Can you make bagseed more potent?

you cant improve the genetics, but you can try to give better conditions that the original grower. perhaps your bag was some outdoor not properly cared for and full of seeds. just growing those seeds without getting seeds in the buds will improve the quality. and if you give ideal conditions, some just okay smoke can give you some primo plants.
i see so many people dissing bag you spend $100 for seeds so you can "name it" i can grow bagseed that's just as potent and eye candy, and sell the same $$
so basically if i got some good bagseed stuff that was pretty nice although by no means anything special you can enhance it by creating an environment for it to reach is max potential in other words the guy that hurried the product along and harvested quickly may not have let it get to its full potential?
"Bagseed" is as potent as the strain it actually is. The term bagseed is used simply because you find it in a bag of weed. It could be good shit, or just shit.

But yes, a perfect environment will allow the strain (whatever it may be) to reach it's full potential.
so basically if i got some good bagseed stuff that was pretty nice although by no means anything special you can enhance it by creating an environment for it to reach is max potential in other words the guy that hurried the product along and harvested quickly may not have let it get to its full potential?

you got the basic idea. alot of guys who grow shitloads dont take the care that smaller gardners do.
If the seeds came from outdoor bud you might not have as good of quality or even the same strain.

A male can pollinate a female from very far away with the help of wind to carry the pollen. If your seeds came from the same strain you will have the same herb but if they came from a different strain you will end up with a cross.

Unless you know the source of the seeds growing from bagseed can be a waste of time or a blessing in disguise. It all depends on the parents.

The grow on my grow journal is from bag seed but I know who the parents are so I knew I was probably going to have good luck with the genetics... and I have
"Bagseed" is as potent as the strain it actually is. The term bagseed is used simply because you find it in a bag of weed. It could be good shit, or just shit.

But yes, a perfect environment will allow the strain (whatever it may be) to reach it's full potential.

the stuff i have is prominent around this area of Cleveland its green with a hint of red. Basically. but a lot of the times people around here cut it quick and sell whatever to whoever.

I'm hoping when i start my first grow that i can baby this plant and make it the best it can be. Since i'll only be growing 1 plant at a time.
oh and one more quick thing i heard seeds in general be it pot or regular plants are good for up to 2 years. fact or fiction?
Seeds from a seedbank should be less than a year old. However, properly stored seeds can be viable for 10 years or more.
I was just wondering through use of careful planning and nute usage can you improve the quality of bagseed?

I'll let you know. I'm new at this on my 3rd grow, bumped up from cfls to dual 150 hps econolites.

What makes some plants grow lots and lots of branches while some plants that came from the same bagseed batch have little tiny branches that don't get very big? I'm thinking that is a sign of bad genetics.
I think everyone else has covered things pretty well here, but I'll throw in my .02 anyway.

If you have seeds in your bag, then whoever grew it was not taking good care of it. I'm just about to harvest my first plant ever, and I can tell you it looks and smells 10x better than the bag the seed came from.:weed: I made lots of newbie mistakes along the way too. My next crop is looking considerably better than the first. If you take the time to read, and ask questions when necessary you will do just fine.

Some people on riu have germed seeds that were 20+ years old. Keep them in a cool, dry, dark place and they will keep for a long time.
The best thing you can do to improve the quality of your bag seed is to properly harvest and cure it.

I know when I purchase schwag it is obvious there is no care in the harvesting and curing process.

The genetics of the seeds are constant but you can improve yield but giving it proper lights, nutes and TLC. The really big diffence is what you do at the end. Make sure you check your Trichomes and follow proper harvesting, curing and storing techiques.
The fact that the bag has seed at all shows that more care could have been taken in the "grow". Yes, genetics rule out, but if you have a great strain and harvest too late, you lose a lot of THC. So yeah, you can improve on bag seed assuming that your grow and harvest approach exceeds the quality of the former grower.

I've got some bag seed growing alongside my bubblelicious. Too early to say anything about them being better than the original, but they look great on their 3-week birthday -- stout bases, lots of side branches, low-growing habit with wide leaves that suggests Indica lineage. I'm happy so far..
two hypothetical ways and two proven ways of increasing potency of bagseed is

1. water cure- since you are removing more weight from the bud, the weight/potency ratio increases although you are not actually making the bud any stronger so to speak.

2. uvb light- supposedly it can make your buds more potent by allowing this form of light to be absorbed by the plant.. no research is conclusive but has validity in theory.

3. ideal environment- of course the primary reason good bud becomes so good is it is grown in a ideal envrionment with the right amount of nutes, fresh co2, rh, and light.

4. curing- any good bud can get ruined if cured improperly. the cure seals in the aromas in the buds giving it a smoother high, as well as allowing the organic materials to evaporate and settle inside the bud so it does not taste like grass.. it will also cure out the thc and cbd, which will make the high more intense and sometimes longer lasting.. like a fine wine, weed gets better with age under the proper curing process..

not all bagweed that has a seed or two in it wasnt grown under opimum conditions. right now i have a girl almost ready for harvest that i used a lower branch for seed production. a few stray peices of pollen made it onto a couple regular buds and now i have a few seeds in my crop. my pot will still be the best in the county. this is where you get the random one or two seeds in a bag of high quality herb.
not all bagweed that has a seed or two in it wasnt grown under opimum conditions. right now i have a girl almost ready for harvest that i used a lower branch for seed production. a few stray peices of pollen made it onto a couple regular buds and now i have a few seeds in my crop. my pot will still be the best in the county. this is where you get the random one or two seeds in a bag of high quality herb.

I should probably have been a little clearer. To me, one or two random seeds in a bag of high quality herb is a good thing. Something worth saving. It tells me that someone was tending to the plants, but something just went a little wrong.

I was talking about regular, cheap schwag. The kind where you still have a gram or two of seeds after you've smoked a 1/4oz. Probably been unsexed, harvested early, grown in bulk, and compressed without being cured. Simply a product to be weighed and distributed, not loved and cared for.

No offense intended.