bag seeds fact or fiction you make the call


Well-Known Member
where do all thes bagseeds come from i havent gotten seeds in a bag since 1998 whos growin all this weed with seeds i just cant understand it wtf?


New Member
ur a smart ass man, some people grow pot like retards around here, quit braggin bud and pass some good shit my way.


Well-Known Member
Same here, ive never found a seed in my weed until a week ago where I found this little grey seed. Never sprouted though..
I have to buy seeds from the net every time, its kinda fun though


Well-Known Member i went back and got my money back the other week, looked like nice nugs, squeezed it and got TONS of seeds, there rooting


Well-Known Member
yea here in Aus we only know good bud theres no such thing as mids or whatever that shit is. Ive been buying bud for a few hundred years and its always been green and very chronic. Dont believe me, then come on over and choose any dealer..:weed:


New Member
sounds like fun mate but i'm afraid of kangaroos ever since this childhood incedent. and mad max scares me too. thunderdome sucks.... ever seen romper stomper?


Well-Known Member
sounds like fun mate but i'm afraid of kangaroos ever since this childhood incedent. and mad max scares me too. thunderdome sucks.... ever seen romper stomper?
your afraid of kangaroos? haha that made me laugh na never seen romper stomper. Seriously australia is a nice place especially Sydney, its alot of fun just walking through the city high and looking at all the tall buildings and going on the ferries etc. Its something you should do before you die


New Member
cool dude. actually always wanted to go to australia. sounds like a place where you could live in a weird hangar somewhere and grow pot over a field of astroturf with lights strung above with an rv and picket fence/ lawn flamingos. damn i'm baked.


Well-Known Member
Ag they are just seeds man... true you loose a little potency, just light another spliff.
Over here most pot is grown on rolling fields and hills in the former homelands like Transkei.
With the results that seeds are the order of the day... unless you want to dish out $10/gram for bluecheese or other hydro.


Well-Known Member
cool dude. actually always wanted to go to australia. sounds like a place where you could live in a weird hangar somewhere and grow pot over a field of astroturf with lights strung above with an rv and picket fence/ lawn flamingos. damn i'm baked.
yea its pretty nice here but its just too hot sometimes.