Are there any medical conditions where you cant use marijuana?


New Member
Are there any medical conditions/diseases/illnesses where you cant use marijuana for any reason?

Like say a person with a severe heart defect probably couldnt use marijuana because of its effect on the heart and blood pressure. Is there any other things like that where you couldnt use marijuana?

Im assuming its barely any though because even ppl with Aids and cancer are encouraged to use marijuana to get their appetite back. So it has to be pretty safe for almost any medical condition?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Death, for sure.:mrgreen:
Are there any medical conditions/diseases/illnesses where you cant use marijuana for any reason?

Like say a person with a severe heart defect probably couldnt use marijuana because of its effect on the heart and blood pressure. Is there any other things like that where you couldnt use marijuana?

Im assuming its barely any though because even ppl with Aids and cancer are encouraged to use marijuana to get their appetite back. So it has to be pretty safe for almost any medical condition?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I would say paranoid schizophrenia :) especially if the police station is across the street or street cameras everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I would say paranoid schizophrenia :) especially if the police station is across the street or street cameras everywhere.
Actually you're exactly right. It's the most common condition where marijuana would almost definitely make things worse. There have been cases where people with schizophrenia have committed suicide after taking marijuana. It's definitely not a condition where you want to be experimenting with mind altering drugs.

It's kind of weird too when you really think about it. Marijuana is a pretty tame drug by itself. Imagine smoking weed and then completely flipping a shit and wanting to kill yourself; it doesn't seem real.

People with family histories of any sort of mental instabilities and diseases are also advised not to take marijuana as it can theoretically push people into a mental instability that they otherwise would not experience.

People with severe hypertension, pacemakers, and other conditions where a stimulated heart rate might cause problems for one's health also shouldn't smoke (especially pacemakers).


Well-Known Member
Yep I saw a long time smoker flip her lid one day.... it ended badly... relationship with her boyfriend over etc....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Severe clinical depression has run in every generation from my dad's side of the family.Been using marijuana for years, and it helps a great deal.Just a heads up.:peace:
People with family histories of any sort of mental instabilities and diseases are also advised not to take marijuana as it can theoretically push people into a mental instability that they otherwise would not experience.

(especially pacemakers).


Well-Known Member
Severe clinical depression has run in every generation from my dad's side of the family.Been using marijuana for years, and it helps a great deal.Just a heads up.:peace:
Yeah, I'm definitely not saying that it WILL happen, but there are obviously increased risks with people who have genetic histories of mental instabilities. I'm glad it hasn't hit you that way though.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's actually been very helpful.A few other folks I know with depression say it helps take the "edge" off as well.Maybe we should do a study,lol.
Yeah, I'm definitely not saying that it WILL happen, but there are obviously increased risks with people who have genetic histories of mental instabilities. I'm glad it hasn't hit you that way though.


Well-Known Member
It's actually been very helpful.A few other folks I know with depression say it helps take the "edge" off as well.Maybe we should do a study,lol.
I wouldn't be surprised if they already have. I can definitely see marijuana being a viable treatment for depression.


Well-Known Member
After a google search I found this:

Question: Is It a Bad Idea to Use Marijuana to Relieve Depression?
Answer: There is much debate as to whether marijuana might actually help depression. Participants in a 1997 pilot study1 reported that one of the reasons they continued to smoke marijuana was that they felt it relieved their symptoms of depression and anxiety. Another study2 found that marijuana did not seem to exacerbate depression, but rather was another symptom of the condition. Although there is preliminary evidence that marijuana may have antidepressant properties, many argue there are also some important drawbacks to it's usage. There is a well-known phenomenon called "amotivational syndrome" in which chronic cannabis users become apathetic, socially withdrawn, and perform at a level of everyday functioning well below their capacity prior to their marijuana use. Although the depressed person may feel relief from their symptoms, this may be an illusion of well-being if the person loses motivation and productivity.
I kind of get the feeling it works for different people in different ways, depending on the level of depression. I feel like it takes the edge off for me too when I get depressed (which I've been lately).

Time to toke up :joint:


New Member
Well I was more meaning the actual physical health effects and not mental. Im trying to figure out what physical illnesses there are where you cant use marijuana.

I think marijuana is fine to use with depression as long as are past being suicidal. I can say this becuz I do have depression, its much milder now than it was at one point. The first time I actually got high (and this is when marijuana was completely new to me) it felt like I woke up, and it was the 1st moment I wasnt depressed in years. Life didnt feel like a challenge anymore, and I thought it might actually be worth living. These were totally new thoughts at the time. Ahh...those were the days. When I 1st got into weed that was my thing. It gave me something to do and to look forward to, until I ignored other things and I let myself fall deeper. Anyways yea I think marijuana is ok for depression as long as u dont smoke or a ton and ur not suicidal. Schizophrenia Im not sure about.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
A physical roadblock to smoking weed would have to do with the plethora of lung diseases, allergies, and heart conditions being that there are varying levels of these afflictions there's bound to be someone that the weed or just the smoke would agitate.