• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i don't quite no why i felt the need to add that last bit, but hey...what is the internet for anyway

hmm, Yeah I haven't tried DMT yet, but it is on my list. I'll probably run into some at some point.

I've got the necessary herbs for Ayahuasca sitting in a box in my room, but haven't had the motivation yet.

It's very strange how these two (salvia and dmt) seem to have some sort of connection, while have utterly different nuerochemical modes of action. But take for instance the prevailing image of my first trip, essentially a vine of the soul, which is another name for DMT. I mean, I don't even know why I thought it was a vine.

Visual or not though, I think I'm begining to make some connections to the 'tone' of the trip in a mental sense (dissociative, alienating, overpowering) to the tone of the colors you see. Serotonin agonists (5-HT2) seem to add this vibrance that another class of psychedelics (though affecting vision and color) do not.

Perhaps its just a manifestation of my psychology and approach to a given experience. I've noticed one drug I purchased online as LSD (which it was not), had definite visual effect, definite effect on color, but it was some how more viciously organic, not flashy. And it definitely also had more of a foreboding aspect that I associate with some of my salvia trips. However, this drug was likely a serotonin agonist, so I should amend my theory to state that there seem to be two different neurochemical psychedelic cascades.

Anyway, my actual point was going to be, that after a few salvia trips, I became accustomed and was able to actually look at it without fear, and with appreciation in approach to the experience. I used it frequently and almost casually, and it seemed to really improve my mood across the board. At some point I got out of practice and the great fear in regard to its power mostly returned, and I have not once again overcome. With proper methodology, I still think this is a useful 'drug'.


Well-Known Member
My trip was pretty scary. Scariest thing iv ever experienced anyway. Haard to explain but ill try. I was sitting at the table with my 2 friends who were also having some. I had 2 bowls and held them in for a while. Sudenly it hit me and the kitchen on the right hand side of me started spinning as if a black hole had just opened up. i looked away and back at it in disbelief bt it was still there. as this vision went away i was hit with extreme euphoria like after smoking some mean buds..perma smile n all. So i had a few more hits. on the 3rd hit bang i was ripped from reality. it was as though i was turning like a cartwheel and everything else was turning to but in a different way, at times i would 'click' back into everything else as our(me and the rest of the world lol) seperate circles coincided but i would then slip back out of reality again as i kept turning. scary shit. my two friends were in the room at the time n they said i went crazy..lol. broke a chair and a vase..oops. Musta lasted 20-30 seconds?? but i came to on the other side of the room standing up in the doorway. was a weird feeling.


Well-Known Member
after my experience i reckon if there was someone you were worried about becoming a drugy you could give them a big hit of this and it would turn them off.


Well-Known Member
i just read this whole fugg'in thread. and ya, i've already got a money order made out to get some of the 20x from th guy that IamShaman recommends on hist site for like 29.95 plus 3 dollars shipping.

i guess much of my ego is built on the fact that i like to think of myself as a (unique) and highly spiritual shaman. But so many of your experiences reflect my world view, that i'm not feeling so original anymore. :D that's alright, i'll get over it.

i can tell some of you have done a lot of drugs, you keep repeating the same shit over and over in this thread :D one time a was waiting outside a college classroom waiting for a class to finish and the next to start... a young guy and girl were sitting down leading against the wall oposite of me. the guy asks the girl if she's ever heard the story about 'sysyphus'... she says 'no', i don't think so... so he precedes to tell her this story about a man that has such memory that he rolls a giant stone up a mountain... gets to the peak and the stone rolls down the other side. the next day he does it again. and again. ok, man, no joke... a week later the three of us are sitting in almost the exact same place, again waiting for our class to start in the hallway... this guy turns to the girl and asks her, "have you ever heard the story about sysyphus?" she says, 'no, i don't think so'... so he precedes to tell her the story.

i just bit my tongue... and didn't say anything at all. life is just so frigg'in weird some times.

gives me hope for the human race though (even though we are destroying our world) that some people have seen inorganic entities, and the swirling vortex that we ride in that stretches forever from ever, people realizing that their ego and being can come apart at the seems (as it does each night passing from dreams to dreamless sleep) and then coming back together again.

if you need a conceptual framework... start reading Carlos Castaneda from book one and go to book ten.... that brotha is deep. A true spiritual teacher, in his own right. (the books start of slow, though, cuz he starts out as a regular joe)....


if anyone is interest in this spiritual mumbo jumbo i've uploaded a book that i have worked on... don't know that i'll ever get back to it... so maybe i'll have to call it finished... the last couple pages just ramble off... but the rest should be fairly coherent.


Scwheet, another person starting to see the linearity of time in our dimension unravel...

I seem to have a number of these repeat sequences... I recognise them immediatly and then know exaclty the next couple of things that is going to happen.. or may happen depending on my choices...

It is a weird concept, and I'm not sure if I'm relateing it in a way that makes any sense...

If you get it, you get it... if not.. just ignore this post.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Okay.. this is hard. I realize this will be different for everyone...

Think about this for a second: When you go to walk you think walk (but the thoughts of how to walk never enter your head) for example; when you go to walk you don't say pick up my left leg, take a step forward, put the left leg down, pick up the right leg, and so on and so forth... as it's habit you think "walk" and your brain does all the analytical processing.

Okay, when I do salvia (generally) I hear my thoughts (as if my brain was telling me the exact movements that my body was about to perform -my passed example was walking). So it's almost like I hear someone telling me what I am about to do.. kinda sketchy.

The high: awkward.. definitely belongs to salvia and nothing else imo. It's like a very dense head buzz, with an awkward sense of a body buzz.. but it's not like a tingly buzz, it's like a heavy deep pressure almost. I always find that when I walk around when I'm tripping on salvia, it feels as though I am being pushed everywhere that I step.

Visuals: Personally, I find salvia much more enjoyable with the lights off, and tripping while you're attempting to fall asleep (or maybe meditating if you so choose). It really isn't very psychedelic, no patterns or really any spectacular colors or designs popping out of nowhere (like with lsd). But it is very trippy.. and CEV's are pretty intense.

I could go on forever about this (maybe I'll come back and edit it tomorrow so I can add more), but I have a time constraint.. so hopefully this helps someone.



Well-Known Member
take precautions...use darkness...finding sources of comfort, patience acceptance and love are useful before disembarking

salvia is strong psychedelic, and I believe it to be a good tool. The problem is that there is wild variation according to body chemistry as it effects the salvia experience. Or actually, it might be entirely psychological. It is so strong a tool, that one can be lost in contemplation of the tool, and never even find or enact its implicit use. There is so much I can notice immediately after smoking, about the sense objects have, general strong alteration in perception on all levels, symbolic to literal. I feel that this is like buying a hammer and contemplating the handle at a distance. One learns the tool by using it.

It is without the self-promotional advertisement of other entheogens. the Mind that likes being entertaineD is not drawn into a dream, then slowly redirected by the causal forces of this universe to self-reflexion and resonance; it is not appealed to phenomally. Some drugs are seductive, they slowly unravel the structures used to cope with experience. It will play to transcend your self-defeating head games. In fact, I find salvia intimidating for its incongruence with such games. Only the strongest psychological and chemical loops persist, of which salvia can be naught but an acquiesced passenger. Always, there is organic breathing truth in alien but native form, and you are being mapped to it. You can frustrate the mechanisms of creation, or absolve.

As such, I think you need a framework for salvia. It requires skill and respect, but it will not demand them, and must be your insight to necessity which brings it about. I like the metaphor of the sheperdess, or mother earth as tending to a garden. It is best to be introduced slowly, with full control. Picture entering a fluid surface, too high a velocity and it acts as a solid. The real work is in the boundary layer, approaching the experience with infinitesimal and dynamic self/distance. Contemplation of the boundary. An ally, the integrated non-self. It's not a literal truth in all meaningful senses, but those are the details to be hashed out later. Have intent, will travel.


Well-Known Member
salvia is a very very different drug. I hate the fact that its kind of considered legal marijuana, cause its not. I'm not an every day salvia-er, but i do occasionally hit the other dimension.
My trips are normally very head high. Not to the point of being couch locked, but as if your trying to move under a different (heavier) atmospheric pressure. every so often when i trip i get (what i refer to as) the righties - were it feels like my souls chain is being pulled down and to the right towards the ground. Im not sure if that makes any sense.

But when i dont have the "righties" my brain seems to be its own person from me; like my body is only a carrier to this soul until it reaches its destination, but im okay with it. I can only think of it as a human-dog relationship; the dog does what the human wants, and what it thinks is in its best interest to insure its owners survival.

But what really threw off my last salvia trip - was really messed up. I actually havent touched it since then, although i ponder trying it again. On my last trip, I was in a smaller bedroom, at my buddies place. We each packed up a hit and went at it, repacked and repeated (80x purple sticky). Well shortely after exhaling, he goes to his closest to show me his plants and there progress. I sat infront of the closest doorway for what seemed like an eternity, and my body/mind seperated to what felt like simese (sp?) twins. But then there was a seperate-almost alien voice that joined in. At first i couldnt understand it, but then my mind told me that i just needed to listen. Somehow i was able to make out what the 'entity' was partially saying. Except it wasnt anything in the room, or in the world.. I'm not entirely sure what it was, (i believe in ghosts, aliens, demons, you name it so until otherwise proven ill go with one of those) Because the voice wasnt angry, happy, dark, or light, deep or quiet, it just was... Like the actual almighty - and it was the one pulling the soul chain towards them. I've come to give the voice the name pol (have to name what i dont understand. pronounced POLE). That was maybe 3 months ago, and it still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when i think about the voice..
So go ahead, i know im crazy. But maybe not, maybe... lol


Well-Known Member
absolutely correct stubbbone, couldnt agree with you more, smoked it good amount of times never had a bad trip, and in the few where i actually halucinated a lil it was real fuckin cool, just gotta take it in moderation


Well-Known Member
the first three times i used salvia... i was just -gone- tripp'in. the first i seemed to merge with the whole world/universe and then chose to limit my perception back to that relegated to my physical self (but not before asking the question, "what about my dogs? i will not let go of this without knowing that my dogs are alright", then i saw my dogs rising up off the ground, like myself, as wrinkles in the space/time continuum. and i can verify that dogs can be freaked out by salvia... the first time i did it they started to look at me like i was a stranger... like they might attack me. (And me and my dogs are PACK.) I was like, "nishe dogggy.... don't keeel me dogggy, ha ha ha". The second time i did it i layed in bed so i wouldn't lay down face first on the ground like the first time. This time i melted into about 1/2 of the mattress and two of the dogs laying pressed up against me. Starting with the second time i used it, the dogs now go crazy (like frantic) to be the ones that are pressed up against me while i am tripping. They seem to realize that i am melting into them.

I have used it three times since them, i resolved each time to remain conscious throughout (with no 'lost time' unaccounted for). The last time i did it i started to do some basic tai chi. I had a video of tai chi that i used to watch when i was a child. It talked about the 'tan tien' or a point just above the navel. Much of tai chi involves visualizing a ball of energy located at this place. I barely got a glimpse of that in my youthful practice. But on salvia i had this very real ball of energy, like carrying three heavy bags of groceries with your legs a bit bent at the knees. and i went through some simple movements and then did some kicks in the air higher than i had ever done before, like i had just figured out how to properly move my body in that way.

i think it can be used as a tool in both a 'deep' or way tripping sense, and in a more 'shallow' sense whereby you are still conscious and don't have any memory gaps.


Active Member
mikeb4370, lonehippie here. doing salviia is a short trip on acid in the 60's. my trip lasted about 15 min. and i saw myself being sliced like a cucumber. i was watching iron chef at the time. now don't forget im a 56 yr old 60's hippie that knows what lsd 25 is like of watching acorns grow into a giant tree. in other words you get what you pay for. as for as myself i still do salvia every now and then.


Active Member
As soon as I let out the hit i felt it. Everything more than a foot from me dropped into blackness, soon after that I lost track of everything. I was in my own little world so to speak. I remember seeing a nearby canyon during the trip, but when I came down I realized that was my friend. Right before the blackness everything begins to split and then everything splits again and so on till nothing is left. When I came out of the blackness I was like life was just starting. It was as if everything I was had been assembled just then and given by some miracle the power to live. After i returned so did other things nearby. It was like watching the universe begin.


Well-Known Member
i know how it feels. although at least they weren't analyzing / scientifically observing you. nice avatar and sig indiana :D


New Member
i know how it feels. although at least they weren't analyzing / scientifically observing you. nice avatar and sig indiana :D
dude they were fucking staring me down like a fat chick stares at a box of ho hos. i'm not doin that shit again, tried the 20x first to no use, then the 80x did me in. do i take it there's another strangelove fan out there? thanks for the compliment mikey.


Well-Known Member
As you know, every time you use salvia it gets stronger.

Well, the last time I did, I thought I was paint, and got splinters trying to drag myself across the side of a house.

funny shit.,.


Well-Known Member
yeah love the strangelove :D that's too bad about the staring, its a sure way to ruin the experience, or at least a terrible bon voyage. I couldn't even see them most of the time so :D


Active Member
i saw the world like an old school mario nintendo game, it was 2D and the clouds looked like those in the game, there were blocks everywhere and the person standing in front of me was only a flat profile. it was cool enough but i haven't tried it since, it gave me a nasty headache and it only lasted a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha sum1 did -rep me for using txt talk saying that i cant spell . hahahaha how sad sum peeps can b jus shows how old fashion dey r . 21st century get wif the times ....