Anyone else tired of hiding ur marijuana use?


New Member
Are u?
Can u imagine a world where we didnt have to hide it?

I think everybody who has ever used marijuana can relate to this. We all have to hide our use one way or another. All of us have to hide it from the police and authority. Most of us have to hide it from our family. A lot of us even have to hide it from friends or other ppl who look down on us for using it and make us feel bad whenever we use it. We have to hide everything about it. From the weed itself to smoking or eating it, to the effects after it. Its a shame that the world is like this.

I wish I could just roll up weed wherever without having to worry about anything. And I could smoke or eat it and everybody would be cool with it. I could walk down the street smoking one blunt while rolling another right past a cop and all they would do is smile and ask me how my day is. This is my dream that the world would be like this. Nobody would look down on u or attack u for doing what u like. Its a shame that all Im trying to do is make my life better and finally enjoy things and all other ppl try to do is punish me for it. That makes no sense if u think about it. I have depression and anxiety, and it really helps that out more then any medication could. Just some random daydreaming thoughs..., but it really makes sense.

Anyone else relate to this?


Well-Known Member
Shit yes I get so mad sometimes being thought of as a second class citizen or as if I were using crack or meth... People can get drunk and obnoxious in public but I can't get high and chill?


Active Member
I guess I'm a little luckier, living in Canada the cops don't care as much so it's easier to smoke in public (though I still don't). It sucks having to sneak around and deal with drug dealers, we wouldn't be "criminals" if it wasn't illegal. Most of my family is tolerant, just my mom who freaks so I really only have to hide it from her. Just imagine, Obama said he would end the war on drugs, if he makes good on that promise marijuana use will become a lot more acceptable.


New Member
It's not so much that I want to walk down the street smoking, but I want the senseless prosecution of marijuana users to stop. I'd like to be able to grow a few nice plants in my yard during the summer. I'd like to be able it sit out back in my own yard during nice weather and smoke out of my bong without worrying about someone seeing me.

I'd really like to be able to just go buy some when I need it. I'm so sick of trying to hunt down a guy who knows a guy. What a pain the ass.


New Member
Itll take more then legalizing marijuana for the world to be like this though. U would have to change the whole attitude of ppl. Im tired of ppl trying to punish me and make me feel bad for doing it. Even just getting bad looks and ppl not liking me becuz I smoke weed kinda kills my high.

I just wish it was more acceptable and I didnt have to hide every aspect of my marijuana use. Its ridiculous. All Im trying to do is make my life better and feel better and ppl want me to get in trouble for it.


New Member
Right now, I'm looking at this one tiny nug that I have left and trying to figure out a way to make it go twice as far. If it were legal, I'd have my own giant stash grown myself ready to smoke OR I could at least jaunt on down to the store and buy some.

Instead I'm hoping to score some this evening. Now, how to stretch this until then.......sigh.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have a little one hitter that does the trick for that.It makes it stretch farther.
Right now, I'm looking at this one tiny nug that I have left and trying to figure out a way to make it go twice as far. If it were legal, I'd have my own giant stash grown myself ready to smoke OR I could at least jaunt on down to the store and buy some.

Instead I'm hoping to score some this evening. Now, how to stretch this until then.......sigh.


New Member
I have a regular sized hitter that I use. Somewhere I have one of those tiny ones, but I'm always I'm going to burn my nose lighting it or something.


Well-Known Member
I dont hide it any longer unless im forced to for my carerr,what really fucks with me is having to kick an employee off of my job site because he failed his yearly drug test,it makes me feel like a hypocrite,on top of that i know it hurts that mans family because he's lost his ability to provide for them,at the same time im forced by union law & state work laws to allow men who are terrible drunks or alcoholics to make a living on my site as long as they are not drunk or drinking at work,all the guys who work for me are good men,even the drunks but i find the double standard to be highly hypocritical & not in the best interest of the american family.

I do everything in my power to control the outcome of those fukin tests,i warn the men & remind them of the exact date they are going to be tested on,if they need more time to be sure to be clean i'll lay them off for a week or so to give them ample time,still there have been instances where ive been forced to let men go,it makes me feel like shit & makes retirement look even more attractive.

Since starting to grow again & joining this site its made me realize how my generation allowed it to come to this,now several other generations are paying the cost of our passive attitute twords watching marijuana laws blossom out of control.


New Member
Panhead, it sounds like you are giving them ample warning about their tests. The rest is up to them. You shouldn't feel bad if they can't get their shit together long enough for a piss test.

It is a crock of shit the way drunks can get away with shit and weed smokers can't. I always hated when someone would come to work after a night of partying and they'd sweat out the alcohol, the stench always made me want puke. I always thought "if I do puke, I'm making sure it lands on that smelly drunken fuck".


Well-Known Member
I dont hide it any longer unless im forced to for my carerr,what really fucks with me is having to kick an employee off of my job site because he failed his yearly drug test,it makes me feel like a hypocrite,on top of that i know it hurts that mans family because he's lost his ability to provide for them,at the same time im forced by union law & state work laws to allow men who are terrible drunks or alcoholics to make a living on my site as long as they are not drunk or drinking at work,all the guys who work for me are good men,even the drunks but i find the double standard to be highly hypocritical & not in the best interest of the american family.

I do everything in my power to control the outcome of those fukin tests,i warn the men & remind them of the exact date they are going to be tested on,if they need more time to be sure to be clean i'll lay them off for a week or so to give them ample time,still there have been instances where ive been forced to let men go,it makes me feel like shit & makes retirement look even more attractive.

Since starting to grow again & joining this site its made me realize how my generation allowed it to come to this,now several other generations are paying the cost of our passive attitute twords watching marijuana laws blossom out of control.

amen pimpin. you're good folks. this hit's for you....................................................cough.