Well-Known Member
I was just wondering through use of careful planning and nute usage can you improve the quality of bagseed?
so basically if i got some good bagseed stuff that was pretty nice although by no means anything special you can enhance it by creating an environment for it to reach is max potential in other words the guy that hurried the product along and harvested quickly may not have let it get to its full potential?
"Bagseed" is as potent as the strain it actually is. The term bagseed is used simply because you find it in a bag of weed. It could be good shit, or just shit.
But yes, a perfect environment will allow the strain (whatever it may be) to reach it's full potential.
I was just wondering through use of careful planning and nute usage can you improve the quality of bagseed?
not all bagweed that has a seed or two in it wasnt grown under opimum conditions. right now i have a girl almost ready for harvest that i used a lower branch for seed production. a few stray peices of pollen made it onto a couple regular buds and now i have a few seeds in my crop. my pot will still be the best in the county. this is where you get the random one or two seeds in a bag of high quality herb.