My timer fucked my plant in the ass


Active Member
Hey. I went to check my plant the other day and learn that it is actually on a 6/18 schedule. Lights on for 6 hours and off for 18. This is my fault, of course, but I'm wondering if it that mistake will kill my plants? I've switched it back now but it was on that for like 2-3 days.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
If they are in the veg state - you will probably be OK after the plant adjusts back to the correct cycle..


Well-Known Member
I dont think it will kill your plants!

All you can do is correct the problem and hope for the best.

Try not to worry too much, man. A couple months ago my pump timer stayed on all night and flooded my tray, i thought they where going to die, but they didnt. Weed is pretty forgiving for the most part. Unless you over nute them


Active Member
I dont think it will kill your plants!

All you can do is correct the problem and hope for the best.

Try not to worry too much, man. A couple months ago my pump timer stayed on all night and flooded my tray, i thought they where going to die, but they didnt. Weed is pretty forgiving for the most part. Unless you over nute them
Thanks. I decided now that I'm going to switch the lighting on and off manually. I feel like an asshole leaving the lives of my plant up to the hands of a shitty timer.

Also, when should I nute? My plant is about 3 weeks old and I have some 20-20-20 I just got for veg.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
depends on the soil
Seems like you can ease them into nutes whenever you like as long as you watch for burning and back off if you see it


Well-Known Member
your plants are old enough now for half strength or full its up to you. I dont know about that 20-20-20. What kind of fertalizer is it?


Well-Known Member
USE THE TIMER. You will feel like a bigger ass when you miss turning it off or on...ESPECIALLY during the flowering stage when light variations WILL cause stress and hermie or kill your plant.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, I have faith in myself.
I'm not usually negative, but that seems like some faulty logic. Its not weather you have faith in yourself, but weather you have faith in the world around you. What happens when you get tore up one night and sleep through your alarm? What happens when you or a family member is in the hospital for any reason at all? Or when you are out running some errands and you have an emergency or car trouble. Unless you are planning on having one or two backup people helping out with the lights in emergencies (which would be breaking rule one of grower security) you will run into problems. I'm not saying your grow will fail, but if you do this with all future grows, then more than one of them WILL fail and my earlier statement will stand.

I'm not ragging on you dude. I'm just trying to keep you out of a pitfall that you will have without the timer. Good luck with your grow, I only wish the dankest buds upon you.


Well-Known Member
Use a decent timer, like nunof says. Either use a decent, high load timer, or a cheap timer plus a relay (aka contactor). If you use a relay, you will not have to worry about timer lockups, since the load will not go through the timer directly.

Be careful with the rating on timers, especially if you use a magnetic ballast. The inductive load on a magnetic ballast can be as much as 20 times the running load. For example, you may think that a 400 watt ballast would be fine on a timer rated at 3000 watts (3kw). However, the inductive load of the 400 watt may be up to 8000 watts (8kw). This can cause the contacts on timers to fuse together, locking your light in a permanent on or off state, or in some cases, setting the timer on fire.