Man, Today my friend got me a bud of some good Kerela Gold... Fuck, i just smoked a joint and im sooo fucking Baked..
Now stoned, i decided to post the pics of my plants after I have topped some and LSTed some ... and i experimented with FIM on one plant
I noticed the other branches overgrow already... i got some real green bud sites

Okay, i used some earphone wires to tie them down...

And.. the yellowing of leaves has stopped completely... I now feed the plants with a strong dose of NPK every 2 days...and they seem to be loving it.... This weekend i need to go get some big pots for transplanting my plants.... My Kerela Gold seems to be showing pre-flowers... bt man, i dunno, i thnks it may be male pre flowers

Or possibly its not pre flower after all

Its too small so i cudnt take pics of that.....
Soo, here goes...
This is my Kerela Gold... I Tied it and Topped it as well

.. lets see how it goes..
Ohk Fuck okay, I just saw my own pics and i cud see the Pre Flowers in em clearly.... Take a look... this is on the top-most branches..
fuck, i just hope its no male
Anyways, other LSTed plants...
Topped some as well
Experimented on FIM... Lets see if i did it right or not
So, what do u think guys?.... I go smoke one more Joint of that Godly Kerela Gold