Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

Hey carcass, the ladies (hopefully) are looking good! Topping and LST are two techniques that a lot of people use to help with size, and potentially, yield.

Topping is where you cut the top growth from the main stalk, thus forcing the plant to grow two main stalks (colas) where the majority of the final weight in bud, and usually the most dense bud forms. In the attached pic, note how the main stalk has been cut and is now two larger stalks. The effect of this technique varies from strain to strain, and in some cases is required in order to achieve maximum yield (blueberry comes to mind). Some strains respond less favorably. Another effect of this is it helps lateral growth significantly. This causes shorter, bushier plants. The latter is the reason I topped my plants in my grow.

LST is known as Low Stress Training. It is used to keep vertical size down and promote more side growth which then begins growing upwards to the light. See this post for more info on how to LST.

There you go, Carcass.

Zonyc has explained LST and topping. Thank you, Zonyc.

With topping I usually like to try for a FIM ( Fuck I Missed ) which doesn't necessarily destroy the main central growth -- it just sort of stunts it while the rest catches up.

With topping I usually like to try for a FIM ( Fuck I Missed ) which doesn't necessarily destroy the main central growth -- it just sort of stunts it while the rest catches up.

What do u mean by FIM man, i didnt get u ...

And one more thing, is it true that if i LST, i'm gonna have 2 colas, but they'd be less bushier than the one cola which i can get if i dont LST?

Does it really increase yeild?
UPDATE : I had given the plants a strong dose of NPK, amazingly, my Kerela Gold has grown to 7 Inches... FUCK!! and My other Himalayans have grown drastically as well... my "Mutant" Bagseed is looking better too :)

Pics tomorrow man, im too sleepy now :)

And yeah, Zonyc, thanks for the info man, helped me like shit :)
I'll LST on em after i transplant next week i guess :)
all looks good although if this truly is a stealth grow and you are worried about ppl finding out you might wanna take care of the light leak that was shown in one of the first pics other then that Good Luck
all looks good although if this truly is a stealth grow and you are worried about ppl finding out you might wanna take care of the light leak that was shown in one of the first pics other then that Good Luck

Hey dankman, hw r u doing? :)

I know the light leak is going to be an issue....I'm going to fix it by next week as im planning to add a sugar yeast CO2 generator... so, i might have to air tight the cab. Also, when i switch to 12/12, i cant have any leaks in the cab....I'll cover all the leaks in a weeks time.. Man, lots of work to do... Cover leaks, Change light settings, Transplant, get 6 42 watters.... fuck, all this needs atleast a week's time :)
What do u mean by FIM man, i didnt get u ...

And one more thing, is it true that if i LST, i'm gonna have 2 colas, but they'd be less bushier than the one cola which i can get if i dont LST?

Does it really increase yeild?

No thats not true. LST does not affect the colas per say. With topping you would get 2 or more colas, and depending on the strain you would have as much bud as you would have had with one cola, or possibly much more. The FIM technique is similar to topping, it stand for "fuck I missed" and was named after some guy tried to top his plant but missed.

With FIM you leave some of the growth intact and cut above the new growth, leaving some of the old growth. This causes 4 or more tops to grow, however, what's really happening is that you're getting the two new growths as normal, but apear to have more due to the old growth still being there.

For LST the sooner you start the better. When the stalks are thinner and more pliable, they are more condusive to bending.

Lookin forward to the pics man!
^^^ Hey thanks a lot man....

Okay, I'll LST in like 2 days after like atleast 3 out of my 6 plants have 6 nodes each.. :)

Pics coming uip in like an hour's time, i got to make breakfast now :)
Okay here goes...

My plants seem to be loving the increased dosage of NPK and are growing real fast... they might need a new pot soon enough :)

Heres what my Kerela Gold looks like @ week 4


My favourite Himalayan babe has grow too :)

This is plant was planted in a big pot...and ur Favourite, Kush Over :).. I have had No probs whatsoever with this plant, be it Yellowing or mentaining..

My almost dead "Mutant" bagsaad has recovered really well and is showing new growth pretty fast... I hope its a female.. :)

Heres my other Himalayan Babe... its got huge fan leaves.. :)


And now for my skinny himalayan..... I dunno whats causing the yellowing of leaves... any suggestions?



I dunno, i thnk its Calcium defficiensy... i may be wrong though..
Okay I have a question on LST... I was thnking of cutting my plant today... but i got confused... where exactly do i cut my plant?
Okay I have a question on LST... I was thnking of cutting my plant today... but i got confused... where exactly do i cut my plant?

With LST you do not cut your plant anywhere. That would be topping or fim. For topping you follow the main stem all the way up and cut beneath the newest growth. For LST You just tie the stem down like in the link I posted above.
With LST you do not cut your plant anywhere. That would be topping or fim. For topping you follow the main stem all the way up and cut beneath the newest growth. For LST You just tie the stem down like in the link I posted above.

Ohhh...okay, I got it now, thanks :)
yo dude ur lights will be like 75% more effective on their sides and ull saave a bit of room, theres always ways to rig sumthin up
yo dude ur lights will be like 75% more effective on their sides and ull saave a bit of room, theres always ways to rig sumthin up

Yeah dude, i know... Im completely Changing the Light Setup for my grow cab this week, surely.... :)

Thanks for the bit of info anyways :)
Nice man, when do we get to see the pics of the newly topped/lst plants? Its amazing how they look once you have two two tops. Adding LST to the mix means tonnes of side branch growth! I think once your light are changed up a bit you'll see some nice growth!
Yeah dude, i cant wait to see my plants show growth after they have been tied up.. :)

Im waiting for the setup change myself man... hope for the best :)
Ahh, btw, u get to see the pics in like a few hours... i've got my Chemistry exam now :|

Looking forward to it. You'll notice a big difference with the LST and the change in light position. Plus it's fun to watch them branch. Just remember to keep tying down the branches that try to grow beyond the others; keep it all managed and the budding locations will get better -- even -- light distribution.

Good luck on the exam, too.
Man, Today my friend got me a bud of some good Kerela Gold... Fuck, i just smoked a joint and im sooo fucking Baked.. :|
Now stoned, i decided to post the pics of my plants after I have topped some and LSTed some ... and i experimented with FIM on one plant :P

I noticed the other branches overgrow already... i got some real green bud sites :p :p
Okay, i used some earphone wires to tie them down... :) And.. the yellowing of leaves has stopped completely... I now feed the plants with a strong dose of NPK every 2 days...and they seem to be loving it.... This weekend i need to go get some big pots for transplanting my plants.... My Kerela Gold seems to be showing pre-flowers... bt man, i dunno, i thnks it may be male pre flowers :( Or possibly its not pre flower after all :D Its too small so i cudnt take pics of that.....

Soo, here goes...
This is my Kerela Gold... I Tied it and Topped it as well :p.. lets see how it goes..

Ohk Fuck okay, I just saw my own pics and i cud see the Pre Flowers in em clearly.... Take a look... this is on the top-most branches..

fuck, i just hope its no male :(

Anyways, other LSTed plants...





Topped some as well :)


Experimented on FIM... Lets see if i did it right or not :p

So, what do u think guys?.... I go smoke one more Joint of that Godly Kerela Gold :p