im not flowering im still vegging tomarrow it wiill be 1 week old
and i was saying between the stem and nodes theres things growing out of them now ill try to get a good pic of that and send too
so what ya think?
Hey carcass, the ladies are doing good! Looks like you did a fine job with the LST and topping. Yes 23 watts is equivalent to 100 watts of incandescent lighting.
ok here r some pics i just took
i dont know what kind it is
pics r where i have it
and i did that training to them and now they look like this
carcass91, good luck to you man, my apt is so fukin small i have only 1 little closet,I like youre injinuity,smoooooooth! 1/10 tycoon777
no i dont mean that lst
i mean i "c" train it where i massage jentaly moving and lifting up the leaves to try to get them to stay up and not look like thy are drooping.
i think they are droop like so cuase i transplanted them the other day cuase old pot was too small