling thrips for months. I can never get them to go completely away. I'll think I'm doing good and then I'll slack on treatments and the little bastards show up again. I've been using nematodes as well as neem oil and bang!. I alternate spray type on the foliage every two weeks. I generally spray every five days or so. I apply the nematodes roughly once a week as far away (in time) from the foliage spraying as I can. Obviously I haven't been diligent about this or the bugs would be gone, but this is what I have been doing for the last 3-4 weeks. So is there anything wrong with what I have been doing lately? The flies have decreased greatly and I've never been able to see the larvae. I did see larvae on a mother that I culled. I just got some dunks. I was going to give this current plan another couple weeks and use the dunks if I am still getting flies on the strips. Can you place the dunks in a reservoir? Thanks


Active Member
I've been battling thrips for months. I can never get them to go completely away. I'll think I'm doing good and then I'll slack on treatments and the little bastards show up again. I've been using nematodes as well as neem oil and bang!. I alternate spray type on the foliage every two weeks. I generally spray every five days or so. I apply the nematodes roughly once a week as far away (in time) from the foliage spraying as I can. Obviously I haven't been diligent about this or the bugs would be gone, but this is what I have been doing for the last 3-4 weeks. So is there anything wrong with what I have been doing lately? The flies have decreased greatly and I've never been able to see the larvae. I did see larvae on a mother that I culled. I just got some dunks. I was going to give this current plan another couple weeks and use the dunks if I am still getting flies on the strips. Can you place the dunks in a reservoir? Thanks
What's up bro, the stuff that you're trying are somewhat effective but don't work as well if the bugs are established. What myself and most commercial growers use is the Attain TR (total release) perythryn (not sure of spelling) bombs and you'll want to bomb at least 2-3 times about 4-5 days apart to effectively treat your girls. are you flowering yet? if not that's good and you should try this treatment ASAP before you flower. I'll use the bombs even into the first 2 weeks of flowering if necessary. try to avoid getting the spraw directly on the leaves though but this honestly is the best treatment I've seen for pretty much any pests in 15 years. I've used nematodes and neem oil as well and they help to control the infestation but usually don't get rid of it. The Attain TR treatments will get rid of them if used a few days apart since it doesn't kill the eggs. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions or can't find the stuff I'm talking about and I'll send you a link. the stuff has absulutely no bad effect on the plants as long as you don't spray it directly on them.


Well-Known Member
yeah put the dunks in the rez. i used these with success. i also bombed with pyrethrins to kill the moms good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I'm a month into flowering. I used a single bomb on a previous crop, I guess I should a used a couple more, as the pests came back. Not sure if I can use bombs or not. If I place the dunk in the reservoir will it kill the predatory nematodes? My plants don't look any worse for the wear, but I would like to get rid of these bugs because I'm sure it is a matter of time. I'm open to suggestions about what I should do. Thanks


Well-Known Member
the reason they are coming back is bc you gotta kill both the adults and the larvae at the same time. the dunks will kill the larvae the spray or bomb will kill the adults. i dont have any experience with nemotodes.


Active Member
Yeah, nematodes go after larvae in the soil/medium. Can/should bombs be used during flowering? I'm tending to think I will continue to do what I have been for the last few weeks, at least through the end of the month. My problem is once the situation looks better I become sloppy with the treatments.