Fan Leaf Stems Splitting ?


Active Member
Apologies for no photos-
I'm about 3 weeks into flower and my bigger fan leaf stems are splitting lengthwise, at worst about halfway through.
Anyone heard of this?
Should i worry?


Active Member
it's as if the center of the stem is hollow (maybe it is, not sure), and starting at the top, from leaf to the main stem, it splits open at the top, like a banana peel sort of.
it's getting worse...

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
is it the very bottom shade leaves?

if it is then there probably just dieing off in a strange way,usually they turn yellow and fall off,maybey your strain is like trying to live and die,so they tear

i have never herd of a deficentcy that causes the leaves to split,so it might be a defect of that perticular strain.


Active Member
must be. it's not bottom leaves, mainly just the biggest ones.
the other plant is doing fine, but it was basically bagseed so who knows what they are.
it's still budding out nicely though..


Active Member
must be. it's not bottom leaves, mainly just the biggest ones.
the other plant is doing fine, but it was basically bagseed so who knows what they are.
it's still budding out nicely though..

I have the same thing going on with a couple of my white widows 2 weeks into flowering. Leaves are still healthy though. My guess is that I had to prune them hard right before flowering so I may have stressed them out. If they grow buds on them then no worries.


New Member
I have either the same or similar problem pictures can be taken if this thread is active I do not know the cause but doesn't seem to be affecting the grow however out of the 2 seeds both the same it only happened on the one I cut the top off and it also had heat stress but has been fine since the heat stress problem was solved and the mutated leaves were removed in the first instance. These came later was wondering if it could be from Chems not adding up to its natural growing cycle as it was a slow bloomer and is playing catch up really well thinking it could be forcing it to hard. If pictures are required I will post