Understanding your Experiences


Well-Known Member
A Seperate Reality

How to make the most of your hallucinogenic experiences

I would like to start a thread in which people can share the various ways that they prepare, enjoy, understand, explore, and document their hallucinogenic experiences, to better my own understanding of the undeniable power that these different substances have. I want to understand more about how you use these drugs as a means to an end, rather then the end itself.

I am hoping that you psychonauts could share insight in how you delve deeper into your hallucinogenic world rather than watching the sights dance on the surface. Maybe you have a "ritual," you could say, for preparation or maybe a certain mediation strategy you use when you are peaking. I am hoping that by amassing different ideas on how to access the power before you, we can all benefit from the different ways to enjoy and understand a trip. And in the end I'm not asking for any elaborate "schemes" or anything, but I'm just looking for anything that you specifically do to enjoy/understand your trip.

I will be posting my thoughts shortly on my methods. I hope in the end that this could maybe become an asset to those of us that would like understand more of the world you stumble into everytime you take a hit of LSD or ingest some mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't posted anything yet, but I'm surely surprised. No one has anything to comment? You guys just casually take hallucinogenics and search nothing out from them? It's just another substance to get high from is that all? Sure they can be done just for fun, but I wouldn't always associate the feelings that shrooms gives me for example as fun or carefree.


Well-Known Member
It makes me sad that no one uses these tools (shrooms, acid, etc), as tools to become a man of knowledge. I guess that's a reflection of our society. Why work for something, when you can A) remain ignorant or B) be lazy and hope someone else does the work for you. Pitiful.


Well-Known Member
each time i take shrooms, it prepares me for the next, and only in my mind can i explain that. i love being my own best friend and mushies has taught me how to do that

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
It makes me sad that no one uses these tools (shrooms, acid, etc), as tools to become a man of knowledge. I guess that's a reflection of our society. Why work for something, when you can A) remain ignorant or B) be lazy and hope someone else does the work for you. Pitiful.

i totally agree man more people should seek wisdom outside the superficial world around us, but some people i guess no matter what will still seek ignorance, as the old adage goes ignorance is bliss. At least the enlightened few
can help pave the way for new avenues of thought and personal discovery.


Active Member
i totally agree man more people should seek wisdom outside the superficial world around us, but some people i guess no matter what will still seek ignorance, as the old adage goes ignorance is bliss. At least the enlightened few
can help pave the way for new avenues of thought and personal discovery.
I cannot often verbalize the experiences of many of my trips. I have nearly always ended a trip alone in a room, meditating on life. I have even, occassion, spent an entire trip in deep thought, pondering the meaning of life, ways to better humanity, etc. I have come to realize that the only way to evolve as a people is for everyone to be on the same page. Everyone knows that peace and love stems from understanding. I have concluded that through this deep level of understanding, I wish harm on no one. I have been wronged many times, by people I love and care for. I have just as much wronged them. Yet I know that I am capable of the most forgiveness imaginable, because if I choose forgiveness, I can move on. I have felt SOOO alone since I have come to these realizations, maybe because I have felt the need to talk to someone about them, but I am progressing from that to knowing that old adage is true: Ingnorance really is bliss. If I had got spun and only went to concerts and watched movies and had sex and played video games... well, hell... I would've had a much more fun time, and I wouldn't had stumbled across these epic truths. I always wondered what many of these proverbs on how to live meant, but SHARING EXPERIENCES HONESTLY AND OPENLY with everyone and anyone can bring us to a higher level of being. Sadly, most people that I have met don't share my desire for betterment. People put up boundaries. Its really simple. If someone aproaches you, and you don't have an interest in what they're talking about, you'll probably say "he/she's weird/uninteresting/etc.". Hey, first impressions last a lifetime. Those boundaries are safe. I mean, you hear stories of people going nuts all the time. That creates fear. No one wants to hear that they're afraid because we are taught to be strong independent people. Independence does not mean "I don't need nobody, blah, blah, blah". Independence means I survive without MONETARY support. All humans NEED EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TO FUNCTION WHOLLY. People do take advantage of this, and manipulate others, but this is less common than many people seem to think. Think about most of the people you don't like. How well do you really know them? Judgement hurts society, because that girl puking on the dancefloor, or that guy picking a fight outside the club could be the person that decides if you get that job you really want, or is a whiz at calculus and could be a mentor to you before your final. Chances are, if that person approached you that night, you won't bother dealing with them. Who does that really hurt? A response would be really nice, because trying to explain this to people and getting a blank stare as a response... well... it really left me feeling depressed for a while. I'm over that now, I think, because most people just won't ever get it. Chances are, if you're interested in reading this, you've come to these realizations, at least on some level. My fiancee', however, I'd rather not try explaining it to her again (she soes not use), because it can leave you feeling lonely that you know something this important, but I will do my best for my world by teaching these principle to my daughter. In the meantime, lets try and enjoy this life as best we can. Peace.


Well-Known Member
For sure dude well said. I am glad that there are others out that seek to become a man of knowledge. For there are four great enemies on the path of knowledge and man may only defeat them for sometime: fear, clarity, power and old age. And as you say, being a man of knowledge is a temporal thing; it is nothing that remains forever but is sought after by the pure of heart. Do not feel alone.

Bagheera that was amazingly put my friend. When tools like these are put to use by people that have the skillset to understand them, they are truly a powerful thing. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

I'm going to post some of mine as soon as I stop feeling so drunk :p


Active Member
maaan thats the truth right there!!! u know strangely enough it was only when i was bad triping i realized all this.. and the power of these substances!