My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
Still got the 9 leave 1 ic,they look great.I like 12 with the 9 leaves,what strain is it im sry if youve already said but i look at a butload of ppls pics.Gonna be a jungle in there in a month,A Jungle of Buds.Very well done my Friend.


Well-Known Member
Still got the 9 leave 1 ic,they look great.I like 12 with the 9 leaves,what strain is it im sry if youve already said but i look at a butload of ppls pics.Gonna be a jungle in there in a month,A Jungle of Buds.Very well done my Friend.
All the plants flowering are from bagseed, don't know the strain. The only name brand ones i have are the WW and PPP that are vegging.

Check out the latest conversation w/ nirvana:

I wrote a few days ago:
Right i got that the last five times, but i don't know how to send bank transfer, and never send cash in the mail, so unless your website somehow comes back up, and not down for maitenence, i would be able to use your legal credit card processing on the website. I've never heard of a business online that doesn't accept Paypal, unless it's a illegitimate one. Would you not also be in trouble for shipping the seeds to me since i live in USA and you are not legally allowed to ship things like this to me, unless it's a shady business. Unless i pay online on your website with credit card, i can't send the money, so i don't know what else to do. But i don't apreciate threatining emails telling me to pay or else you'll report me, how does that help your reputation? Trust me my opinion of your business is already made and it's not a good one.
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On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Nirvana Support - Alice <[email protected]> wrote:

Hallo ,
Sorry not to answer you directly. We are angry because we send you your order, your money is gone and it costs us extra money and a bad reputation by the credit company!
You can fix is by making a bank transfer or cash:
Send Cash
Send your cash to the following address:
Nirvana Shop gone
Postbus 201
2180 AE Hillegom
The Netherlands
Bank Transfer
Transfer the amount to the following:
Bankname: Postbank
Accountnumber: 1713527
IBAN: NL92PSTB0001713527
Please don't forget to include your Nirvana ORDER number!

Gosia | Nirvana

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Nirvana Support - 3:54 AM (9 hours ago)
Nirvana Support - Alice to me

First of all it is legal in Holland what we do but not in US for you to order such a things - but your are American so you have to know your own law, don't you? Anyway, you have order your staff and received so you have to pay for it otherwise it is stealing - and that is also illegal!
If you only can pay with credit card please make a new account on our site and make a new order than the payment will be for the charge back.
Please send me a e-mail if you do.
Thanks a lot and please do not wait to long!
Thanks a lot
Nirvana-shop support
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Gosia | Nirvana
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to Nirvana
show details 1:24 PM (17 minutes ago) Reply

Actually, i do know my law in my country, since i am a graduated criminal justice major, it is illegal for you to ship these items to the USA which is why you have to use stealth shipping to ship your items to my country. I don't need to be in a pissing match with you people, i can be nice and repay for something that wasn't my fault, or tell you to go fuck off. simple as that. Would you like your money? I would go to your stupid site to pay again, but like i have mentioned five times, your site tells me it is down for maitenence. So how do i pay? Yet again, do you want your money or not.Fix the site and i can pay you, otherwise it's not looking good. Besides I thought you were gonna call my local authorities if i din't pay in 14 days?LOL!!!! You guys are a joke!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Ok, here is my sweet baby girl..plant #2 (Lucy#2)!!

This one like cryptonite is 4 straight up tops, nothing else, but fan leaves and bud spots, with a nice one on top of all four!!!
I love this one, it sits directly under/beside the 2 400 watt MH, about 16-18" away, with fan blowing. Hope ya' like the pics of her,yes i was trigger happy!!Lol!! Pics 1-7...

Pics 8-11 are plant #7(no name)
A short thin plant but it was flowered a little early to make room in vegg for WW and PPP.

And finally pics. 12-18 are plant #6, a short but stout plant. Alot of budding going on on this one....

Sorry for being so long, and lots of pics, but i like the pics part about growing!
So what do ya' guys think of the girls?
Looking really good. I just posted some update pics of mine. Should be on page 5 or 6. Check it out. But yeah, your babies are looking great.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys went to the farm last night, and took some shots of the big ones and their beauty!!LOL!!!:weed:

Pics 1-4 are Cryptonite (plant #4):
Pic 2 shows a leaf with some burn marks, it was too close to lights one day this week. Problem solved by moving away from light!LOL!!!:clap:

Pics 5-8 are plant #6 (no name):
So damn pretty i couldn't not take pics of this one!:oLook at that cluster on the middle of the plant!!!:weed:



Well-Known Member
Pics 1-8 are Lucy #2
Some of the close ups of tops look as though they are changing colors already.
Could this be? Or is it another sign of this plant also being too close to the light?
It only is happening on the tops not the middle ones, one pic is of lower spots, not burnt.



Well-Known Member
Here is plant #5 in pics 1-5:

She was tall, real tall!!
Looks good , but running out of height, so i tied her down a ilttle with pipe cleaners. What do ya' think of this baby?:-P

Pics 6-7 are the goodies i picked up today:
Ph down to help my ph problem with something better than lemon juice. That sucks by the way, it only lowers PH in soil for like a day tops!!!:wall:

Got the net cups and prop plugs to do a litlle jorge clone dome. I'll get pics when it is runnning.

Let me know what you guys think!!!!:weed: Thanks Guys!!!



Well-Known Member
i just saw the thread and was wondering how many weeks from seed is this?
Well, plants 2 and 4 areabout 10-11 weeks old total. They were grown from seed and vegged for 6-7 weeks, and are now in 4th week of flower. The other s are all a little younger, by about two weeks.
Any questions, let me know! I'll be back shortly.


Well-Known Member
Arlright Lilmafia.....

I am clapping my hands...Bravo, You came along way huh? From a new grower to someone producing some fine crops.

Mine are going good. One is starting to show sex. Still not sure what it is though. Just posted some new pics of my youngest...She (I HOPE) is a beauty


Well-Known Member
The couple of withered pistils I noticed are almost positively just a bit heat stressed IMO.. If you've raised your light already then there isn't much else to do..
No complaints from me..


Well-Known Member
Looking good lilmaf!:-o
Same to you beech, i had a look at your pics today too. Thinks are looking nice. Your lil' BB looks like my lil' PPP. One that was a lilttle slower than the other.
You were right, it is gonna be a jungle in there soon!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
The couple of withered pistils I noticed are almost positively just a bit heat stressed IMO.. If you've raised your light already then there isn't much else to do..
No complaints from me..
That's what i figured, it was the lights. Where ya been born? It's been awhile!! Thanks man!
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