first grow suggestions, take a look


Active Member
hey guys,
check out my first grow. it's from bagseed. i can get more pictures if someone needs them.
i have two plants, just used miracle grow soil, under 2 shop lights with 2 3000k lights. i also have a heater in there that shuts off when it reaches the temperature its set for. prob around 75. i know its not the best, but we're just trying it. no nutes yet. they are prob about5 days or so into flowering. the first 6 pictures are plant 1 and the remaining 4 pictures is plant 2. the first one looks completely different from the other. its leaves seem to be drying at the bottom, but the top is doing great. it always is reaching toward the light. plant 2 has some weird yellow spots on the bottom leaves, but not on the top. it looks to be curling down, so i haven't been watering it as much - every 3rd day. any thoughts on if they are male female? or any comments or suggestions that i should do? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
they look fine, your gonna have to wait awhile before you can presex them. Normaly between the 6 and 7 th node it will show.
What is the temp in the room? How close is the lights. I think I would back the lights off them by 6 inches and see if that helps the new growth from curling.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Two suggestions:

1. Lowered tips means that you're overwatering. Water only when top soil is dry. Stick a finger 1-2 cm in the soil, feel if it's dry or moist.

2. Your plants have nuteburn. Those are the first signs to it. MG soil has time release nutes that always cause nute burn to weed. Plus, you're overwatering, which means that more nutes are being set free than your plant can handle. Never buy MG again! They've ruined alot of people's plants. Get simple potting soil for flowers with NO ADDED NUTES. This is also why they have grown so fast with no nutes added from you.

3. Wait another 2-9 days depending on strain and conditions for sex to show.

That's my 2 cents, hope it helps...


Active Member
temps about 76. the light is normally about 2 inches or closer. once the plant touches it, i move it up. i normally move it up a few links everyday. i wont buy mg anymore, and is there anything i can do for the nuteburn? ill cut back on the watering too, especially for the second plant. also, do u think there is a specific nute that i need to add, for flowering that the mg might not provide? thanks for the help so far!

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
temps about 76. the light is normally about 2 inches or closer. once the plant touches it, i move it up. i normally move it up a few links everyday. i wont buy mg anymore, and is there anything i can do for the nuteburn? ill cut back on the watering too, especially for the second plant. also, do u think there is a specific nute that i need to add, for flowering that the mg might not provide? thanks for the help so far!
You should get a mild flower nute, with some K and P, but little N. Start feeding at 1/2 strength solution and gradually, in 2-3 weeks, move up to full strength, if you see that there are no adverse reactions.


Active Member
thanks... ill check into that. i think plant 2 was a male, so we moved it and now we have both shop lights around plant one like a teepee. hopefully this lets it get more light than just having them hung above overhead.