piffery piff piff piff


Active Member
he said who can get some regular grade in large amounts or some really high grade in large amounts in boston...

i think that guys a cop or someshit.. neways if ne1s stupid enough to deal with the guy over the internet (i dont know the entrapment laws in USA but) jus ask him if hes a cop or something...

ur a dumbass by the way for wanting to buy drugs over the internet, i bet ur government monitors this website hard u jackass


Well-Known Member
he said who can get some regular grade in large amounts or some really high grade in large amounts in boston...

i think that guys a cop or someshit.. neways if ne1s stupid enough to deal with the guy over the internet (i dont know the entrapment laws in USA but) jus ask him if hes a cop or something...

ur a dumbass by the way for wanting to buy drugs over the internet, i bet ur government monitors this website hard u jackass

well thanks for the translation Yep pure dumbass :dunce: This is a grow forum not a weed mega-mart