• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

McDermott to (I)cheney:Resign or face impeachment


Well-Known Member
Ladies and gentlemen .... will the dems show enough balls and uphold the constitution as they have sworn to do?

McDermott to Cheney: ‘Resign or face impeachment’
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) told Vice President Dick Cheney to “resign or face impeachment” Thursday night as three more House Democrats lent their support to a plan to impeach the vice president.
“The vice president holds himself above the law, and it is time for the Congress to enforce the law,” McDermott said in a floor speech. “For the good of the nation, the vice president could leave office immediately.”

... only time will tell.



New Member
To Rep. Jim McDermott ...

Shut the Fuck up and build the damned wall along the southern border already, OK?



Well-Known Member
well if we've learned anything from government in the last 10 years it's that it's ok to lie to the poeple, lie to congress, bring us into this unnecessary oil war(thereby killing hundreds of thousands of people enemies/innocence/our troops), basically take a shit on the constitution but it's NOT ok to get a blow job in the oval office.


Well-Known Member
None of this would be happening if we had a congress that wasn't corrupt.

These war criminals should have been indicted back in 2001.



Just some idiot
well if we've learned anything from government in the last 10 years it's that it's ok to lie to the poeple, lie to congress, bring us into this unnecessary oil war(thereby killing hundreds of thousands of people enemies/innocence/our troops), basically take a shit on the constitution but it's NOT ok to get a blow job in the oval office.
Nicely said.


Just some idiot
I'm not one to bitch, but name one good thing Cheney or Bush has done for this country. Just one is all I ask. And before you jump all over me I am a registered republican, though I usually throw my vote away on third party canidates. Him and Cheney are using this country to their advantage not the people. I mean the guy practically stole the office the first time, he's moron and Cheney is so shady.

9/11..lets go after some oil
Education...no child left behind.....disaster
Foreign relations...disaster
Benefit from being President of this country....he's doing this pretty well
Steal the election...good job


Well-Known Member
"The people shouldn't fear their government, The government sould fear it's people"


New Member
Gygax sez ...

"I'm not one to bitch, but name one good thing Cheney or Bush has done for this country. Just one is all I ask."

Ok, I'll bite. The tax cuts should please you if you are a Republican. We've had sustained economic growth for the past 86 months as a result. Also, the Supreme Court nominations should have you really pleased as well. In fact, those nominations should please every constitutional devotee on the site.

Grow Rebel sez ...

You got a problem with accoutablity?:spew:

Your damned right I have a problem with accountability ... or the lack thereof. The PRIMARY duty of the federal government is to protect the rights of the people. Keeping the border open does not protect the rights of American citizens at all. In fact, its creating an American slave class, a class who are breaking into our country illegally and taking advantage of our benefits without paying for them. Yeppers ... I have a problem with lack of accountability on the part of our lawmakers. So ... I ask them to stop fucking around with political bullshit and get something done for the American citizens.



Well-Known Member

.... first of all the congress took an oath to uphold the constitution .... they are not doing that .... and I didn't ask about the boarder ... I posted about impeachment of the illegitmate cheney .... get your issues straight ..

.... and those repuke talking points about lower taxes that benefit the 1% with the most wealth .... and the economic is great? .... yeah for corporate amerkia it is but not for the middle class and poor ... so that's bullshit too ...

.... and those SC cronies were put there to fuck the people .... which is what they are doing ...

.... here folks is an excellent example of someone that will vote against their own best interests.:roll: :spew:

:joint: :hump: :peace:


Well-Known Member
When we (america) has good econical growth it's do too puppet leaders that work for welthy people wanting to make more money for themselfs not the country, The War cost alot of money and war bonds are a good pay back if you get them early enough and inside info is the best to make the most profit. so really think about why they might be bad leaders? Because there not for us they are for themself and nobody else.


Just some idiot
I said I'm a registered republican, I'm more of a 3rd party guy though. I am not happy with anything that this guy has done. How about we legalize the illegals here and let them become americans, taht's the same attitude that began the criminalization of this plant we all love. It's also very against what america is. I'd rather have more people coming here to work rather than sending our work outside our borders. I myself think that we need to worry about the bigger issues like a WAR that makes us look bad to rest of the world, and for the poor people who have died. And it's time to actually go after the terrorists who are the bastards that actually had the stupidity to do what they did to the US and other countries. I mean we got the big guns it's time to use them on the real enemy not Allah the street thug in Iran. Why don't we ever rush to help out the poor people that are suffering in Africa, my guess would be NO OIL. The security in this country is no better than it was..is it? Katrina, that was like a third world country thanks to the gov't poor job of reaction. Our education system is for sh#t, this is very important. What tax breaks have really helped me? Our rights being protected...c'mon their are bigger rights being violated than illegal immigrants, hey if they want to work let them, at least give them the options to be citizens. What exactly do these supreme court judges stand for? I will admit I do not know? I just want to be really proud to be an american, and lately I haven't. I love this country and I have to say in the last 6 or so years there are not many moments that fill me with pride anymore. I think the last 6 years have definitely been very dark times. I'll say it again Bush is a moron and Cheney is shady. I'm sorry but I don't really see your point when it comes to the BIG picture of what this country has become.


New Member
Five recounts in Florida, all in predominately Democratic districts and the count still came out favoring Bush. Please be very accurate here ... exactly HOW did Bush "steal" the election?

Gygax sez ...

Why don't we ever rush to help out the poor people that are suffering in Africa,

To date, the Bush administration has authorized over 25 BILLION dollars to fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Many other American private charities are working hard in Africa to help those people. Most of the African governments are crooked to the Nth degree. They syphon off relief funds and they end up in Swiss bank accounts. Kinda like the United Nations, if ya know what I mean.

Katrina: The federal government is not authorized by the constitution to "help out" in those types of disasters. Like Africa and the United Nations, the loss of life during Katrina was largely due to inefficient or crooked local and state governments. Why are "modern" Americans turning to the central government first when it should be the last resort? Could it be the result of brainwashing being perpetrated upon the unwashed Amercian masses over the past 70 years? Naw, couldn't be that, now could it??



Well-Known Member
They just cannot accept that they lost in Florida. Hey LIBS you lost in Florida, give it up. Losers! No matter how much you bitch you still lost in Florida.


Well-Known Member
Five recounts in Florida, all in predominately Democratic districts and the count still came out favoring Bush. Please be very accurate here ... exactly HOW did Bush "steal" the election?

Gygax sez ...
Wow ..... you really show your ignorance ..... you should do research before you post ....

When all the vote were counted in Florida Gore won

Robert F Kennedy did a full article in the Rolling Stone on exactly how the election was stolen, but you won't read it because it will show you don't know what you are talking about.

To date, the Bush administration has authorized over 25 BILLION dollars to fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Many other American private charities are working hard in Africa to help those people. Most of the African governments are crooked to the Nth degree. They syphon off relief funds and they end up in Swiss bank accounts. Kinda like the United Nations, if ya know what I mean.
Yeah and that bullshit too ....

Bush’s “Stinginess” on African Aid Revealed

What the White House wants you to believe is that they’ve embarked on a new program to double aid to Africa by the end of the decade. Today, ActionAid, an international development agency group, [URL="http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/fromthefield/actaidusa/112059178765.htm"]released a report[/URL] showing that over 90 percent of the African aid Bush announced was in fact old, committed money

Katrina: The federal government is not authorized by the constitution to "help out" in those types of disasters. Like Africa and the United Nations, the loss of life during Katrina was largely due to inefficient or crooked local and state governments. Why are "modern" Americans turning to the central government first when it should be the last resort? Could it be the result of brainwashing being perpetrated upon the unwashed Amercian masses over the past 70 years? Naw, couldn't be that, now could it??
What planet are you on? It is FEMA's job to handle emergencies of that nature which is part of the government .... you need to read more ... :roll:


Well-Known Member
They just cannot accept that they lost in Florida. Hey LIBS you lost in Florida, give it up. Losers! No matter how much you bitch you still lost in Florida.
....and you bushies can't accept the elections were stolen and the illegitimate bush was NEVER elected .... only selected ....

.... you can shoot your mouths off all you like you still can dispute the facts ....

.... you give it up .... :roll: