New Member
My beautiful girl, nobody has posted one of these yet.....

LOL now that is a face you can love!!
Dope!! spiders are cool I wanna get a couple of lizards at some point
let them live in my room and eat any critters that crawl in.
No problem, If thats all u ment then I totally agree with u.if you read my previous post it's the guys that let their dogs run loose and don't train them......
I didn't pick you out of a crowd and start bashing you or your dogs..... so I don't understand what your problem is...
sooo cute!
100% correct!!! you can just throw your go in the back yard and feed him every morning... walks, playing, all that shit take a lot of that engergy away so they don't have to look for outlets to use up that stored up energy! I know lots of people that have pets that really shouldn't...
Most people should not own a wolf. More often than not a wolf will reach around 100 lbs. At some point the pure blooded wolf will 'test' the alpha position, even if it is a female. A wolf owner must be prepared to grab the wolf by the throat and flip it on its back and say, "Don't you ever, EVER, test me! I am large and in charge!" And they must expect that a year later they will have to rinse and repeat. It is possible to be a good and responsible wolf owner, in part, by knowing what you are getting into. (Similarily, you can own a mountain lion, but almost every story that starts out with someone getting a leopard ends up with the person placing the animal in a zoo or putting it down. Their 'wild side' always comes to the surface between 6 mos and 1 year of age.)
I let one of my dogs in the backyard the other day to go potty... i heard her barking... so i went out to see that two pit-lab mix dogs had backed her up to the house. I let her in and grabbed a steal bar and went out to confront the dogs. These two dogs stood there, in my yard, barking at me and making small feints in a threatening manner. I should have brained them. The only reason i didn't is because another of my females was in heat, and i had some sympathy at least, for their motivation.
Those dogs should never have been on my property.
Pitbulls have been bred to be 'game'. Willing to fight. And with a desire to keep fighting once they reach that state of agitation. In my area an elderly woman had three pitbulls (she probably kept them because she thought that they would help to keep her safe from harm). The police found her lying in her own backyard being mauled by her dogs. Why is it that you don't hear about 3 labrador retreivers mauling their owner?
I love two breeds of dogs... anything that has mastiff blood or bully blood. I wouldn't own anything else. But bully breeds require an extra degree of socialization and training and 'observation'... meaning - keeping them under control. A great many people do not deserve to be pet owners. They are irresponsible and self-centered to the extreme. Now give them a pitbull, and animal that has been bred to have a short fuse and a high prey drive. Then they let it run wild. Or put in in the backyard - feeding it and giving it water only as often as they please.
Trust me, i'd just as soon shoot all of the owners. We have made them what they are. And i do not fault the dogs. But, just as the unwitting shouldn't own a wolf, neither should they be allowed to own a pitbull.
its funny that you say that because i had a particularly testy rottie when i was in high school.. i trained him and raised him right, but inevitably he got to that pubescent testing stage about a year old.. i always train my dogs with the NILIF policy, so i told him to sit when before i fed him, and he would not sit.. i asked him again and he still would not sit, so i put the food up on the counter.. as i started to walk away he growled at me, i turned and gave him a stare down and told him to be queit. as i turned away again he growled even more intense.. so i got about 4 inches from his face and told him to be quiet.. he snipped at my face and i flipped that sob over so fast on his back and got on top of him and showed him what was up.. i held him down for a good 30 seconds before he calmed down. then i got up and he walked away.. about an hour later i came into the kitchen and he came in there, and sat down by his bowl and looked up at his food.. i gave him a good petting, gave him his food, and he never gave me a problem again LOL...
Most people should not own a wolf. More often than not a wolf will reach around 100 lbs. At some point the pure blooded wolf will 'test' the alpha position, even if it is a female. A wolf owner must be prepared to grab the wolf by the throat and flip it on its back and say, "Don't you ever, EVER, test me! I am large and in charge!" And they must expect that a year later they will have to rinse and repeat. It is possible to be a good and responsible wolf owner, in part, by knowing what you are getting into. (Similarily, you can own a mountain lion, but almost every story that starts out with someone getting a leopard ends up with the person placing the animal in a zoo or putting it down. Their 'wild side' always comes to the surface between 6 mos and 1 year of age.)
gota so them bitchs who's dominate.its funny that you say that because i had a particularly testy rottie when i was in high school.. i trained him and raised him right, but inevitably he got to that pubescent testing stage about a year old.. i always train my dogs with the NILIF policy, so i told him to sit when before i fed him, and he would not sit.. i asked him again and he still would not sit, so i put the food up on the counter.. as i started to walk away he growled at me, i turned and gave him a stare down and told him to be queit. as i turned away again he growled even more intense.. so i got about 4 inches from his face and told him to be quiet.. he snipped at my face and i flipped that sob over so fast on his back and got on top of him and showed him what was up.. i held him down for a good 30 seconds before he calmed down. then i got up and he walked away.. about an hour later i came into the kitchen and he came in there, and sat down by his bowl and looked up at his food.. i gave him a good petting, gave him his food, and he never gave me a problem again LOL
just goes to show that with a strong willed dog, you have to show them your will is stronger.. once they learn that they have no slack, they will become more obedient, and loyal than your closest friend
haha, who neg repped me for my dog "being a pussy".
and thanks for advising me to get a pitt, but i really don't like 'em.
haha, oh well.....Apparently only people who like pitbulls are welcome on this thread. I got a neg for my dog being "gay" as if they know his sexual orientation.