24 ounces with 24 big buds?


Well-Known Member
u think i can achieve 24 ounces with 24 big buds. vegging them til 12 inches and flowering with a 1000watt hps??? in a 7 feet by 5 feet closet?

thanks everybody


Well-Known Member
If you mean planting 24 "Big Bud" plants, and vegging them to a height of one foot, I think it's possible.


Well-Known Member
yessir you got it.. what do u think? an ounce per plant? using a 1000 watt hps?
If you veg 24 "BigBud" plants to the height of one foot, when you flower them they will end up being 2-3 feet when they're done. You will definitely get an ounce(if not more) off of a 3 foot tall "BigBud" plant, using a 1000W HPS light.


Active Member
We think it’s possible to get more than an ounce per plant, but that’s only if you can work it out to where your hps covers all of them, the outside plants may not get as much light as the others, thus decreasing growth rate and over all yield. we're currently designing a new room to defeat that problem while only using a 600w hortilux, the system will allow us to grow 24 plants, and harvest 12 every month.

:leaf:Best of luck:leaf:

- SOG monsters


Well-Known Member
We think it’s possible to get more than an ounce per plant, but that’s only if you can work it out to where your hps covers all of them, the outside plants may not get as much light as the others, thus decreasing growth rate and over all yield. we're currently designing a new room to defeat that problem while only using a 600w hortilux, the system will allow us to grow 24 plants, and harvest 12 every month.

:leaf:Best of luck:leaf:

- SOG monsters
Agreed. But....if the plants are in pots, the outside ones can be moved in, and away from the light again, giving all plants equal time with optimum light. Kinda like a light mover, just manually.


Active Member
you can probably fit 6 nice size plants in there, depends how big you pot them. and they will grow nice under your 1000w