Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

Just an observer:

But for the ~$35 for the pair, seems its cheaper then buying fem seeds.
(from the results seen so far)
That would be great.... BETTER YET A STUDY ON all plant an MJ HORMONES PERIOD ! But anything will do.......

Here's the link to the root hormone experiment thread,it kinda lost steam,i got interested in Ozone & started trying different applications of ozone & forgot about the hormone experiments after my test plants were harvested,i had some pretty good results getting the plant to grow massive colas.

I'll get back to the hormones as soon as the dutchmasters grows are finished,this time i have a few other things in mind to try with the hormones.

I spent some time in the grow op early this morning,the budding females that i put in close contact with the two different hermies are pollinated,i can see the seeds forming in the buds.

Im still not sure if the dutchmasters treatment on hermies will be a total flop though,i never cut off any of the pollen sacks on either hermie & they all were allowed to grow as fat as they could then disperse all their pollen,both hermies are covered in yellow & dying/dead pollen sacks that have spread their pollen,i'd bet there are 100 open pollen sacks between the two hermies,its gonna be a bitch cleaning & painting that room when the experiment is finished.Its a good thing i have another room because that room is loaded with pollen.

From my stand point & what ive done so far im calling the dutchmasters a total flop for treating hermies that produce pollen sacks early in the flowering cycle,the next step for me is to hope for a hermie that comes very late in budding from the plants i did not treat with anything,then put that plant alongside another female to see if i can stop the pollen sacks from growing or to kill the pollen in them before they rupture & disperse the pollen.

Ive killed the hermies as well as the test females that were newly seeded,the next step is to clean the room & apply a new coat of paint from floor to ceiling,as well as clean the lights & change them out for other lights that have not been exposed to pollen,this way i have a clean non pollinated room to test any hermies i find late in budding,there will be no pollen in this room before i test late blooming hermies in it.
Just an observer:

But for the ~$35 for the pair, seems its cheaper then buying fem seeds.
(from the results seen so far)

This part of the dutchmasters test has me confused asd hell,why & the hell would the product convert all plants to female from seed,then have a very high rate of early forming hermaphrodites ???

I dont know if this part is ever going to get solved.
i think everybody should give this man a round of applause :clap: for his time,money,and back breaking work,so that we could put this behind us.
and not that he needs it, but plus rep'em!!

now whats this i hear about hormones?

i don't feel so bad about dumping it down the drain now.:roll:
experiments ongoing:
1-Full bore hermie-test the effect so fmale flower knockdown, prevention of new male flowers, prevention of seeding-not looking good-ongoing
***UPDATE 1/9/09**she/her was harvested. Conclusions: zero effect on stopping production of male flowers-more and more continued to develop up until last day-there were full male flowers coming out of the newest calyxs or single male flowers-again plant dominantly female. She was sprayed halfway through flowering 3 times. I soaked the shit out of her. Will updated once manicured to see what else I can find
2-Clone of Full bore hermie-sprayed day 1 of flower and day 10-waiting
***UPDATE***this again is a clone of the above. So far, no male balls yet and they should be there based off of the parent. I did notice that there are several 'odd' shaped female flowers at the nodes on the main stem. Almost looks like it was a sac forming than stretched out the tip and curled to more resemble a female flower. No pistols out of these yet. Also noticed that on the nodes of the secondary branches where there should be a calyx next to the stipule, there is nothing. No calyx, no male or female flowers. Usually if there was a calyx it would be male or female flower on this plant, but again nothing. Doesnt look like there will be any either but will continue to check. Looks promising.
3-Jumbo known to spit out male balls-sprayed day 3 of flowering-used diluted solution erronously-so far males balls have doubled
***UPDATE***found a couple more sacs but nothing crazy. This is usually the time the sacs stop forming for this strain. The male flowers only during first several weeks of flowering while the stretching is going on. Will continue to monitor but so far am concluding that test failed-again-sprayed with diluted solution against instructions.
4-Clone of jumbo sprayed at day 3 of flower with correct dilution-waiting
***UPDATE 1/9/9*** so far so good, all pistillate formation, no staminate. will continue to check, but still may be early.
5-Twins-still in veg-week 4 ish-going to premeptive spray-veg for another week, spray again, flower-10 days spray again-
panhead, here is another clip I found regarding chems and sex:
If a trait is needed for development of a dioecious strain it might first be discovered in a monoecious strain and then fixed through selfing and selecting homozygous offspring. Dioecious individuals can then be selected from the monoecious population and these individuals crossed to breed out monoecism in subsequent generations.
Galoch (1978) indicated that gibberellic acid (GA3) promoted stamen production while indoleacetic acid (IAA), ethrel, and kinetin promoted pistil production in prefloral dioecious Cannabis. Sex alteration has several useful appli- cations. Most importantly, if only one parent expressing a desirable trait can be found, it is difficult to perform a cross unless it happens to be a hermaphrodite plant. Hor- mones might be used to change the sex of a cutting from the desirable plant, and this cutting used to mate with it. This is most easily accomplished by changing a pistillate cutting to a staminate (pollen) parent, using a spray of 100 ppm gibberellic acid in water each day for five consecutive days. Within two weeks staminate flowers may appear. Pollen can then be collected for selfing with the original pistillate parent. Offspring from the cross should also be mostly pistillate since the breeder is selfing for pistillate sexuality. Staminate parents reversed to pistillate floral production make inferior seed-parents since few pistillate flowers and seeds are formed.
**Update** still no signs of sac, balls or male parts on all those who were sprayed, even the full bore hermie clone-growth seems a little slow, but could be b/c of temps.
hey panhead, Im thinking the shit works if you spray em early enough. naught a ball in sight. I do see some nodes that are 'missing' calyx's and still some oddly shaped pistols. will continue to monitor.

wondering if you have a new expirement to work on. tell me what you need me to do.
it actually just sterilizes male pollen it doesnt stop males from happening

come on bro, dont come on here without reading the entire thread and post something that you have not backed up at all. and if you bothered to read through the reasearch done so far, it seems to actually NOT sterilize the male pollen. damn, panhead's results are even on this page. and again, you are wrong, it is def turning out to be preventing males-read through the posts.:clap:
it actually just sterilizes male pollen it doesnt stop males from happening

While im still unsure weather the reverse is a total flop or not i am sure that neither the reverse or penetrator kills or stops male pollen,i sprayed my hermies before they had a chance to release any pollen,i also sprayed them directly on the pollen sacks,the pollen was still as active as ever & heavily pollinated the female plants i put near them.

Reverse dose not kill pollen,ive proven that.
come on bro, dont come on here without reading the entire thread and post something that you have not backed up at all. and if you bothered to read through the reasearch done so far, it seems to actually NOT sterilize the male pollen. damn, panhead's results are even on this page. and again, you are wrong, it is def turning out to be preventing males-read through the posts.:clap:

Not many people read these threads,the posts are too long for them & the threads to long,maybe if the thread had all one line posts with a few lol's thrown it people would read the whole thing :lol:
hey panhead, Im thinking the shit works if you spray em early enough. naught a ball in sight. I do see some nodes that are 'missing' calyx's and still some oddly shaped pistols. will continue to monitor.

wondering if you have a new expirement to work on. tell me what you need me to do.

Ive been monitoring my plants growth through the bud cycle & the reverse/penetrator combo for sure did something to the plants before sex was chosen at the start of 12/12,there is no other explaination for my 100% female ratio,its too big to just be luck.

The reverse did nothing to stop the 2 hermies that i got & their pollen was very viable which contaminated the females i put near them.

Im hoping like hell that i get a late blooming hermie out of one of these plants to test it again,my whole intent was to stop late flowering hermies from pollinating the rest of the group without having to cull them,hopefully this can still be proven.

The whole "gibberellic acid" paragraph you quoted is enteresting as hell,its something we messed with in an experiment of fdd's last year,ive done quite a bit of reading & research on that chemical durring that experiment,this is where my interest lies, the gibberellic acid & the indole-3 butyric acid seem to hold the most promise to force certian circumstances within the plant,more so than anything else ive read up on,i'd also like to experiment with colloidal silver seeing as i have about a quart of the stuff just sitting in a closet looking all lonesome.

I would like to try the indole-3 on a full blown hermie & see what it does,if i get a few more hermies late in bud like i usually do i'll be setting one aside to foliar feed heavy doses of the acid & save the others for the dutchmasters.
panhead;1935148 The whole "gibberellic acid" paragraph you quoted is enteresting as hell said:
I keep trying to get a male ( 6 for 6 so far females) Just got in a bunch of seeds. But kinda thinking the gibberellic acid/colloidal silver heavily at germ seedling stage, see if it can force male over hermie at that stage.

Another reason why people don't read through the big threads is that, typically, shortly after page one its now about football (changes direction)
I keep trying to get a male ( 6 for 6 so far females) Just got in a bunch of seeds. But kinda thinking the gibberellic acid/colloidal silver heavily at germ seedling stage, see if it can force male over hermie at that stage.

Another reason why people don't read through the big threads is that, typically, shortly after page one its now about football (changes direction)

This is true,truthfully i figured this one woulda been derailed long ago,must have been borring right from the start :eyesmoke:

The collidal silver will be on my short list of things to mess around with,ive got some KC Brains seeds floating around that i might try it out on pretty soon.
ive used the shit before and had males drop pollen ... the pollen was sterile. the reason i know this is because i did an outdoor grow with 30 plants 9 were males and i had no seed production on my females
ive used the shit before and had males drop pollen ... the pollen was sterile. the reason i know this is because i did an outdoor grow with 30 plants 9 were males and i had no seed production on my females

see that's better. panhead put a lot into this thread here and deserves some more info to such casual statements. ur experience is more than welcome, as this was the primary designation of this thread.
sounds to me like you had some success. Im sure panhead will chime in with the questions. see we experimented on hermies not full males, so this is a very interesting point about reverse having ZERO effect on Existing hermies.

as for me, I am becoming more and more positive of some things about reverse:
1-if you have a mostly hermie plant, if you spray after the male flowers have formed, nothing, and I mean nothing happens. Pollen still vitale, male flowers keep popping out, seed production continued.-see Full Bore Hermie
2-if you spray early enough on this particular hermie,-see Hermie Clone- like last week veg AND first week flower, than the effect is phenomenal-zero male flowers
3-if you have a mostly female and 'intersexed', mainly all female flowers and 10-20 sacs at the internodes, and you spray too late into flowering, even before bud formation, you will INCREASE the hermi tendencies.
***UPDATE** on:
3-Jumbo known to spit out male balls-sprayed day 3 of flowering-used diluted solution erronously-so far males balls have doubled.
1/18/90-shit, male flowering at the internodes and seated directly behind the bud at the node, continued on same path as before-many, many more. 1st time we plucked about 30. second time about 40, and now the third time, week 4 flower, another 30. I know for sure that this strain has not exhibited anything remotely severe as from when sprayed with a diluted solution and too late into flowering even though only week 1. they need this on the bottle:
WARNING-spraying with a diluted solution will INCREASE the male tendencies. Even though they have a warning label on the bottle,lol
WARNING-this spray has zero effect on hermie already into bloom, will not stop seed production and will continue to spit out males sacs for you to suck on.

hey panhead, question for ya...I know that water is effective at sterilising male pollen, did you spray your heries when they had male flowers or before? if while, than why the hell wouldnt it sterilise the pollen?