Too Little Space For A Closet Grow?


Active Member
I've been reading for a long time now, and I'm about to get the materials to get started on a perpetual, stealth, closet grow. Thing is, I'd like some reassurance on my plan before I go out and make the thing :P

Ideally I want two plants per harvest, and have 3 pairs going at a time (so about 3 weeks in between harvests).

The space I have available for growing/flowering is:
1' 8" deep x 3' 6" wide x 5' 6" tall

The space I have for clones and some vegetative growth is:
1' deep x plenty wide x 2' tall

Neither I nor my wife want to have to pay attention to this setup night and day (we both have careers and lives to attend to). From what I've read, a homemade ebb'n'flow setup seems the best for that. I was thinking of setting up a 2x3 area for the plants and doing them SoG or Scrog style under a 250 watt HPS that I'll manually adjust to stay >1.5ft above the plants.

And of course, I'll be setting up fans, a carbon filter, and some ONA =)

Also, once I get more familiar I want to make some hardware/software to automatically monitor the harvest, since I do that for a living anyway :P

So... am I being an idiot? Will typical indiva/sativa hybrids not do well in that space? Not using enough light? Anything? :) Or should I go ahead with this? :D

I appreciate any help! I've been reading a lot, but .. with all the conflicting opinions, it's hard to tell if I actually know anything :\


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

The space your working with is kinda small and 6 plants will surely fill it up. Good luck and I'm pulling up a chair


Well-Known Member
Someone gave me negative rep because I wished you luck on your grow? I dont get it?

Let me rephrase....Best of wishes on your grow. I truely hope it comes out wonderful

Heres what the unnamed -repper said

"givin 'lucks' poor advice , neg rep for you -"

I wish they would have signed their name so I could at least know who it was. Regardless, it was someone with a very low post count cuz it did do crap to me except make me laugh. I really dislike cowards


Well-Known Member
^^^ that's some serious bullshit with the neg rep crap...

Anyway a 1'x3' grow would be better with two 150w hps's so the light is spread better. Those $20 econolights would do the trick. That's the exact same size I use for a little grow atm and it's enough for me anyway if you use it right. (Yea I'm using two of the econolights too.)

No it's not a lot of work to use them. People always freak out with: Oooh connecting three wires to a cord with the same colors is so hard...

The 250 would work, it just wouldn't spread the light as well as would be best in that cab.

You can pull an ounce every two weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
well first of all... welcome to riu... and second of all... you want to grow but dont have much time to spend on it ? (in other words) ? I will tell you something buddy... once you come up with a plan and design to grow... and you start seeing your babies grow .. you'll be forced to spend all your time on them because you wont wanna walk away it's addicting lol If I could just go in and sit in my grow cab and watch and smell and pet my ladies I would lol... but i'm glad that you 2 have great careers and are willing and wanting to grow :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome... I'm doing two plants in a 22" X 20" X 5'.... and screw the 24 cycle.. I was vegging 18/6 ( flower now).. I like to sleep also... Luck..


Active Member
Someone gave me negative rep because I wished you luck on your grow? I dont get it?
That's ridiculous. Personally, I think that encouragement is worth a lot.

Anyway a 1'x3' grow would be better with two 150w hps's so the light is spread better. Those $20 econolights would do the trick.
Makes sense :) I'll use two 150W HPS's then.

I will tell you something buddy... once you come up with a plan and design to grow... and you start seeing your babies grow .. you'll be forced to spend all your time on them because you wont wanna walk away it's addicting lol If I could just go in and sit in my grow cab and watch and smell and pet my ladies I would lol... but i'm glad that you 2 have great careers and are willing and wanting to grow :)
lol, I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time initially :weed:. For the sake of my lady and life, though, I better find a way to separate myself :P Hooray for electronics and automation.


Thanks for the advice and taking the time to browse over my plans. I'm going to go figure out how the rep system works now, then revise my plans, and then start a journal once I finish building :)