connecting pump to 1/2 pvc?


Well-Known Member
Why don;t you get a coupler? they are made in almost any imaginable size and it would cost under 1$..


Well-Known Member
im thinking about whats best.

ill need a bigger pump for this i know but will it even must out end with a 384 2 sides are a few inches shorter than original 47 inch( im gonna try and get a 600 gph pump next week)

i had some extra pvc and i spent alot might as well make it nice, iunno if i fill it up ill only be doing tomato's for a while im hoping i can get a med card for my condition soon.


Well-Known Member
LOL thats to easy Piasso.

I cant believe I am still here. Maybe its your name havefungodumb.

Listen, Lets get this done. Take that fitting off your pump and take it to a hardware store. Go to the garden department and ask for help. Tell them you want to connect it to 1/2 pcv. We are not getting anywhere here.

Oh bring your wallet. Thats the brown thing you are sitting on. It may cost a dollar.


Well-Known Member
Yea, bigger pump. (I have to remember to read all the posts before I post)
Thats a lot of PVC my friend.


Well-Known Member
sorry man editing and shit lol

dont hate on the name !

i know what i gotta do to get that connected

i was wondering if the new mister setup i got will work and i wanna extend the setup but not use much pvc just enough to hold 2 more 5 foot posts.



Well-Known Member
lol good point,

yes that is alot, all the top stuff is to hold plants i think its a bit of a waste but it was fun to build with my spare time.


Well-Known Member
OK you got a hose connected to the pump. Congrats your half way there.

I dont know about silicone for this. you want to be able to take it apart and clean it when you need to right? It only needs to fit snug. Its not like a radiator hose or anything. Just do like I said and wrap something around the base of the pump fitting to make it larger like that plastic wrap. It will fit snug. You wont need the silicone. Then use your clamp if you want.

Now I am looking at your original pic of your PVC and I see a valve. The white thing with the red handle. There is a grey pipe sticking out of that. I assume that is the 1/2 you want to connect to. I also assume it does not screw in, it's a short piece of PVC cemented into the valve. So you need to change that to a threaded end and get a PVC 1/2" Starter Fitting that will attach to the 1/2" hose.

What I would do is get a 1/2" fitting with male threads cost like 50 cents and cement it to the end. Then get a double female fitting (threads on both ends) and attach that. Now what I had originally recommended you get will work. It is a 1/2 barbed to thread fitting.
Here, I will take a pic of an extra one I got.

screw that into the end of the double female fitting and the hose slides over the barbs holding it in place.

So you need the three fittings do do it this way. There may be an easer way but thats how I would do it.

Unless that valve is threaded then just attach it to that.

im going to store tomorrow with the 2 fittings i got

i thought i could get a threaded pvc ball valve then theres these new grey pvc risers like foot ina half some are just a foot i think theres a 10 incher there with threaded ends mine i got cut to go into 18 gal bin is 11 1/2” so pretty close plus it thread in half a inch or so, its not proper thread i might strip a bit but thats all i saw there to thread into Ball Valve. a threaded ball valve will be better cause i can clean it right? i dont think thats a issue is it this is a copy of stinkbuds setup, well 1 of them not the whole thing, you know that right?

id love one of those pz's you have.

ill look for a coupler see if that works w/e cheaper right!, what you guys think , u think ill be alright ?

lol fuck thanks for all the help folks.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
and how should i test my pump to see how good the pressure is?

its connected what just stick it in stink turn it on see how hard pressure comes out? :S


Well-Known Member
Lets see it!
yes master.:hug:

Dub, i see you have 180 blue misters do they have a arrow on top pointing which way they spray? if so what drill size u use to screw it into pvc!?!?!?(lookin at ur pics :))

i bought the round 4" pvc tubing until i check in town , anyways i need more 1/2 pvc cause 47" what planned for 4x4 fence post doesnt go all the way through to end of root holders(pvc) we'll say 58" a nice distance away :( what ya think?

its look good so far :) juts hoping this pvc cement works well, im gonna need more probly depending on how much i coat it whats purple stuff people use and whats pvc glue gonna do for me?.

see pic tomorrow of what i got going , 58" long both pvc tubings how many holes should i put for plants, is it 2 misters per plant? for any plant? i need to order some! i got a few

hoping these work!!!! im gonna need bigger pump than the 2 384 gph, well it would be better to have one bigger one.


Well-Known Member
pic of setup tomorrow :) still need more stuff i got 2inch or 21/2 inch holesaw! would that work for holes or should i do 3"?

4" tubing pvc!


Well-Known Member
right now i have round ,

both pz's are 58 inch but i only got so many misters i dont have 14 like u should im a few off with a couple 180s to fill it up with

but damn im almost there! would it take out much pressure usin 2 180s in one spot?.


Well-Known Member
got 2 384 gph pumps 1 connected ready to go,

i was gonna use 2 pumps is that possible?

i think i might just use one and keep the setup small cause i dont got enough nutes or misters for the tomatos i willl actually be growing if i do, i really wanted to see how it would run to be honest someone told me about this setup from a different site said it was awesome! lol thanks for all the help im gonna try sealing up the pvc with the pvc cement now(stinks setup! ill try to get batterys or some $ for batts lol!!!! to show pics)

if i was to keep this setup exstended i would need more pvc and some t's misters connects for the 2 pumps just a waste for me right now ill just keep it small i still need a the 2 meters? i really wanted those i cant get anything else

lol if the water comes out in amister i will be happy:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!