best time to start flowering whilst keeping the plants small?


Well-Known Member
ive seen alot of people say you can start flowering after 4 or 5 nodes.

im not looking for high yeild just to keep the plants around 24" or less

i have 5 plants that rang in height from 2" to 5" all working on their 4th nodes

how long before i should throw them into flower?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend flowering until you see preflowers, or alternating nodes. People have gone 12/12 from seed, but you increase the risk of hermies if you flower too soon.

As a side note, if you want small plants, you can safely flower clones much smaller, if they have been taken from a mature plant. You may want to consider this for future grows (or this one, if you have the patience, and vegging room)


Well-Known Member
so really its ok to flower at any time but your saying the initial stress may cause the plant to be a he-she


Well-Known Member
6-8 inches your plants should be ready to flower if you want them to be 2 footers when you harvest then wait till they are @ 10-12 inches then start flowering they will at least double in size!


Active Member
I swear you guys are great! ! ! I have been an avid grower for a few years. I have always been so worried about stating that via the web. Defiantly skeptical about posting pics still, but i am getting there after seeing all the posts that they are here. Thank you very much there is info that once you read you REMEMBER! ! ! lol.


Well-Known Member
I say go sooner rather than later. 6-8" seems right. I've never heard that going early produces hermies, hopefully that poster can back that up. Until then, plan on the plants going 3x in size.


Active Member
mine are just about 2 1/2" and i have it on 18on-6off for the lights.for a week know. is that ok or should i go back to 24hr? or is 18-6 ok


Well-Known Member
420spam Yes 18/6 is the best lighting times you can veg your plant for a year if you want but when you are ready to flower switch to 12/12 usually 7-9 weeks depends on strain when you get to @ 6-7 week you check the trics when they start getting cloudy reall start paying attention cause they will soon turn amber color and thats the best time to harvest!


Well-Known Member
I sure can:,409.10/wap2.html

3 seconds of googling, plus personal experience. Thanks for the neg rep (you or whoever did it). Very mature of you.
No idea about neg rep.

While "Dankhydr" may know all there is to know about weed, any other sources more documented? I've never had a hermie plant in all my grows. and I have to force them to flower. What are people to do that need to flower early due to height reasons?

Btw, you seem to have taken my post negatively, but I'm just trying to learn as well.


Well-Known Member
No idea about neg rep.

While "Dankhydr" may know all there is to know about weed, any other sources more documented? I've never had a hermie plant in all my grows. and I have to force them to flower. What are people to do that need to flower early due to height reasons?

Btw, you seem to have taken my post negatively, but I'm just trying to learn as well.
Fair enough, I didn't intend to go off on you. Like I said, I have personal experience of this happening. Not documented, unfortunately, so it is up to you whether you take my word for it, since I don't have the motivation to back up what I say via extensive searching.

I can say that, out of 30 seeds from the same seedbank, i grew and flowered them in groups of 10. The first 10 were flowered too early, and resulted in 4/10 hermies. Everything else in the environment was spot on. The next 2 batches of 10 were flowered after preflowers had shown, and resulted in 0/20 hermies.

These were all from the same strain, ordered at the same time, from the same seedbank. No environmental factors were changed, other than a longer veg time to wait for preflowers/alternating nodes.

Maybe certain strains respond better than others to early flowering. I can only tell you what I know, and what I have seen others, who are more experienced than me, say about the subject.

As for me taking your post negatively, I didn't. I just assumed that you had neg repped me, since you were the only one who posted disagreement with what I said. I am sorry for assuming that it was you. It would be nice more people would do as you did, and post your disagreement, and the reason why they disagree, rather than hide behind the repping system.

Again, I apologise for the way you percieved my post.

To get back on track, my suggestion for people with height restrictions would be to either train the plant(s) to stay low until sex has shown, or grow from clone, since they can safely be flowered immediately upon rooting. Of course, this generally requires a veg room for mothers and clones, in addition to your flowering room.