Male or female.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I've had some preflowers growing over the last few days. No WHITE pistils yet. But this one looked I don't know ..

Here is a pic of it on the plant.

I got impatient and cut it off :fire:

Can anybody tell if this is male or female, I don't exactly see a sac, but i don't exactly see a white pistil... close up its green

well anyway look at the pics and give me some input please. and thank you.



Well-Known Member
This is from The Plant on the Right which is a Power Skunk Freebee from Attitude.
4 weeks old

(Plant on the left is New York Deisel X Ak47)



Active Member
that does not look like a pod that looks like new growth....would not have cut but don't think it will hurt it either....good lock on the rest!


Well-Known Member
that does not look like a pod that looks like new growth....would not have cut but don't think it will hurt it either....good lock on the rest!
Yea thats the part that confused me it does look like new growth, but From what i've read and seen here, Pistils wouldn't shoot out of that just pods.

I mean I definately know it isn't just new growth. Look at Pic 1. I have the fan leaf, the new growth, and then this little thingamajig


Well-Known Member
rofl u see those things that look like horns? those are the pre flowers they only exttend like that when put under 12/12 lighting so where u see that pod u should either see a nut or a little white pube pokin out in a day or so ull have to look very very close,


Well-Known Member
ya that doent look like a male sack
would of left alone and waited a little longer
if was new growth say bye bye to it :0(


Well-Known Member
I definately know it isn't just new growth. Look at Pic 1. I have the fan leaf, the new growth, and then this little thingamajig


Well-Known Member
Ya not too sure on that either, dont cut anything off of your plants, including fan leaves! I went crazy when i pruned on my first grow and it made my yield alot smaller than what it prolly should have been still got 2 OZ but still not near as much as i could have gotten off of 4 plants! Dont TRIM sHIT OFF!! If anything TUCK IT BEHIND ANOTHER LEAF or tie it down. and as far as preflowers go, either you will have a male or a female and until you see those white pistils or pollen sacks and can tell the difference between the 2, dont do anything, cuz you have quite some time before the male is harmful to your females (as far as pollinating and seeding the fuck outta your crop)


Well-Known Member
ok, well I did pull it out of my cabinet, had it sitting next to the garbage pail ....

But then I came to my senses and put it back in figured i didn't wait a month just to ditch it while not being completely sure.

Thanks for the replys if theres anything new tomorrow evening i'll post back


Well-Known Member
That is a girl congrats!!! Let me know if im wrong but im pretty damn sure!!!!!
Well So far 6 days later, I'm still not seeing any white pistils off of this one.
Just looks like others stated new growth .. like little fingers popping out.

But My other Plant the New York 47 Feminised. Finally showed her pistils.
Very 1st set, only place they have poped so far.

Here are a few pictures of them Sorry no closeups on the origional plant in question. But I'll get a few up in a little while.

:EdiT: Sorry for those who cannot see, I could not get any closer/clearer. But If you look carely You can see 1 of the 2 pistils popping out in the 4 th picture.

