Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal


Well-Known Member
He was on duty and wouldn't have been in the situation otherwise---so the laws are written and enforced very liberally for cops.
My wife watched the entire video so i watched it with her,i like where she talks about the female cop comming after her beating on the window of the train,demanding the video camera,ya know had she gave up her camera the footage wouuld of been unwatchable according to the official police statement.

The girl with the camera deserves a medal & the key to the city.


Well-Known Member
My wife watched the entire video so i watched it with her,i like where she talks about the female cop comming after her beating on the window of the train,demanding the video camera,ya know had she gave up her camera the footage wouuld of been unwatchable according to the official police statement.

The girl with the camera deserves a medal & the key to the city.
so do the 4 others then.... :weed:


Well-Known Member
BART is holding an open meeting. it started at 9. it is still going on. they are listening to everyone speak. from city council members to local residents. the outcome of this meeting may determine a lot. there is a large police presence assembled outside.


Well-Known Member
Hope he goes to Prison !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This cant go on anymore, not was he the first.... but he was the last it should happen to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Hope he goes to Prison !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This cant go on anymore, not was he the first.... but he was the last it should happen to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As long as cops carry guns it will happen again. Just think about in the past when people didn't have camera phones/video phones---all the shit cops got away with. That is the only thing that might help change the way cops treat people---that or a citizen review board instead of cops watching cops.


Well-Known Member
As long as cops carry guns it will happen again. Just think about in the past when people didn't have camera phones/video phones---all the shit cops got away with. That is the only thing that might help change the way cops treat people---that or a citizen review board instead of cops watching cops.

i like that idea. cops having to answer to those they actually protect. if i hired a bodyguard i sure wouldn't want him kickin' MY ass. don't we pay their salary?


Well-Known Member
I just saw on the tube this AM about a couple of young men (blk) coming home and the cops saw them in a black SUV and assumed it was stolen. One of the kids was shot in his own driveway. This shit happens all the time. Sorry, I couldn't find a link to the story. It happened in Houston TX yesterday or today.


Well-Known Member
I just saw on the tube this AM about a couple of young men (blk) coming home and the cops saw them in a black SUV and assumed it was stolen. One of the kids was shot in his own driveway. This shit happens all the time. Sorry, I couldn't find a link to the story. It happened in Houston TX yesterday or today.
Yep blew a hole in his gizzard. He was also prone down in submission.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
What about the guy who was walking out of the strip club for his bachelor party and was shot like sixty times or some shit and the guy who put up his hands while holding his wallet and shot a bunch of times? With the large caliber pistols cops carry nowadays it only takes one bullet to knock someone off their feet and put them down. It's always a black guy too. I challenge anyone to find cases of a white man being taken down like that.


i dont know why cops need GUNS. im not saying they dont need protection but its not like there's not bulletproof gear available and other means of being stopped not killed. and its not every day that most cops get in to full outright gun battles i just dont get it this sucks. next month is the anniversary of my friend who was shot by police a taser would have stopped not killed him.


Well-Known Member
Cops do have strict safety rules they're trained to follow so there's no way the gun went off accidently. The cop ruined the guy's and his kids life. Cops ruin a lot of people's lives.

I'm with FDD on this one, cops need to go away.
No, there is a useful role for them, just not the one the state pushes on them where they are forced to enforce stupid laws that include violating the right to privacy, and enforcing laws that have no logical reason for existence, because they make it the government's job to try protecting us from ourselves.


Well-Known Member
read all of the post again I've been through a lot of this kind of thing. we were showed a video were a young black male was shot around 48 times by 4 cops i was outraged when the teacher ask do you think the cops were right i said hell no why shoot a man that many times. AND THATS WHEN I LEARNED THAT UNLESS YOU ARE THERE THE TIME THE SITUATION STARTS TILL THE TIME ITS OVER YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO MAKE JUDGEMENT JUST BECAUSE YOU SEEN A VIDEO. now when we were showed the other 2 videos from a few minutes/seconds before the other 1 I WOULD HAVE SHOT HIM 148 TIMES HAD I BEEN IN THE SITUTAION. I'm just saying if your not there before it starts till its finished you have no right to make judgment maybe the cop was in the wrong maybe the other guy was you just never no unless you were there thats all i was saying i have seen lots of these same kinds of things happen and was only right on about 12 out of 30.


Well-Known Member
Hope he goes to Prison !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This cant go on anymore, not was he the first.... but he was the last it should happen to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He should be executed, prison is too good for some one that was placed in a position of public trust.

Criminals deserve prison, but when the criminals are people that were placed in positions of public trust, then they don't deserve prison, they deserve death.