

Active Member

I was rearranging my pots and just noticed one of my plants has what i'm pretty sure are male flowers. I've been flowering at 12/12 light for about 2-3 weeks now. All 6 plants originally showed lots of white pistils and so i assumed all were female. The one with the male flowers also have predominant female flowers.

Not all nodes have them but the ones that do have anywhere from 1 to 3. See pictures.

Is it a hermie? If so should i just kill it?

If this is a hermie could it have pollinated the other plants at this stage?



Well-Known Member

I was rearranging my pots and just noticed one of my plants has what i'm pretty sure are male flowers. I've been flowering at 12/12 light for about 2-3 weeks now. All 6 plants originally showed lots of white pistils and so i assumed all were female. The one with the male flowers also have predominant female flowers.

Not all nodes have them but the ones that do have anywhere from 1 to 3. See pictures.

Is it a hermie? If so should i just kill it?

If this is a hermie could it have pollinated the other plants at this stage?
Yes its a hermie! get rid of it before it turns your gallys male.
Dont think about it jus pull it out and put it into a plastic bag. Dont shake it too much either.


Active Member
Thanks for the response. I just went through all of them thruroughly and found another one will male flowers. i removed it also.

How soon into flowering can the males pollinate the females, in general? Should i be safe since i removed it at the second week? If not, how soon can i determine if my females have be pollinated?

also...i have clones of each of these plants. Should i kill the 2 clones from those two hermie plants? Does a hermie spawn a hermie? Thanks,


Well-Known Member
i just pulled a hermie too. :(. anyway, if the pollen sacks haven't opened (and you can tell by looking) then they haven't pollinated the females yet.

i would suggest not throwing them out as they have plenty of thc to make hash.

as for hermie spawning hermie, i've seen conflicting info. some people say hermie is caused by stress so genetics don't matter. others say genetics or genetics plus stress makes them hermie, so you wouldn't want to keep the clones. why don't you keep them going and find out. post the results


Active Member
Ok cool. i don't think the male flowers opened up yet judging by the few pictures i can find online. Can anyone look at my pictures and verify they look closed still?

as far as keeping them...I'm kinda paranoid about keeping male flowers around that could pollenate my females. I'll probably kill the spawns of those 2 plants as well since i'm looking for a good mother and tendency to grow balls isn't a particularly attractive factor in my decision on which one to keep :)

Also, does male pollen pollinate an individual bud at a time on the female...meaning if one flower will grow seeds will all buds on that same plant grow seeds or only if they all were pollinated individually? I'm guessing it's like sperm and babys so one baby per sperm but i'm not sure.


Well-Known Member

I was rearranging my pots and just noticed one of my plants has what i'm pretty sure are male flowers. I've been flowering at 12/12 light for about 2-3 weeks now. All 6 plants originally showed lots of white pistils and so i assumed all were female. The one with the male flowers also have predominant female flowers.

Not all nodes have them but the ones that do have anywhere from 1 to 3. See pictures.

Is it a hermie? If so should i just kill it?

If this is a hermie could it have pollinated the other plants at this stage?
Pics 1 & 2 definitely show male sex characteristics.

Eliminate the hermaphrodite immediately.

If the pods have not burst open, you should be fine. A male flower bursting pollen is unmistakable.

Good luck and good growing.


Active Member
i kept the clones of the 2 hermis going and sure enough both started to show male genitals along with the dominant female hairs. A little history...All of these plants went through severe nute burn early on and were all shriveled up. After they recovered and were growing nicely for a while, I cut a clone from each. I guess the hermie "gene" caused by stress was already part of the plant and passed down to their clones. Very interesting. I thought I'd add that part in case anyone wanted more of an experimental history on how a hermie can form. anyways, they're all killd now but I've still got some nice ladies blooming. Also, the 2 hermies were the only 2 plants that were from a BBW strain (blueberry, <something>, and white widow), the pure females were all from a northern lights strain.


i topped my plant cuz it was to, a hermie and i only found a male part on one of the branches. i then cut the infected branch off lol would tht help or was that a stupid idea


Active Member
WTF guys rly rip the Hermie out WTF i mean shit place it some were to finish out seed production!!!!!

LOL rip it out, thats like riping Jamie lee curtsies out of Halloween!!

And what about the male's i like to collect the pollen for cross breeding Hint cut off pollen banana sack's put them in a dime or 20 baggie and keep them for future use!! you'll think me!


Active Member
o Krob ya up to you but if your getting both sex organs its a hermie!! Woot bro bee stoked! lol well kinda but if your seeing balls u might what to get rid of him if hes around the ladies thats not good but if the male has good geneticist's! up to u about collecting pollen!


o Krob ya up to you but if your getting both sex organs its a hermie!! Woot bro bee stoked! lol well kinda but if your seeing balls u might what to get rid of him if hes around the ladies thats not good but if the male has good geneticist's! up to u about collecting pollen!
i proly shuld put it some were else if im going to keep it but its been one week since ive cut the branch off were i found the balls and have been scanning the plant everyday for any more of its kind...so far it appears to have worked only female parts are appearing.