Question about harvesting?


Active Member
if the bottom half of the plant is ready but the top cola is not will it hurt my plant if i harvest the bottom and leave the top to finish?


Isn't usually the other way around? I just hacked half a plant today, top tho. if you think they are ready go for it.

PaY uP SuCkA

Active Member
not trying to jack your thread, but just a question here...
lets say you needed to harvest the cola first.
if u were to basicly act like your topping and chop the main stem right above a node, and continue growth would it split to 2 shoots?

or if not what about if after say a week more you harvested the rest and then regenerated? would it then?


not trying to jack your thread, but just a question here...
lets say you needed to harvest the cola first.
if u were to basicly act like your topping and chop the main stem right above a node, and continue growth would it split to 2 shoots?

or if not what about if after say a week more you harvested the rest and then regenerated? would it then?

you need to reveg it to get new shoot growth.

PaY uP SuCkA

Active Member
you may not be trying to jack his thread... but you did... so start your own. rude.
your right, 'technically' i did jack his thread, to be truthful with you, not everyone are dicks.

i was not rude, its not like i didnt give him a chance to get an answer, he had 4 diff. people agreeing on the same decision.

atleast i apologized before hand, most people just throw random questions in with a 'good job buddy', and end up jackin anyways...