Yea whenever. But if ur not going to clone it chop it now haha Wish i could do it for ya.
Good advice!this is where i would topp if i were u sicc,bc its going to be a nice thick base to support the weight of the limbs.
just my 2c
aight i'll do that tommorrow, haha i kno last time i ws going but i wanted them a lil bigger, the smaller ones are too fat behind, and the White Rhino is a jus a big, good lookin outtop the big one tomar,and wait a few days to top the smaller ones.
the smaller ones most likely will remain a little slower than the bigger one throughout its life cycle
hahah yea, im always gettin seeds, im like a damn seed bankDamn that kinda made me hungry haha Yea im to be lookin into something else soon.
sounds right i forgot you were using the AG so first thought was you just watered that shit happens in soil but it shouldnt in hydro... so i guess the cure is an airstonethrow a airstone in that resevoir
thats not untill mondaythrow a airstone in that resevoir