Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. My first dwc I bought for 130+ship. Its a 8site tub 4 gal came w/air pump, hydroton, stone,rockwool and full spectrum 2"t-5 8k lumen 4 bulb. Its been working really good. I bought a second one just for flowering. Then built my own dwc tub like $8 wal-mart. Used this for clones.

Glad to see ya back leggo-long time huh?


Well-Known Member
so how much do you think one can yield off of two plants with a 4oo wat hps, one plant is ice the other bag seed........at least an ounce right????


Well-Known Member
oh I'd say more...

I'm hoping for my grow (with 150 hps) 1 oz per plant (3 ounces)

Dont 'they' say 1 gram per watt?? 400 watts.... 400 grams... well thats 14 ounces... okay maybe not with just 2 plants

Dont be suprised if you get 1/4pound (4 ounces)

what do I know though, now I'm just rambling


Well-Known Member
lol well thats good news have been reading threw these threads for weeks now alot of great shit i wish i knew along time ago. i know this aint the AG section but i was wondering how i could transfer my plants from the AG to my DWC system my roots are gettin way to crazy to be in the AG any more


Well-Known Member
Know when abouts you're going to flush/harvest Net??

I think I'll do at least one more res change this weekend with nutes, then flush so I got about 4 more weeks or so... harvest 2nd week of Feb


Well-Known Member
Yea 2nd week for harvest-ISH

Though I'll have to fast dry at least one nug or so... I wont be able to resist, I'll have o smoke SOMETHING that same day


Well-Known Member
thruthfully i am taking this day by day reading and learning as i go, i have tiger bloom FF nutes for flowering. as for flushing and when to do all that shit i have no clue i did how ever change the water about a week and a half ago cause of nutrient burn. do i flush before flowering and when you flush what is the proper way like do you wash the roots or just the res. i know it sounds very pathetic but i just dont want to do anything wrong lol


Well-Known Member
Oh nah its cool man, I meant to direct that to NetPirate (we have grows about the same age)

I'm just now learning the art of flushing for my first grow... You want to flush with purified water 2 weeks prior to harvest to clear out all chemicals, otherwise it'll affect the taste... just today I posted a thread and a good rule of thumb is to do your final flush when about 40% of your hairs turn orange/brown

Also, you say you changes about a week and a half ago... you'll want to keep doing this. With DWC you'll want to change all water/nutes every 1-2 weeks (10 days being standard) especially if you arent using any fancy PPM meters or anythng


Well-Known Member
I hope I get to smoe my stuff!! Im sad now...

Hopefully the plants make it through.
Oh you will!!!! I'll be there right with ya...

you're stressin' I do it too... go smoke a nice bowl :)

I wish I could smoke, I've been dry for about 4 days (imagine the past few days... no CABLE, WiFi, or WEED) ugh I'm suprised I'm still here


New Member
Oh you will!!!! I'll be there right with ya...

you're stressin' I do it too... go smoke a nice bowl :)

I wish I could smoke, I've been dry for about days (imagine the past few days... no CABLE, WiFi, or WEED) ugh I'm suprised I'm still here

Ya know, Depending on where you live I can get you FREE internet through wifi... Let me know if you ever need that.


Well-Known Member
gotagrow, take your pods and lift the sponge from the plastic insert, cut your rockwool or cocotek like a "hotdog bun" lay the plant in there and let the roots stick out the bottom. Place in the net pot and help the roots out the bottom to the water. I did this with peppers & tomatos about a week ago. The plants will wilt at first but pick up fast. USE WATER ONLY till the plants are over the transfer.
Best of luck to you my friend.



Well-Known Member
Hey all whats up? Hey Net, hows your roots this morning? Any braking off?
If not that is great. Someone said " roots looked good, added new nuts, roots have slim, it has to be the new nuts" Well, I asked at the Hydro store this morning for you and they agreed 100% . Hope this makes you feel better about your plants!



Well-Known Member
Hey all whats up? Hey Net, hows your roots this morning? Any braking off?
If not that is great. Someone said " roots looked good, added new nuts, roots have slim, it has to be the new nuts" Well, I asked at the Hydro store this morning for you and they agreed 100% . Hope this makes you feel better about your plants!

See there you go net, told you you were fine!!!

+Rep for SlowToker!!


New Member
Wow! Thanks SLo! I really appreciate that you asked! It really makes me feel better. At this point I need any info that will clear my mind. Thanks again!

Hey all whats up? Hey Net, hows your roots this morning? Any braking off?
If not that is great. Someone said " roots looked good, added new nuts, roots have slim, it has to be the new nuts" Well, I asked at the Hydro store this morning for you and they agreed 100% . Hope this makes you feel better about your plants!

See there you go net, told you you were fine!!!

+Rep for SlowToker!!
Yeah! +rep indeed! Here's to hoping!!!!