first hydro, gonna need a walkthrough


Well-Known Member
haha damn ya i know they're good. i played for years though so i don't look like a complete fool. it's goin on three years since i was back there, workin in a little bar in Samara, living with the two bartender sisters...ahhh those were the days! gotta get back!


Well-Known Member in Samara with the two bartender sisters:clap:<---now I 'll bet there are stories to be told of that!!......but supposedly in another forum, huh............damb--------haha:hump:

any pics???? of the plants, da man!


Well-Known Member
haha yea it was pretty crazy! another forum though.hahah i'll get a few pics of the hydro before i chop em.

i started with 6 but two were major hermie so i pulled em, down to 4

i killed my nicest plant (diesel) cause it was drinking way more water than the rest, long story short i was gone for a weekend and the rockwool wasn't hitting the reservoir...doh!:wall:

but i have 3 left, one og diesel that was almost as big as the first,
and 2 chocolate thai, which are minor hermies that i just pulled off most of the male branches.

thinking i'll get around 3 oz, more or less. you can tell i didn't treat them well because especially the chocolate thais they've grown all these single blade leaves...not quite the ideal conditions, but I'm still going to get a decent harvest so i'm happy with my first try without any of the proper equipment.! luckily my tap water is right around 5.5, my random splashes of nutrients worked out?! haha so haphazard, but this has all been about the education of it for me, so now i know how to do it and will never have to worry about shady dealers and ripoff prices!

ok well then :weed:
the chocolate thais are gonna be chopped sunday night, and the diesel a little later in the week.. i'll get pics up soon

keep on keepin on growinman i have to say that this has been one of the most educational 6 months of my life haha:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
...........ok well then :weed:
the chocolate thais are gonna be chopped sunday night, and the diesel a little later in the week.. i'll get pics up soon

keep on keepin on growinman i have to say that this has been one of the most educational 6 months of my life haha:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Right on, sb, so do you have any plans to do another hydro run?? How'd your clones do?


Well-Known Member
haha yea traded forum posts, nice.

damn sounds like you're getting a nice harvest, and around 5 days sooner than in soil? that's a nice little gain. I love how you can keep hydro so clean, you're really workin it up there! and do the lights help keep your pad nice and toasty? or do you ventilate outside? here it's been gettin cold and i'm talking about mabye 50 degrees!! haha i've gotten spoiled...

OH YA how are those floods?! crazy stuff man!!! stay safe


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:..yeah, I gotta say I am impressed with the hydro so far! And I am thinking that once I get co2 up and running(few months out) that I should be able to consistantly get my SS down to 7 wks and even pack on more bud..... we'll see. How these other strains I have ready to go will do is left to be seen. I sure hope you give this another run in the future, maybe even a dwc bucket or two....... I only knew growing in soil until only a few months ago(when I first started talking to you) and I would have never considered going 'hydro' for numerous reasons. The jury is still out on taste(it's curing), but it smells better already, grew much bigger better looking buds, is very very clean, and you can really jam them in there.....haha!
I wish I could vent the heat from my grow into my living space---I always did when I grew in the house....... The power bill to the house was well over $200 this month, but everything is electric and not much effort is made to conserve:wall: ......I think the shop was even kept warm when it was cold the past in comparison, my grow's bill was only $70! It cost over $100 in the summer because of the a/c...
And these fricken floods..........yeah, I can/have see them on the mainland but not much out here where I am at. I am 50+ft above high tide, so I should be fine until the polar caps melt. And I did sponser a group of 4 to fill sand bags/help the day before yesterday......

Well, waiting to see some mo pics mang! Have a great weekend!:weed:


Well-Known Member
haha alright i lied. got a few pics from my roomie's cam but it's nothin to write home about. chopped the three with a roommate last night and hang drying right now, i'm thinking maybe 2 1/2 oz. decent experiment and i think i will do hydro once i have the room/cash to start up a decent op. until then i think i'll do 2 more soil grows and cut it off until i can get a new place, my closet just isn't cutting it.

in class right now, cartography! pretty badass what you can do with maps and computers these days. anyways ok i promise, pics soon. hows it doin up there??, it's TOO HOT here. my ladies aren't enjoying the heat, really sort of annoyed it's not supposed to be 80 degrees in january!@#$%@!!


Well-Known Member
................. my ladies aren't enjoying the heat, really sort of annoyed it's not supposed to be 80 degrees in january!@#$%@!!
No, it's not supposed to be 80 in Janurary! Holy shit! I was bitching about it in the 50's!<----still running the a/c and having a hard time keeping the res's down under 70. Next big investment I make is a chiller.

Things are going great up here. I do my first harvest out of the AF this weekend it's looking like.....

Check this out sb: remember that 2 place dwc I made as my first experiment? It was in that gray 18gal tote.... Anyway, I ran those two SS girls in 12/12 after a week of veg for 7 weeks. I just harvested them last week and dryed it and it's semi-cured(enough) and I got over 3 oz's off of them dry. I flushed for only a few days and this shit is sweeter than when I grew it in soil, it took up less space than two pots. Wanna hear more? Haha! I used the GH 3 part nutes that came with my AF and nothing else, never changed the res, just went by the ppm when I added water.......and the roots were beautiful and fresh smelling.......
Anyway, thought you might like that story, dirt bagger; haha!!!jk

I got new pics uploaded today and will try to get them in my journel after awhile.

Talk to you soon:weed:!!!