experiments ongoing:
1-Full bore hermie-test the effect so fmale flower knockdown, prevention of new male flowers, prevention of seeding-not looking good-ongoing
***UPDATE 1/9/09**she/her was harvested. Conclusions: zero effect on stopping production of male flowers-more and more continued to develop up until last day-there were full male flowers coming out of the newest calyxs or single male flowers-again plant dominantly female. She was sprayed halfway through flowering 3 times. I soaked the shit out of her. Will updated once manicured to see what else I can find
2-Clone of Full bore hermie-sprayed day 1 of flower and day 10-waiting
***UPDATE***this again is a clone of the above. So far, no male balls yet and they should be there based off of the parent. I did notice that there are several 'odd' shaped female flowers at the nodes on the main stem. Almost looks like it was a sac forming than stretched out the tip and curled to more resemble a female flower. No pistols out of these yet. Also noticed that on the nodes of the secondary branches where there should be a calyx next to the stipule, there is nothing. No calyx, no male or female flowers. Usually if there was a calyx it would be male or female flower on this plant, but again nothing. Doesnt look like there will be any either but will continue to check. Looks promising.
3-Jumbo known to spit out male balls-sprayed day 3 of flowering-used diluted solution erronously-so far males balls have doubled
***UPDATE***found a couple more sacs but nothing crazy. This is usually the time the sacs stop forming for this strain. The male flowers only during first several weeks of flowering while the stretching is going on. Will continue to monitor but so far am concluding that test failed-again-sprayed with diluted solution against instructions.
4-Clone of jumbo sprayed at day 3 of flower with correct dilution-waiting
***UPDATE 1/9/9*** so far so good, all pistillate formation, no staminate. will continue to check, but still may be early.
5-Twins-still in veg-week 4 ish-going to premeptive spray-veg for another week, spray again, flower-10 days spray again-
panhead, here is another clip I found regarding chems and sex:
If a trait is needed for development of a dioecious strain it might first be discovered in a monoecious strain and then fixed through selfing and selecting homozygous offspring. Dioecious individuals can then be selected from the monoecious population and these individuals crossed to breed out monoecism in subsequent generations.
Galoch (197

indicated that gibberellic acid (GA3) promoted stamen production while indoleacetic acid (IAA), ethrel, and kinetin promoted pistil production in prefloral dioecious Cannabis. Sex alteration has several useful appli- cations. Most importantly, if only one parent expressing a desirable trait can be found, it is difficult to perform a cross unless it happens to be a hermaphrodite plant. Hor- mones might be used to change the sex of a cutting from the desirable plant, and this cutting used to mate with it. This is most easily accomplished by changing a pistillate cutting to a staminate (pollen) parent, using a spray of 100 ppm gibberellic acid in water each day for five consecutive days. Within two weeks staminate flowers may appear. Pollen can then be collected for selfing with the original pistillate parent. Offspring from the cross should also be mostly pistillate since the breeder is selfing for pistillate sexuality. Staminate parents reversed to pistillate floral production make inferior seed-parents since few pistillate flowers and seeds are formed.