God no, not a cult.
Well, I forget how young you are so maybe not.
We are a group of Hippies, Engineers, Doctors, Lawers, Teachers that wanted a better life for ourselfs but found it hard to deal with normal life.
We all got together, 35 of us and purchased a 1500 acre farm.
We buit our own school, church, store, water system and so own.
All the females help on the farm with kids, cooking and so on.
The men build, farm the land, that's me and work jobs outside the farm to make money. Everything goes to everyone, no one goes without, ever.
It's a community type enviroment. We havee 11 original members that are the law.
We make the rules and enforce the rules. In 10 years here we have had one inside issue and many from the outside.
Not a koolaid type of thing, we are all in it for one another, not ourself.
I got hurt and haven't been working so that is why I joined this board, to pass the time and get info on Hydroponics for pot. We grow tons of food but we need it year around. Dirt in our green houses takes up to much room and pest, lots of them. Spraying isn't got for the kids so we need another way to grow. Hydro is the answer in many ways.
Well, I'm sure there will be many her that think I'm just a crazy hippy but I enjoy my life and my MANY close friends.