1 week old - sick need advice


Active Member

I germinated about 11 seeds... wasn't ready when they sprouted, and I let them sit for about 4-5 days (they spent 4-5 days in the baggy). When I took a look they already had small leaves and sprouted roots into the wet paper towels i had them in. (i used the plastic bag and paper towel germ method.)

I put them in 8 cd trays that i cut holes in the bottom of as a temp fix till i got my equipment. 9 out of the 11 died. (or appeared so.) I was pretty sad :(

Anyways im going to get equipment today (lights, box, pots, proper soil.) My question: is there any way i can save this one? out of the 2 this one still seems green, Ive been giving it sunlight for about 7-8 hours and I water it using a spray bottle. first couple days the soil dried out very fast. So yesterday I put 3 times as much water (about a cup... cant be very accurate :/ I stick my finger in the soil about 3 inches and if its moist i dont water.)

Any tips to save this one would be appreciated, I feel like my kids just died, and this is my last baby :/

I let my tap water sit 24 hours before i use it. when i was caught off guard i had to use some boiled water, which i hear mixed things about. Im using calloways premium soil.




Active Member
lol It looks like it's LST'ing itself ! :o Auto LST sweet! haha

Seriously though I assume it should be okay in time given proper care, but I'm not an expert.

Peace & good luck with her! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looks like bad dirt
Ive been giving it sunlight for about 7-8 hours .......and why would you do that?


Well-Known Member
It should make it, just barely. Don't wait till the soil is dry three inches down before watering, when the seed is small the roots don't go down very far, it needs evenly moist soil when starting off. when the root system develops you can hold off on the water a bit


Well-Known Member
well maybe u should think about that soon cuz u need lights to grow lol especially since the sprout isnt looking to strong i would find a coupple lamps and get a couple cfls at least...not to expensive and do the trick


Active Member
You know you need a fixture ballast and all correct?
And the link is bad
Ya I assume i can get the fixture at home depot as well. Here is a picture since i cant link to the exact light. I wanted to get the high pressure sodium but im not sure its available there, and im also not sure of what wattage (is it 400watt to the least like with the mh?)



Well-Known Member
really thats sick the home depots in canada or at least where im from they dont sell hps only fluro and outdoor lights but i recomend a mh for the grow then hps for flowering


Active Member
Ya, She died last night on the operating table :/ lesson learned. Looks like I over watered (spoke to someone with experience who looked into it.)

Having no light didn't help her much either :(

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. (no pun intended -_-) I ended up finding 2 400 watt mh phillips along with ballasts, and a 175 watt phillips mh and ballast. very very cheap.

Thanks for all the responses, helped tons, and put me on the right track. You guys are epic.


here are my babies after 1 week....

you should really get yo set-up fixed
Nice dude! GL


Well-Known Member
well that will help a lot it sucks that u tried germinating so many and u werent prepared...well yea on the bright side i dont think ur gonna do that ever again lol